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Club & Organization Policies & Procedures Spring 2005.

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1 Club & Organization Policies & Procedures Spring 2005

2 CFB and JCB Members CFBCo-chairs: Mark Osborne Kelly Ziegler Treasurers Brian Cihacek Erin Zrust Club Auditors Charlie McCarron Ryan Majerus Chris Van Guilder Danielle Epps Heather Hampton Kathleen Fitzgerald AdvisorJCBCo-chairs: Abby Johnstone Jordan Hafiz Members: Heather Hampton Andy Dirksen Megan Peterson Josh Robinson Angela Minke Advisor Angelica Hambrick

3 NEW Club & Organization Grading System  Round 1  Follow the CFB guidelines  Round 2  Apply JCB and CFB grading system  Round 3  Balancing the budget used on a case to case basis, depending on amount left to cut.

4 Round 1 The student activity fee is designed for student clubs/organizations and events that add to the community at CSB/SJU through co- curricular and educational activities. The Co-Funding Board will only consider proposals as a board if the activity/event is open to students of both campuses. The Co-Funding Board will not allocate funds for monetary donations to organizations.

5  The CFB may fund:  Up to 2/3 of the cost to rent a university van/car for the use of a student group.  Up to 2/3 of the cost of fueling the university van/car for the duration of the trip.  Up to 2/3 of the cost of other modes of transportation in situations where it is deemed cost-effective by the board.  Up to 2/3 of the cost of lodging/hotel fees for club affiliated attendees of approved conventions/conferences. Travel Expenses

6 Registration Fees  The CFB may fund:  Registration fees to approved conventions/conferences in the amount of up to $300.00 per person, not to exceed $1,800.00 per event.  Any group requesting funds to cover registration fees must present a registration form in their funding proposal to be considered.

7 Food  The CFB may fund:  The reasonable cost of food/refreshments for one meeting per semester of an academic year.  The reasonable cost of food/refreshments at group sponsored events (such as speakers, etc.) on a case-by-case basis.

8 Round 2 Grading System

9 CFB Grading System  Reabsorptions  the percent reabsorbed from the total amount allocated to a club. PercentScore PercentScore 0 – 5% 4 0 – 5% 4 6 – 10% 3 6 – 10% 3 11 – 15% 2 11 – 15% 2 16 – 20% 1 16 – 20% 1 21% + 0 21% + 0

10 CFB Grading System  Audits  Turned in monthly  Due Dates  February 15th  March 15 th  April 15 th  May 6 th  The score is based on the number you turn in.  To find out club account information:  SJU Clubs contact Ken Osborne in the Business Office  CSB Clubs contact Diane Van Beck in Student Accounts

11 JCB Grading System At the beginning of each semester, every club is given 100 points. Listed below are the requirements that each club must meet to keep all 100 points. For every requirement they do not meet, the respective points will be deducted from their original 100. According to the grading scale, they will be given a letter grade based on the number of points that each club has at the end of each semester.

12 JCB Grading System  Leadership Conference: 20 points  Involvement on the Mall: 20 points  E-mail Violations: 5 points per violation  Community Round Table: 10 points for each (2 required per semester)  Events and Evaluations: 2.5 points per each  Open Events: 25 points

13  A > 90  B89 – 80  C79 – 65  D64 – 50  F< 49 JCB Grading System

14 Mass E-mail Policy  Student clubs and organizations are limited to one (1) mass email a day.  Student clubs and organizations are limited to one (1) mass email a day.  Student clubs and organizations are able to send one (1) cancellation email to cancel an event for that day.  Student clubs and organizations are able to send one (1) cancellation email to cancel an event for that day.  The Joint Club Board will monitor and enforce these policies.  The Joint Club Board will monitor and enforce these policies.  If Student clubs and organizations do not comply  First offense:  Student clubs and organizations will receive a written warning from the JCB.  Second offense:  Student clubs and organizations will not receive access to their club email account for the duration of two (2) weeks per policy violation. Notification of violation will be provided by the JCB to the office of Student Activities and to club.

15 The deadline for submitting a budget for the fall 2006 semester is February 23 rd, 2005. This DOES include annual budgets (JEC, the Record, KJNB, Studio One, and VISTO) Budgets

16 The Budget…  Fill out application online and submit it before midnight on February 23 rd. Online Application Online ApplicationOnline Application  Budget should be broken down by month. -Please list activities/requests by month so that the CFB knows when you plan to use the money.  Sign up for a presentation time using the public folders.

17 Timeline  Audits Due by February 15 th.  Budgets Due February 23 rd.  Budget Presentations  Mostly on February 26 rd and 27 th.  CFB Deliberations  On March 5 th and 6 th ; March 12 th and 13 th.  Decisions Emailed March 13 th and 14 th.  Appeals:  SJU Senate: April 10 th and 17 th.  CSB Senate: April 6 th and 13 th. ***cannot appeal after these dates. ***cannot appeal after these dates.

18 The Budget…  When you come to your proposal hearing, please bring with you 11 copies of your budget in an easy-to-read format. - These should be broken down by month with detailed explanations of each item money is requested for. -An “easy-to-read” budget proposal is typed out, listing all activities, descriptions of the activities, and the price that they will cost.  When attending the proposal meetings, please be prepared to explain everything your club is requesting.

19 Using your club’s money… The CFB works very hard each semester to allocate money fairly in a way that will best benefit the student body. If you are not able to use the money as planned and approved, please find a way to restructure your budget to use your money. Your new budget must be approved by your CFB.

20 How to access allocated money…  Bring check requests/reimbursements to the appropriate place where your account is located: -CSB: Student Accounts -SJU: Business Office  Email your club auditor to inform them the check request is waiting. Club auditors need a week notice to get check requests signed on time. -The business office/student accounts needs 2-3 days to process checks.

21 How to access allocated money…  For check requests or reimbursements, you must have all receipts attached.  Please try to take care of transactions in advance. - Avoid reimbursements!! Use check requests and purchase orders for any expected payments…do not pay for it yourself and then ask to be reimbursed. It is your responsibility to keep track of your clubs finances and know when you need money!

22 Generated Funds…  If these are not reported before semester’s end, your club will FORFEIT your generated funds.  They should be reported for the final audit you turn in at the end of the semester.

23 The End!  Please email the Co-Funding Board account,; or the Joint Club Board account,; with any questions.  Thanks! We look forward to working with you.

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