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Master of Disaster Management The programme will enhance the understanding of: Barriers and scenarios for the necessary interventions to reduce risks.

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2 Master of Disaster Management The programme will enhance the understanding of: Barriers and scenarios for the necessary interventions to reduce risks during all stages of an emergency situation: Planning, operation and evaluation. Intercultural, social and psychological aspects to be taken into consideration for improving organizational and operational tasks, and reducing crisis within the operation. Risk management and assessment


4 Master of Disaster Management Master of Disaster Management layout AutumnSpringSummer 20 ECTS Core ModuleShort coursesThesis Module 4 core courses 20 ECTS Research Design 2 ECTS Thesis 20 ECTS Create your own programme - choose from advanced modules 18 ECTS minimum Internship optional Mandatory modules Elective modules

5 Water Supply and sanitation in emergencies

6 Water supply and Sanitation in Emergencies CISU / IS University of CopenhagenCISU / IS University of Copenhagen Competences and Work Opportunities The participants will achieve the interdisciplinary overview for planning and working with water supply and sanitation in emergencies: Assessment approaches: Quick overview of an emergency situation, post emergency and rehabilitation. Technical aspects of water and sanitation: Water sources, transportation and disinfection. Sanitation and hands-on experience. Knowledge about the sociological, cultural and religious dynamics, which affects the operation.

7 Health for Refugees and Internally Displaced Populations

8 CISU / IS University of CopenhagenCISU / IS University of Copenhagen Competences and work opportunities The Course provides an interdisciplinary overview for planning and working with health in Refugee and IDPs: Problem analysis and mapping, including definitions of pre-emergency, emergency and post- emergency phases, Operational aspects of health interventions during and after emergencies: public health surveillance, control of communicable diseases, organization and management of health systems, environmental health, nutrition, food security, refugee camp planning Strategies for emergency prevention and preparedness, post-emergency health interventions, transition to development and, finally, repatriation and resettlement of refugees and IDPs.

9 HIV Prevention, Control and Care

10 CISU / IS University of CopenhagenCISU / IS University of Copenhagen Competencies and work opportunities On completion of the course, the students will have strengthened their capacity to become better planners, managers, trainers and implementers related to HIV programmes and integrated HIV and health activities in developing countries.

11 Master of Disaster Management Admission Criteria Applicants must have a bachelor degree or equivalent, and a minimum of two years of working experience. See for detailed admission requirements. Start up Core Module: September 2008 Advanced modules: June 2008 Duration One year fulltime up to 3 years part time Fees For tuition fees, see

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