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     By the end of this presentation you will have learned about: The Science Facilities Science at Key Stage Three.

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2     

3 By the end of this presentation you will have learned about: The Science Facilities Science at Key Stage Three Science at Key Stage Four The Science Staff

4 The Department is situated towards the rear of the school site.

5 Miss Lisle’s Lab! There are 8 purpose built laboratories, (6 newly refurbished) and 2 classrooms.

6 The Department has a suite of 5 networked computers These are used by students at both Key Stages 3 and 4

7 The Department also has a small pond to the rear.

8    

9 In years 7, 8 and 9 students have 3 lessons of Science a week. A mixture of Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics are taught.

10 Year 9 student testing a leaf for starch! We follow the QCA’s Key Stage 3 scheme, using our own comprehensively written schemes of work, and brand new Hodder Science text books.

11 In years 7 and 8 students also have “Thinking Skills” lessons once per fortnight, which enhance their abilities across the curriculum, as well as in Science.

12 In year 9, after the NCA tests, students are given the opportunity to undertake projects in teams, which can then be entered for the CREST Bronze Award. Every year a large group of students from Lyndon win the award. In both 2000 and 2001 we had teams of students who were chosen to go to the the Regional and National finals.

13 They investigate pond and woodland habitats. During year 9 students also go on ½ day trips to Hams Hall Environmental Centre.

14    

15 At KS4 all students study AQA Double Award Modular Science. This counts as 2 G.C.S.E.’s.

16 In year 10 six modules are studied, in pairs throughout the year. Towards the end of each term the students sit 2 G.C.S.E. Module tests, set and marked by the exam board. The marks from all six tests make up 30% of the final Science G.C.S.E. grade The modules studied are:  Humans as Organisms  Maintenance of Life  Metals  Earth Materials  Energy  Electricity

17 Students must also carry out investigations and write them up as coursework for their G.C.S.E. These contribute to 20% of the final grade. The majority of investigations are undertaken in year 10

18 In year 11 six more modules are studied. These are tested in the 2 final G.C.S.E. exam papers, which are each worth 25% of the final grade. The modules studied are:  Environment  Inheritance  Patterns of Chemical Change  Structures and Bonding  Waves and Radiation  Forces

19     

20 Dr Quigley, Science Co-ordinator. Responsible for KS3 Science and overall running of the Department.

21 Miss Lisle, Assistant Co-ordinator of Science. Responsible for Science at KS4. A Lead Teacher for Science in Solihull LEA

22 Ms Ellis, Thinking Skills Co-ordinator. A Lead Teacher for Science in Solihull LEA Ms Ellis is shown here carrying out a revision session with a year 11 student.

23 Mr Staddon, Science and GNVQ teacher and PHSE Coordinator Mrs Elmes, Science and GNVQ teacher and Co-ordinator for Year 9

24 Mr Edwards (above), Science teacher with responsibility for Health and Safety Mr Hopkins (below), Science teacher with responsibility for student mentoring

25 Miss McNeill, Science Teacher Miss McNeill is shown here working with a student from the Hearing Impaired Unit, which is attached to Lyndon School.

26 Mr Roberts, Science Teacher and KS3 ICT Co-ordinator

27 Mr Robinson (below) Miss Chadwick Mr Bakewell (above)

28 The science staff are also supported in their duties by 3 science technicians A 4 th technician is shared with the D&T Department

29 Also teaching in the Science Department at certain times each year are student teachers from the University of Birmingham. Dr Quigley and Miss Lisle are both P.G.C.E. Science:Biology mentors. Mrs Angell

30 We hope you have found this presentation both enjoyable and informative. If there is anything else you would like to know about the Science Department or the Science Curriculum please ask a member of the Science Team, who will be happy to answer your questions.

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