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Why C-CIARN? To connect researchers and decision-makers for more decision-relevant research Coordination and collaboration between researchers and across.

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Presentation on theme: "Why C-CIARN? To connect researchers and decision-makers for more decision-relevant research Coordination and collaboration between researchers and across."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why C-CIARN? To connect researchers and decision-makers for more decision-relevant research Coordination and collaboration between researchers and across disciplines Engagement of broader research capacity Visibility and voice for the community Timely communication of findings and techniques

2 C-CIARN Mission The National, Regional and Sectoral C-CIARN Coordinating Offices will build a network of climate change researchers and stakeholders, facilitate research, and help to provide voice and visibility to impacts and adaptation issues.

3 Agriculture ( U. of Guelph) Fisheries ( DFO Nanaimo) Health ( HC Ottawa ) Forest ( CFS Edmonton) Coastal Zone (BIO Dartmouth) Landscape Hazards (GSC Ottawa) Water Resources ( McGill U., Montreal) Quebec ( Ouranos, Montreal) Ontario (Laurentian U, Sudbury) British Columbia (UBC, Vancouver) Atlantic (Dal. U., Halifax) Prairies (U. of Regina) North ( Yukon College, Whitehorse ) Yukon NWT Nunavut C-CIARN Board Steering Committee National C-CIARN Coordinating Office Sectors Regions Agriculture Advisory Comm. Prov/Terr agencies Universities Communities NGOs Private Sector Federal Depts. $500,000 over 5 yrs. Through the Federal Impacts and Adaptation Research Program

4 EARTHCARE Sudbury Partnerships:

5 Towards an Adaptation Action Plan: Climate Change and Health in the Toronto-Niagara Region POLLUTION PROBE in partnership with Environment Canada Health Canada Ontario College of Family Physicians City of Toronto; City of Mississagua/Peel Health University of Toronto

6 Extreme Temperatures: Climate change would increase the frequency of hot days, (e.g., Toronto) leading to an increase in 239-835 additional heat-related deaths annually by 2080; 171-447 elderly in the TNR by 2020s

7 Extreme Weather Events Warmer and more variable climate likely to cause more frequent and more intense severe weather events: e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, floods, droughts Potential health impacts: direct physical injury or death (e.g., due to storms, floods, etc.) psychological distress due to the loss or injury of loved ones and property mass evacuations moving into shelters Consequences: increased demands on emergency preparedness and community health and social services

8 Air Quality Influence of Hot Weather on O 3 1,925 premature deaths in Ontario annually; $1B costs to the economy 2002 most smog alerts & days since 1993 Offensive air masses could increase in frequency from 5% to 23% (29-39%) Background ambient levels of O 3 could double (+40 ppb)

9 Vector-borne and Rodent-borne Diseases Malaria West Nile Virus Dengue Fever Lyme Disease Hantavirus Imported Cases of Malaria in Canada, 1984-1997 West Nile Encephalitis, New York, 1999 59 reported cases, 7 deaths 8,200 infections (3,500 - 13,000) 1,700 with fever

10 277 confirmed positive birds 218 confirmed positive mosquito pools 45 confirmed positive cases in horses; 35 probable 48 confirmed positive cases in humans; 72 probable; 1 confirmed death; 6 others probable

11 Heat waves and droughts: lower flows of water in lakes and rivers lead to water scarcity, poor water quality and may increase water ‑ borne diseases ( Cryptosporidium,Giardia) Heavy storms and floods: surface water can be contaminated by storm sewer overflows (Pathogens from livestock sources and heavy rainfall/runoff linked to contamination of drinking water (e.g. Walkerton outbreak of E. coli O157) Hot weather: can cause increased growth of micro ‑ organisms and disease outbreaks at recreational beaches, as well as food poisoning from fish and shellfish Quantity/Quality of Water and Food

12 UV-Radiation Warmer climate will encourage more outdoor activities (esp. among children) leading to more exposure to UV-B radiation Number of days with high/extreme UV has increased from 30- 40 days in 1989 to 60 days by 1995 (Toronto) Ozone layer will take 50+ years to recover, leading to increased risk of skin cancer, eye disorders and impaired immune system; mortality will peak in 2060 Most of the 370 current deaths annually from melanoma are due to UV radiation exposure when the stratospheric ozone layer had not yet begun to thin

13 Increase research into climate change impacts and adaptation –meaningful to local stakeholders Monitoring and Surveillance –longitudinal assessments = long term commitment –designed to provide appropriate information (climate and health) needed for health policy –Who is responsible for collecting this info? –What data exists now? Is it accessible? Opportunities to Improve Adaptive Capacity

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