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North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Introduction to NATO

2 NATO - Overview  What is NATO?  What does NATO do?
 How does NATO work?

3 What is NATO? 1. A political organization (diplomacy, dialogue, cooperation) 2. A military organization (defense, crisis management, capabilities) 3. Member countries working together 4. Sharing common values (democracy, heritage, peace/stability, freedom) 5. The principle of collective defense

4 Collective Defense: Article 5 -
An armed attack against one or more members is considered as an attack against all Article 5 of the Washington Treaty: « The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all, and consequently agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of their right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually, and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

5 Member countries 28 2009 NEWEST Members: Albania & Croatia
1952 Greece, Turkey 1955 Germany 1982 Spain 1999 Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom, United States 28 1999 1982 1955 1952 1949 2004 2009 NEWEST Members: Albania & Croatia


7 Where is NATO headquarters?
Brussels, Belgium

8 What language is spoken at NATO?
Two languages are “official”- English and French

9 NATO’s Beginnings… Introduction to NATO

10 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) started as a military alliance consisting of the United States, Canada, and 14 countries in Europe. Formed in 1949, NATO was set up to discourage an attack by the Soviet Union on the non-Communist nations of North America and Europe.

11 (NATO counties, 1950)

12 The Cold War… After World War II ended, a distrust developed between
Communist countries, led by the Soviet Union, and Non-Communist nations, led by the United States. This rivalry became known as the “Cold War.”


14 The Warsaw Pact The Warsaw Pact was the Soviet response to the creation of NATO Consisted of the Soviet Union and its six satellite countries in Eastern Europe East Germany Poland Hungary Czechoslovakia Bulgaria Romania The Warsaw Pact no longer exists

15 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
First peacetime alliance in U.S. history No NATO member was ever attacked during the Cold War – it never had to use its military forces An alliance of nations with shared values. All members are DEMOCRACIES Has been the most important U.S. alliance for over 65 years

16 NATO’s Purpose Changes:
Cold War – Defend each other against Communist threat (1949) End Cold War- fall of Communism in Europe & Soviet Union (1991) Provide security and intervene in regional conflicts, when needed (today)

17 What does NATO do? 1. Protects people 2. 1. Forges partnerships 3.
Builds peace and stability 4. Combats new threats

18 NATO at WORK… Introduction to NATO

19 Promotes dialogue & cooperation

20 Prevents conflicts through diplomacy

21 Helps to rebuild world areas in need

22 Paying for NATO? Voluntary Individuals’ contributions
Direct contributions from Member Nations Voluntary Individuals’ contributions

23 NATO-Russia Council NATO-Russia Council
This was a RAPPROCHEMENT (reestablishing cordial relations/bringing together diverse political factions) between NATO and Russia May 2002 – Both sides signed an agreement Russia WILL: Be given a say at the table with the 28 NATO members Be an “equal partner” in discussions on key topics

24 NATO-Russia Council Russia WILL NOT: Be a member of NATO
Be bound by NATO’s defense pact Have a veto over NATO’s decisions Have a vote over NATO’s expansion

25 NATO and Russia Relationship with Russia has been strained since the Georgia conflict in 2008 December 2009 NATO asked Russia for help in Afghanistan, requesting permission for the alliance to fly cargoes (including possibly military ones) over Russian territory to Afghanistan. They also asked Russia to provide more helicopters for the Afghan Armed Forces. Russia has so far denied these requests, although it has continued to allow transit of non-military supplies through its territory. April 1, 2014 – due to situation in Crimea, Ukraine, NATO stated “we have decided to suspend all practical civilian and military cooperation between NATO and Russia…political dialogue can continue…we will review in June.”

26 The End

27 A definition of security
Political Economic Social Environmental Military

28 A Changing NATO… Introduction to NATO

29 Building peace and stability
Crisis missions Afghanistan Kosovo Iraq Darfur (Sudan) Iraq Natural disaster relief efforts Refugee crises forest fires floods earthquakes, etc.

30 How Does NATO Work?

31 Consensus decision-making
An international organization where decisions are discussed and voted on by each member country

32 Working to jointly plan military operations…

33 Member Nations Commit Troops to NATO Missions

34 Military or Relief Missions Carried Out

35 Actions Against Terrorism
NATO-Partner cooperation against terrorism - intelligence-sharing - cooperation in border security - training exercises

36 NATO in Kosovo Peacekeep force, June 1999 NATO air campaign (Operation Allied Force)

37 NATO in Afghanistan International Security Assistance Force Since 2003 Provides security for aid workers Helps reconstruction work

38 NATO in Iraq Trains personnel from Iraqi security forces
NATO TRAINING MISSION Trains personnel from Iraqi security forces & coordinates equipment from NATO partners, since 2004 NATO TRAINING MISSION – IRAQ trains personnel from Iraqi security forces & coordinates offers of equipment and training from individual NATO and partner Countries

39 NATO in Sudan Members agree to assist Sudan by providing:
- training for military - civilian relief

40 NATO-Russia Council Consultation on - struggle against terrorism
Defence reform Consultation on - struggle against terrorism - crisis management - arms control - search & rescue at sea - natural emergencies Consultation on: - struggle against terrorism - crisis management - non-proliferation - arms control & confidence-building measures - theatre missile defence - search & rescue at sea - military-to-military cooperation & defence reform - civil emergencies - new threats & challenges

41 Created for Edmond Schools
Introduction to NATO

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