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Lake Champlain & the Adirondacks from Burlington VT CAMNET FASTNET Event Report: 040203NENitrate Winter PM Event over the Northeast and Quebec: Nitrate?

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Presentation on theme: "Lake Champlain & the Adirondacks from Burlington VT CAMNET FASTNET Event Report: 040203NENitrate Winter PM Event over the Northeast and Quebec: Nitrate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lake Champlain & the Adirondacks from Burlington VT CAMNET FASTNET Event Report: 040203NENitrate Winter PM Event over the Northeast and Quebec: Nitrate? Sulfate? Contributed by the FASNET Community Correspondence to R Poirot, R HusarR PoirotR Husar

2 Recent PM 2.5 Events in Burlington, VT on 2/19-20/04 & 3/1/04 (by FDMS TEOM which includes Volatile PM missed by SES TEOMs) Note: Volatile Fine Mass of 15-25 ug/m3 on event days

3 VT FDMS TEOMs have generally shown good agreement with FRM Mass (but not on 3/1/04 FRM day, when TEOM > FRM by about 10 ug/m3). One possible interpretation could be loss of volatile Nitrate from FRM filters.

4 Burlington, VT AQI > 100 was New England Max on 2/19 (& 3/1), although similar (& even higher) PM 2.5 was reported in Southern Quebec. At L’Acadie, Quebec (SE of Montreal), collocated BAM and 30 deg SES TEOM showed BAM > TEOM by 15-30 ug/m2 (data from Michel Bisson) Tom Dann observed similar differences of 15-25 ug/m3 for colo BAM & SES TEOM in Ottawa on 2/19/03

5 High Fine Mass in Gt. Lakes on 2/29 and then in VT on 3/1

6 Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) PM-2.5 & NOx, 2/28-3/1/04

7 Continuous Nitrate of 15 to 20 ug/m3 observed in Toronto on 2/19 & 2/29 (data from Jeff Brook) Similarly High Nitrate of 15 to 20 ug/m3 in Chicago on 2/18/03 (data from Donna Kenski & Chris Price

8 Extreme Haze observed by ASOS in BTV on 2/19 & 20 and 3/1/04 (these data are not RH- adjusted - from STI & CAPITA FASTNET) Note Similar conditions all along Eastern US/Canada border.


10 Over the Upper Midwest, between Feb. 15-19, the dew point temperature increased from –20 to +30 F Similarly, the temperature rose from –10 to +40 F. the over four days, causing a rapid taw through out the region Interestingly, the rise in aerosol Bext during Feb 16-19 coincided with the rising temperatures and humidity. Is there a causality?? Possible nitrate release?

11 Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) PM-2.5 & NOx, 2/18-20/04

12 Transport generally parallels US/Canada Border for both events (Note: low HY-SPLIT start heights employed because Mx Ht was very low for both events. Transport Plus Local Stagnation were likely contributors)

13 NRL NAAPS global forecast model patterns for Dust & SO4 (no NO3 modeled) are consistent with surface Obs from RH-adjusted Bext. How much of Northern event was SO4 or NO3? Did the dust contribute too? What will STN, IMPROVE & Canadian filters show? SOUTHLAND, Texas (AP) -- Thick, reddish-brown dust swirled over parts of West Texas, contributing to a series of traffic accidents that killed two people and injured dozens of others. As many as 30 vehicles crashed Thursday (2/19) on U.S. Highway 84 between Southland and Post, about 20 miles southeast of Lubbock, said Cpl. John Gonzalez with the Department of Public Safety.

14 Real-time Surface Meteorology provided a rich met context. Link to the Animation of the period Feb 19-21Animation of the period Feb 19-21

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