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INEE Introduction and Afghanistan Situation 15 March, 2011.

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1 INEE Introduction and Afghanistan Situation 15 March, 2011

2 Education in Emergencies is: Education that protects the well-being, fosters learning opportunities, and nurtures the overall development of people affected by conflicts and disasters Education is a right!

3 Half of all out-of-school children are in conflict/crisis situations (about 68 million) Average length of refugee displacement: 17 years Average length of conflict in lowest-income countries: 12 years Parents want education for their children

4 Can be life saving and is life sustaining Gives parents/caretakers opportunity to rebuild, etc Provides normalcy Produces hope Reduces the risk of return to conflict Can prevent crises and/or mitigate impact (disasters and conflict) Creates opportunity

5 Funding Education in Emergencies? 2% of all humanitarian aid goes to education — this is the actual amount of funding out of an average donor commitment of 4%* *2011 UNESCO EFA Global Monitoring Report

6 What is the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies? A non-competitive, open global network of members, working together within a humanitarian and development framework to ensure all people the right to safe, quality, relevant education in emergencies and post-crisis recovery. Conceived in 2000 out of EFA

7 INEE Network, not incorporated agency 5700+ individual members from over 130 countries act on behalf of the network Institutional members on Steering Group and Working Groups Guidance from the INEE Steering Group, Strategic Plan 5 full-time staff in the INEE Secretariat (New York, Paris, Geneva) How does INEE do its Work?

8 INEE Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery PreventionPreparednessResponseRecovery

9 INEE Membership and Communications Partnerships Member-Created Tools: INEE Minimum Standards for Education, Guidance Notes on Gender, Inclusive Education, Safer School Construction, more Education and Fragility Thematic areas: DRR, Quality Education, Inclusive Education/Gender, HIV/AIDS, Adolescents and Youth, Early Childhood Development Advocacy Areas of Work/Focus


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