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Introduction QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System) program:

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System) program:"— Presentation transcript:

0 Recent Development of QZSS L1-SAIF Master Station
ION ITM 2010 San Diego, CA Jan , 2010 Recent Development of QZSS L1-SAIF Master Station T. Sakai, S. Fukushima, and K. Ito Electronic Navigation Research Institute, Japan

1 Introduction QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System) program:
ION ITM Jan ENRI Introduction QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System) program: Regional navigation service broadcast from high-elevation angle by three satellites on the inclined geosynchronous (quasi-zenith) orbit; Currently working for launch of the first satellite in 2010 Summer season; Broadcast GPS-compatible supplemental signals on three frequencies and two augmentation signals, L1-SAIF and LEX. L1-SAIF (Submeter-class Augmentation with Integrity Function) signal offers: Sub-meter accuracy wide-area differential correction service; Integrity function for safety of mobile users; and Ranging function for position availability; all on L1 single frequency. ENRI has been developing L1-SAIF signal and facility: Signal design: GPS/SBAS-compatible on L1; Implemented L1-SAIF Master Station (L1SMS) which generates augmentation message stream in realtime and transmits it to QZSS MCS.

2 Overview of QZSS Program
ION ITM Jan ENRI Part 1 Overview of QZSS Program

3 QZSS Concept Signal from high elevation angle
ION ITM Jan ENRI QZSS Concept QZS GPS/GEO Signal from high elevation angle Applicable to navigation services for mountain area and urban canyon Footprint of QZS orbit Centered 137E Eccentricity 0.1, Inclination 45deg

4 QZSS Program QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System) program:
ION ITM Jan ENRI QZSS Program QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System) program: Japan has been developing QZSS since FY 2003; Regional navigation service broadcast from high-elevation angle by three satellites on the inclined geosynchronous (quasi-zenith) orbit; Broadcast GPS-compatible supplemental signals on three frequencies (L1 C/A, L1C, L2C, and L5) and two augmentation signals, L1-SAIF and LEX. Participating institutes: JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency): Development and operation of the space segment and Master Control Station; NICT (National Institute of Information and Communication Technology): Frequency standard and time keeping system including Uplink Station; AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology): Time synch-ronization between space and ground; GSI (Geographical Survey Institute): Survey-grade carrier-based positioning service; ENRI (Electronic Navigation Research Institute): Navigation-grade WADGPS service broadcast by L1-SAIF signal.

5 Overall Architecture GPS Satellites QZS Satellite User Receiver
ION ITM Jan ENRI Overall Architecture Function distributed in each institute Timing management by NICT, WADGPS service by ENRI, etc. SLR Site Monitor Station NW GPS Satellites TT&C / NAV Msg Uplink Station GEONET (GSI) Time Mgmt Station TWSTFT: Two Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer QZS Satellite User Receiver Satellite Laser Ranging Navigation Signals L1: MHz L2: MHz L5: MHz LEX: MHz TT&C / NAV Message Uplink TWSTFT Up: GHz Down: GHz (Courtesy: JAXA QZSS PT) Master Control Station (MCS)

6 Space Segment: QZS-1 25.3m L1-SAIF Antenna
ION ITM Jan ENRI Space Segment: QZS-1 L-band Helical Array Antenna L1-SAIF Antenna Laser Reflector C-band TTC Antenna Radiation Cooled TWT TWSTFT Antenna 25.3m Mass Approx. 1,800kg (dry) (NAV Payload:Approx. 320kg) Power Approx. 5.3 kW (EOL) (NAV Payload: Approx. 1.9kW) Design Life 10 years

7 QZSS Signals Supplemental signals: Augmentation signals:
ION ITM Jan ENRI QZSS Signals Supplemental signals: GPS-compatible L1C/A, L2C, L5, and L1C signals working with GPS; For improving availability of navigation; With minimum modifications from GPS signal specifications; Coordination with GPS Wing on broadcasting L1C signal; JAXA is responsible for all supplemental signals. Augmentation signals: Augmentation to GPS; Possibly plus Galileo; L1-SAIF: Compatible with SBAS; reasonable performance for mobile users; LEX: For carrier-based experimental purposes; member organizations may use as 2kbps experimental data channel; ENRI is working for L1-SAIF while JAXA is developing LEX. Interface Specification: IS-QZSS: Specifies RF signal interface between QZS satellite and user receiver; First issue: Jan. 2007; Maintained by JAXA.

8 QZSS Frequency Plan Signal Channel Frequency Bandwidth Min. Rx Power
ION ITM Jan ENRI QZSS Frequency Plan Signal Channel Frequency Bandwidth Min. Rx Power QZS-L1C L1CD MHz 24 MHz –163.0 dBW L1CP – dBW QZS-L1-C/A – dBW QZS-L1-SAIF – dBW QZS-L2C MHz – dBW QZS-L5 L5I MHz 25 MHz – dBW L5Q QZS-LEX MHz 42 MHz – dBW Find detail in IS-QZSS document.

9 ION ITM Jan ENRI Part 2 L1-SAIF Signal Design

10 QZSS L1-SAIF Signal QZSS will broadcast wide-area augmentation signal:
ION ITM Jan ENRI QZSS L1-SAIF Signal QZSS will broadcast wide-area augmentation signal: Called L1-SAIF (Submeter-class Augmentation with Integrity Function); Developed by ENRI. L1-SAIF signal offers: Wide-area differential correction service for improving position accuracy; Target accuracy: 1 meter for horizontal; Integrity function for safety of mobile users; and Ranging function for position availability. Interoperable with GPS L1C/A and fully compatible with SBAS: Broadcast on L1 freq. with RHCP; Common antenna and RF front-end; Modulated by BPSK with C/A code; 250 bps data rate with 1/2 FEC; message structure is identical with SBAS; Differences: Large Doppler and additional messages.

11 WADGPS Concept Clock Correction Ionospheric Correction
ION ITM Jan ENRI WADGPS Concept Orbit Correction Troposphere Ionosphere Ionospheric Correction Tropospheric Correction Clock Correction Same contribution to any user location; Not a function of location; Needs fast correction. Different contribution to different user location; Not a function of user location; but a function of line-of-sight direction; Long-term correction. Function of user location; Up to 100 meters; Vertical structure may be described as a thin shell. Function of user location, especially height of user; Up to 20 meters; Can be corrected enough by a fixed model.

12 SBAS/L1-SAIF Message Structure
ION ITM Jan ENRI SBAS/L1-SAIF Message Structure Preamble 8 bits Message Type 6 bits Data Field 212 bits CRC parity 24 bits 250 bits per second MT 1 2~5 6 7 9 10 12 17 18 Contents Test mode PRN mask Fast correction & UDRE UDRE Degradation factor for FC GEO ephemeris Degradation parameter SBAS time information GEO almanac IGP mask Interval [s] 120 60 300 24 25 26 27 28 63 FC & LTC Long-term correction Ionospheric delay & GIVE SBAS service message Clock-ephemeris covariance Null message — Transmitted First

13 SBAS/L1-SAIF Message (1)
ION ITM Jan ENRI SBAS/L1-SAIF Message (1) Message Type Contents Compatibility Status Test mode Both Fixed 1 PRN mask 2 to 5 Fast correction & UDRE 6 UDRE 7 Degradation factor for FC 10 Degradation parameter 18 IGP mask 24 Mixed fast/long-term correction 25 Long-term correction 26 Ionospheric delay & GIVE 9 GEO ephemeris SBAS 17 GEO almanac 12 SBAS network time 8 Reserved

14 SBAS/L1-SAIF Message (2)
ION ITM Jan ENRI SBAS/L1-SAIF Message (2) Message Type Contents Compatibility Status 27 SBAS service message SBAS Fixed 29 to 51 (Undefined) — 28 Clock-ephemeris covariance Both 62 Reserved 63 Null message 52 TGP mask L1-SAIF Tentative 56 Intersignal biases 57 (Ephemeris-related parameter) TBD 58 QZS ephemeris 59 (QZS almanac) 60 (Regional information) 61 53 Tropospheric delay 54 to 55 (Advanced Ionospheric delay)

15 GPS/L1-SAIF Simulator GPS/L1-SAIF Simulator:
ION ITM Jan ENRI GPS/L1-SAIF Simulator GPS/L1-SAIF Simulator: Simulates GPS L1 C/A and QZSS L1-SAIF signals; Generates RF signals based on pre-defined GPS and QZSS constellation scenario and signal specifications of IS-GPS and IS-QZSS; Manufactured by Spirent, modifying GPS/SBAS simulator GSS7700. Special function for experiment: Added extra command to input L1-SAIF message from Ethernet port (TCP/IP); L1-SAIF message is either input by the command externally or generated by the simulator internally. GPS/L1-SAIF Simulator Receiver

16 GPS/L1-SAIF Receiver Prototype GPS/L1-SAIF Receiver:
ION ITM Jan ENRI GPS/L1-SAIF Receiver Prototype GPS/L1-SAIF Receiver: Receives GPS L1 C/A and QZSS L1-SAIF signals; Decode and apply L1-SAIF message as defined by IS-QZSS; Manufactured by Furuno Electric. Special function for experiment: L1-SAIF message can be input from Ethernet port (TCP/IP) as well as L1-SAIF signal on RF; Enable to process L1-SAIF and SBAS, totally three, augmentation signals simultaneously; Portable equipage for experiment at remote or on mobile. GPS/L1-SAIF Receiver

17 RF Compatibility Test GPS/L1-SAIF Simulator Receiver TCP/IP RF Cable
ION ITM Jan ENRI RF Compatibility Test GPS/L1-SAIF Simulator Receiver TCP/IP RF Cable Spirent Furuno Electric File L1-SAIF Message Scenario Decoded Message Compare L1-SAIF Signal ENRI (Chofu, Tokyo) Ranging function: The receiver output the proper position solution with pseudorange of L1-SAIF signal generated by the simulator; Decoding message: The receiver decoded L1-SAIF message which matched with the message input to the simulator via Ethernet port; The command needs to be given 2-second before the applicable time of transmission; Successfully completed in Feb

18 RF Compatibility Test OK! 2008/9/10 00:05:00 to 06:00:00 (6 hours)
ION ITM Jan ENRI RF Compatibility Test 2008/9/10 00:05:00 to 06:00:00 (6 hours) Standalone GPS L1-SAIF Augmentation OK!

19 L1-SAIF Master Station (L1SMS)
ION ITM Jan ENRI Part 3 L1-SAIF Master Station (L1SMS)

ION ITM Jan ENRI ENRI L1SMS L1-SAIF Master Station (L1SMS): Generates L1-SAIF message stream in realtime and transmits it to QZSS MCS developed by and installed at JAXA; Installed at ENRI, Tokyo; 90km from JAXA Tsukuba Space Center; Subsystems: GEONET Server, Primary Receiver, Interface Processor, Message Generator, Ionosphere Processor, Troposphere Processor, and Batch Processor. L1SMS GEONET QZS QZSS MCS GPS Measured Data L1-SAIF Message GSI ENRI JAXA L1-SAIF Signal L1C/A, L2P K-band Closed Loop

21 L1SMS Installed at ENRI Storage Router to GEONET I/F UPS Message
ION ITM Jan ENRI L1SMS Installed at ENRI Storage Router to GEONET I/F UPS Message Generator Server Ionosphere Processor

22 Configuration of L1SMS GEONET Server Ionosphere Processor
ION ITM Jan ENRI Configuration of L1SMS GEONET Server Ionosphere Processor Troposphere Processor Message Generator (L1SMG) GEONET Batch Processor (IFB Estimation) L1SMS Batch Subsystem L1SMS Realtime Subsystems TCP/IP Message Output via TCP/IP Observation File (RINEX) via FTP IFB Estimates Primary Receiver Interface Processor Dual Freq. ANT

23 JAXA-ENRI Interface (G-ICD)
ION ITM Jan ENRI JAXA-ENRI Interface (G-ICD) Ground System ICD (Interface Control Document): Defines interface between JAXA QZSS MCS and ENRI L1SMS; First issue: Jan. 2008; Specifies data stream on TCP/IP connection bit-by-bit. Dual communication lines for redundancy: ISDN (64kbps) and optical (1.5Mbps) links; Low-rate ISDN: Reliable transmission for uploading L1-SAIF message; High-rate optical link: Exchange station status and monitor station observation; Only for the experiment; no definition of service levels. L1SMS MCS A MCS B Router ISDN Optical Upload Message Other Data JAXA ENRI

24 JAXA-ENRI Interface (G-ICD)
ION ITM Jan ENRI JAXA-ENRI Interface (G-ICD) Packet ID Contents Direction Link Interval 0xC0 Upload Message L1SMS -> MCS ISDN 1 s 0xC1 Upload Message Echo L1SMS <- MCS 0x02 SMS Status Optical 5 s 0xE2 GPS/QZS Observation 0xE4 GPS Observation 0xE1 Monitor Station Status 0x11 Telemetry Command L1SMS <-> MCS N/A 0x12 Telemetry Data min 1 s 0x01 Experiment Status 10 s 0x21 Orbit and Clock 30 s

25 Closed-Loop Interface Test
ION ITM Jan ENRI Closed-Loop Interface Test HUB LAN Upload Message JAXA ENRI Log MCS B Navigation Payload EM RF Cable L1-SAIF Signal L1SMS Simulator NEC (Fuchu, Tokyo) GPS/L1-SAIF Receiver L1SMS Sim Nav payload Receiver Interface test between JAXA MCS and ENRI L1SMS and between Nav payload and receiver; Checked the format of transmitted and received data packets, then compared log files bit-by-bit; Successfully completed in Dec

26 JAXA-ENRI Interface Test
ION ITM Jan ENRI JAXA-ENRI Interface Test L1SMS Simulator Router ISDN Optical Upload Message Other Data JAXA ENRI Log MCS A MCS B ENRI (Chofu, Tokyo) JAXA (Tsukuba) Interface test between two facilities, JAXA MCS and ENRI L1SMS, with the complete configuration of communication lines; Confirmed the format of transmitted and received data packets, then compared log files taken at both facilities bit-by-bit; Successfully completed in Jan

27 Realtime Operation Test
ION ITM Jan ENRI Part 4 Realtime Operation Test

28 Realtime Operation Test
ION ITM Jan ENRI Realtime Operation Test GMS Stations (6) for L1SMG L1-SAIF Experimental Area IMS Station (200) for ICP Evaluation Locations (14) Tested performance of the ICP Implemented as a subsystem of L1SMS; running with L1SMG; Analyzed user position error at 14 evaluation locations; Numbered from North to South; Used GEONET stations as all monitor stations and evaluation sites.

29 Results – Position Error Sample
ION ITM Jan ENRI Results – Position Error Sample MSAS Augmentation Standalone GPS L1-SAIF Augmentation Example of user positioning error at Site # Choshi (East of Tokyo); ICP: 200 IMS, 5-deg IGP, 0th Order Fit; Period: Jan (5 days). System HorizontalError Vertical Error L1-SAIF RMS 0.23 m 0.36 m MAX 1.67 m 3.35 m MSAS 0.46 m 0.59 m 1.73 m 2.43 m Standalone GPS 1.25 m 2.99 m 4.30 m 8.11 m

30 Location vs. Horizontal Accuracy
ION ITM Jan ENRI Location vs. Horizontal Accuracy ICP improves position accuracy in the Southern Region; First order estimation is better to ensure accuracy.

31 Location vs. Vertical Accuracy
ION ITM Jan ENRI Location vs. Vertical Accuracy 1 meter accuracy is achievable even for vertical direction; Note that these results associate with solar minimum phase.

32 Realtime Operation Using GEO
ION ITM Jan ENRI Realtime Operation Using GEO ETS-VIII satellite: Engineering Test Satellite for mobile communication and onboard clock of navigation-grade; Geostationary satellite with very large (19m) folding antenna; Launched in Dec by JAXA. ENRI joined the experiment: Communication experiment between two fixed points; L1SMG transmitted L1-SAIF message to ETS-VIII; Received L1-SAIF message was input to the GPS/L1-SAIF receiver and processed properly; Successfully completed in Feb ETS-VIII Satellite

33 Uplink from Tokyo ETS-VIII Satellite Ethernet L1-SAIF message
ION ITM Jan ENRI Uplink from Tokyo ETS-VIII Satellite Ethernet L1-SAIF message L1-SAIF Master Station RF signal ETS-VIII Terminal Equipment SATCOM Antenna

34 Downlink to Sendai GPS signal L1-SAIF message ETS-VIII Satellite
ION ITM Jan ENRI Downlink to Sendai GPS signal L1-SAIF message ETS-VIII Satellite RF signal Ethernet GPS/L1-SAIF Receiver SATCOM Antenna (400km away from Tokyo) ETS-VIII Terminal Equipment

35 L1-SAIF Receiver Output
ION ITM Jan ENRI L1-SAIF Receiver Output 2009/2/17 01:21:39 to 07:23:14 (6 hours) Standalone GPS L1-SAIF Augmentation H Error RMS = 1.221m V Error RMS = 4.043m H Error RMS = 0.412m V Error RMS = 0.464m

36 Resulted User Position Accuracy at Some Locations [unit: m]
ION ITM Jan ENRI Stability Test Runs L1SMG for several months: To investigate stability of the software implemented in L1SMG; Period I: 2008/3/11 to 2008/5/24 (74 days); Period II: 2008/6/10 to 2008/8/28 (79 days). Result: No major trouble: The software runs for the periods without human interaction; User position accuracy was reasonable. Resulted User Position Accuracy at Some Locations [unit: m] Site 940030 Oga 93101 Omaezaki 940058 Takayama 940085 Tosashimizu 950491 Sata Period I Hor 0.362 0.363 0.423 0.502 Ver 0.517 0.536 0.548 0.608 0.739 Period II 0.460 0.440 0.347 0.416 0.552 0.657 1.236 0.678 0.699 1.371

37 Conclusion ENRI has been developing L1-SAIF signal: Completed, so far:
ION ITM Jan ENRI Conclusion ENRI has been developing L1-SAIF signal: Signal design: GPS/SBAS-compatible; Implemented L1-SAIF Master Station (L1SMS) which generates augmentation message stream in realtime and transmit it to QZSS MCS. Completed, so far: Design of L1-SAIF signal and publishing as a part of IS-QZSS; Development of GPS/L1-SAIF simulator and receiver; Development of G-ICD between L1SMS and QZSS MCS, and interface test of them; Interface test at the closed-loop configuration including L1SMS, MCS, QZSS navigation payload, and GPS/L1-SAIF receiver; Realtime operation test with/without geostationary satellite (ETS-VIII); and Stability test of L1SMS. Currently working for: Final interface test at the full-configuration of ground/space systems; Preparation of performance experiment with the first QZS space vehicle.

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