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Welcome Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Uribe’s 2 nd Grade Class 2 nd Grade Class Room C1 Room C1 All images were purchased from Scrappin’ Doodles.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Uribe’s 2 nd Grade Class 2 nd Grade Class Room C1 Room C1 All images were purchased from Scrappin’ Doodles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Uribe’s 2 nd Grade Class 2 nd Grade Class Room C1 Room C1 All images were purchased from Scrappin’ Doodles and may not be redistributed.

2 Get To Know Your Teacher My name is Christie Uribe and I have been teaching for 18 years. I have a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies and a Master’s Degree in Education (Curriculum and Instruction). I have been married to my husband Jeff for 17 years and we have 3 children. Caroline is a sophomore at Quartz Hill High School, Joseph is an 8 th grader at Joe Walker, and Jason is a 3 rd grader at Gregg Anderson.

3 2 nd Grade Lunch Play: 11:10-11:35 Eat: 11:35-11:55 Lunch is $2.50 ***Please pay ahead with checks or Keep money in your child’s account!!!!!*** Cash must be in envelope with name, grade, and room # (C1) Lunch and Snack Snack recess each morning….please send your child with a nutritious snack! No candy, soda, or colored drinks please!

4 Attendance Be punctual. 2 nd grade start time is 7:50, no drop-offs before 7:20. Please call or send a note to excuse absences. 722-0716 ext. 12900 Avoid early pickups if possible. Independent study for absences of 5 or more days.

5 Get Involved Volunteers are greatly appreciated and always welcome! You must have a current TB test on file, be fingerprinted, and have a photo ID badge made by the district. Please call 722-0716 ext. 100 for more information.

6 Uniforms Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately each day according to Gregg Anderson’s uniform policy and district dress code. Details are provided in the parent and student handbook. Bring a sweater/jacket for the classroom…Mrs. Uribe likes it cold!

7 Birthdays and Holidays Only allowed 4 parties per year—Wellness Policy Birthday treats---send in something other than food Holiday parties….store bought treats only! June Box No toys or school supplies that turn into toys. One warning, then items are confiscated until June or until parents pick up.

8 Class Rules 1.Follow directions. 2.Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. 3.Be kind to others. 4.Stay in your seat. 5.Raise your hand. Behavior is a choice. There are rewards for good choices and consequences for bad choices. No one may take away another student’s right to learn and feel safe, or the teacher’s right to teach!

9 Homework Policy Homework goes home on Fridays for your convenience, and is due back the following Friday. Homework can all be done online, or homework packets are available for download on my class website. 30 minutes of homework is the district policy for 2 nd grade. The homework page will explain all of your options.

10 Bathroom and Drink Policies There are appropriate opportunities throughout the day for using the restroom and getting drinks. Abuse of the privilege = possible detention Fewer than 5 trips = rewards! Water bottles are welcome in the classroom! Special needs are always accommodated.

11 Grading Guidelines Letter grades in reading, language arts, and math. “C” is grade level. Reading = fluency and comprehension; timed fluency is only one grade per quarter (one of many grades averaged together!) Language Arts = writing, vocabulary, spelling, language arts activities and tests Math = math quizzes, tests, and practice pages “CT” = corrected together “DT” = done together Check Powerschool any time! New grades posted at least every 2-3 weeks.

12 Reading Fluency Program Your child will read timed reading passages and earn pieces to complete pictures when they pass in the given time. We also use a fun reward program called Book Adventure for comprehension.

13 Many age appropriate science, technology, engineering, and math activities will be integrated into the district core curriculum. This year I am also implementing Project Lead the Way. I will be asking for donations to help out with these projects. PTA has given me $465 for the year for STEM supplies also, thanks to generous donations from the Move a Thon! I will be informing you about how the money is used in our classroom. First project….premium membership on Spelling City for technology integration. ($65) Ask your child about these fun and engaging activities, they will be excited to share! STEM

14 Supplies Each child needs a small white board for personal use at their desk. Donations of white board markers for shared use is also appreciated! Each child needs a small white board for personal use at their desk. Donations of white board markers for shared use is also appreciated!

15 How can you help? Join PTA and support fundraisers Donate to our classroom….supplies, treasure box, STEM materials Send in Boxtops and empty ink cartridges Order from Scholastic Book Orders Volunteer in the classroom or at home!

16 Two options only!!! Front Gate Twirl Gate Please mark choice on sign in sheet by the door. Kids with Kindergarten siblings may ONLY go to twirl gate….cafeteria gate is used for Kindergarten ONLY!!!! Dismissal

17 Contact Information Phone Number: 206-3750 (ext. 71005) Email: Keep up to date with class and school information with my class website! You can also access helpful links, view supply wish lists and class photos, download important forms including homework packets and school menus, and much more! Check it out at: /MrsUribesClassroom/apt1.aspx

18 Thank You Thank you for attending Back to School Night! I look forward to partnering with you this year to educate your child. It’s going to be a fantastic year!

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