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Published byElaine Morris Modified over 9 years ago
Mark Doherty Services & Exploitation Division EO Science & Applications Department European Space Agency ESA EO Exploitation Programmes Working With Users
Scope The Exploitation Programmes How they fit together The involvement of users GMES The relevance for Future Missions
VACs & early Users Applications & Service Development Phased Approach to Exploitation & Service Development Scientific Research Scientific Community New Techniques Public Sector, Industry & their Clients Operational Service Provision & Market Information Products Sustainable Services
ESA EO Exploitation Programmes ESA Mission R&D exploitation (ENVISAT, EOEP) R&D path for ESA Missions AO & Cat-1 projects financed outside ESA (eg National, EC) Targeted R&D actions on mission goals (ESA finance) Data User Programme ( Element EOEP-2) User breeding path for public sector users Transfer research results to applications Focus on user needs Earth Observation Market Development (EOEP-1 & 2) Industry & Market development path for European service industry Focus is on ESA missions & SAR Address horizontal industry blockages GMES Services Element (Eartwatch) Deliver Operational services into public sector
How the Exploitation programmes work together 20042005200320022001 Industry & Market path New Providers User path New Users GMES Services Earthwatch Missions Research path New Methods
AO & Cat-1 Exploitation Targeted R&D Actions
No Projects 1-25 Projects 26-50 51-100 100+ Projects Countries P.I. geographic distribution AOs: Stimulating scientific research world-wide 3500+ science Users of ESA data 120 New Cat-1 Projects in 2001 700 Envisat AOs AO & Category-1 exploitation
193 Cat- 1/AO R&D Projects on Atmosphere
The ESA PI Portal
GOME Total Ozone Product Evolution 1995 - 2002 9596979899200001020304 ERS-2 Launch First GOME Product release GDP V.3 New product release at 2-yearly intevals Target Accuracy 1% Relative 2-5% agreement in-situ SZA < 70%
User Consultation (Jan 2002) Bkground: EPTOMS problems; QTOMS failure; 7-year GOME time-series 1) Relative accuracy over 10 years: 1% 2) Total-ozone data-set to be available by end 2004 ITT issued June 2002 3 Parallel studies started Sep 2003 U.Bremen; BIRA/IASI; KNMI External review Dec 2003 WMO, EU, EUMETSAT,DLR, NASA All 3 new Algos meet requirement (validation actions tbd) Select Algo for implementation by end Jan Next Steps Implement, Reprocess & Deliver new products set by end 2004 Targeted R&D Action on GOME Total Ozone Algorithm
GOME Ozone Profiling Algorithm development 250keu MIPAS Wind Field Algorithm development 300keu GOMOS High-res temp. profile Algorithm development 300keu New targeted R&D exploitation contracts Started in 2003
Developing New Applications & Services with Users Data User Programme / Element
The three major objectives of the Data User Program, as stated in the program declaration, are: First, to create an environment allowing for the development of user communities for both institutional and commercial applications; Second, to support European companies to develop and demonstrate information products derived from ESA current and future missions, based on applications already demonstrated in the framework of pilot projects, e.g. the ERS Announcement of Opportunity (AO) projects; Third, to support industry, i.e. value adding and servicing companies, in establishing useful and cost effective services. The DUP/DUE Programme in a few words
9697989900010203 DUP Phase 1 (5 years) DUP Phase 2 (3 years) DUP 1 external evaluation DUP 2 external evaluation May 01 1 st Call Apr 00 3 rd Call May 97 1 st Call Mar 02 2 nd Call Oct 02 3 rd Call Sept 1998 1 sr Actors Workshop Sept 1999 2 nd Actors Workshop Apr 2002 1 st Users Symposium Sep 2004 2 nd Users Symposium May 98 2 nd Call Oct 96 Unsollic. proposals 31166165 04 Oct 2000 ERS ENVISAT Symposium DUP Life Cycle 05 Jul 03 1th Call DUE Phase 1 (5 years) Mar 04 2nd Call 345
50 Application Projects for 15 M€ 0.0 500.0 1,000.0 1,500.0 2,000.0 2,500.0 3,000.0 3,500.0 4,000.0 ozone / aerosols subsidence / landslide Hydrology / water quality Bathymetry / Tide/ Pollution Forestry Land Use / Land Cover Agriculture Topography / Cartography DUP1 and DUP2 projects thematic
GOME Total Ozone Fast Delivery Service Developed under DUP Linked with Nationally & EC-financed FP5 projects
User requirements consolidation Service Development User Group: shall devote, at least, 3 man/month of work to the project. This is formalised through letters of commitment (preparation phase). EO data Products Service Data access & ground truthing Support to products validation Service assessment User Involvement during the Project
How to Work Together? First Step - The Set up: To initiate a project we need from the User (TPN1): A Letter of Commitment; A User Requirements Document; Letter of Commitment I will commit X men/month of work to: Consolidate the User Requirements; Provide access to data and information useful for the project; Organize a dedicated ground data collection campaign for the project; To support the validation of the results; To assess the final service from a user perspective; User requirements Document The Service required include the provision of the following geo-information products: XXX The area of interest is the following: …. The timeframe of interest in the following …. The format of the products should be the following: ….
How to Work Together? First Step – The Set Up One of the main objectives of this initial base is to create a solid partnership between ESA and the User group. Industrial Team National or Local User National or Local User National or Local User TPN1 responsible for creating and coordinating the National and Local user group ESA responsible for preparing, placing and running the contract with European and Can. Industry Partnership User Federator
How to Work Together? Second Step - The ITT process: Using as input the User requirement Documents, ESA engineers will prepare an Statement of Work; Then, an Invitation to tender will be issued inviting all the European and Canadian industry to submit proposals to carry out the work; ESA will select the proposal that propose the best solution to mach the User Requirements; After a successful negotiation, the project is finally kicked-off!
How to Work Together? Third Step - the project: During the project the collaboration with the users is critical in order to ensure that the final system fully match the user requirements; The User should collaborate in the project by: Consolidation of the User requirements; Provide access to data and information that can be useful for the project; Organize a dedicated ground data collection campaign for collecting in situ data; Support the validation of the final results; Assess the final service from a user perspective; During the project the User is trained The User has property right to the information products and services generated for its operational use!
Eduspace workshop 31/10/2002 - 01/11/2002, 80 participants CEOS Plenary Meeting 20-21/11/2002, 110 participants Several Projects Workshops on USERS (Data User Program) SLAM Users Workshop, TEMIS Users Workshop, Urbex Users Workshop, GODAE Users Workshop, Chemical Weather Users Workshop, Desertification Users Workshop participants number average: 50 TESEO (Treaty Enforcement Services using Earth Observation) Users Workshops TUBE 1, November 2001,40 participants TUBE 2, June 2002, 40 participants TUBE 3, January 2003, 50 participants GMES First Co-location meeting 10-14/03/2003, 110 participants, 07-09/10/2003, 140 participants EO Exploitation for Renewable Energies Workshop 23-24/06/2003, 60 participants Briefing to Industry, 24/06/2003, 150 participants International summer school on Envisat data assimilation 18-29/08/2003, 60 participants Total: 24 MEETINGS with USERS in ESRIN between March 2001 and November 2003 + several organised by ESRIN at USERS place. Meeting with users
ESA supports: ESA supports: UNCCD; UNCCD; World Heritage Convention; World Heritage Convention; Ramsar Convention on Wetlands; Ramsar Convention on Wetlands; UNFCCC; UNFCCC; ESA attending key events: ESA attending key events: World Summit, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2002; World Summit, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2002; COP 8 of the UNFCCC, New Delhi, India, 2002; COP 8 of the UNFCCC, New Delhi, India, 2002; COP 8 of the Ramsar Convention, Valencia, Spain, 2002; COP 8 of the Ramsar Convention, Valencia, Spain, 2002; COP 6 of the UNCCD, La Havana, Cuba, 2003; COP 6 of the UNCCD, La Havana, Cuba, 2003; COP9 of the UNFCCC, Milano, 2003; COP9 of the UNFCCC, Milano, 2003; ESA Supporting International Conventions
Projects name: KYOTOINV, GLOBWETLAND, DESERTWATCH, ALPINE Usernames: UNFCCC, RAMSAR, UNCCD,, ALPINE CONVENTION, NPoCs International Scientific Programs NGOs National Governmental Ministries, Agencies Environmental conventions Intergovernmental Organisations Projects name:GLOBCARBON, MEDSPIRATION, TEMIS Usernames: IGBP, GODAE, GOFC Projects name: DUDES,, GLOBCOVER, CONTRAIL, EPIDEMIO, GLOBAER, BeGO Usernames: EC, UNEP, FAO, EUROCONTROL, WHO, ECMWF, UNESCO Projects name: ITALSCAR, SLAM, COASTCHART, TEMIS Usernames: CPA, ENV MINISTRIES, HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICES, MET OFFICES Projects name: HUMAN, URBEX Usernames: MSF, WWF Major DUP User Organizations
Project # users Names/countries TEMIS6 ECMWF, METEOFRANCE, RIVM, ARPA, EMPA, LOREAL GLOBCARBON5 PIK, MPI, LSCE, CESBIO, CTCD DUDES2 IGM, DeAgostini KYOTOINV5 I, CH, NL, N, FIN SLAM7 I: Min of Env, GNDCI, ARNO Adb, LGV AdB CH: FOWG, Bern Canton, Wallis Canton EPIDEMIO6 WHO, Pasteur, CERMES, CIRMF, HIMAL, TALA MEDSPIRATION1 GODAE GLOBWETLAND21 10 Africa, 8 Europe, Russia, Canada, Ecuador CONTRAIL1 EUROCONTROL 60+ committed user within DUP / E
TEMIS: Atmosphere Modelers/Envi. Agencies
Mapping aircraft condensation trails for EUROCONTROL UR: April 2003 KO: November 2003 CONTRAIL: Air Traffic Environmental Impact (IPCC)
Champion User EUROCONTROL - Responsible for integrated European air traffic control system The Process 1.Cooperation Agreement between ESA and EUROCONTROL Navigation, in particular GNSS Telecommunications Environment 2.User Requirements meeting at ESRIN 23 April 2003. Three application areas requested by the User: Aviation-caused atmospheric pollution monitoring Judged available techniques not currently mature enough to separate aviation from other emission sources Greenhouse impact of condensation trails Mature algorithms for mapping contrails exist Airport environment - Land use and local pollution Potential future project 3.During the User Requirements meeting the User was informed of the IPCC hypothesis that aviation- induced cirrus clouds may cause significantly more greenhouse warming than the CO 2 emissions due to the fuel burnt. Given the potential implications for the aviation industry if this hypothesis is found to be true, a project to provide a more accurate assessment was considered very high priority by the end user. 4.CONTRAILS Project ITT issued on 12 June 2003 KO on 8 Dec 2003 Final results due Dec 2005
Users Atmospheric modelling community (ECMWF, MeteoFrance, UKMO, DKRZ, etc) Transboundary pollution monitoring (EMEP) Regional air quality monitoring agencies (Athens, Lombardia, Flanders, etc) Applications Climate change and atmospheric chemistry Particulate emission sources and dynamics Background for regional air quality monitoring Atmospheric correction of optical satellite data Products/Activities Global aerosol climatology (target: 1995 - 2005) Land and Ocean (Optical depth, Ångstrøm coeff) Multi-resolution product Size distribution: PM 10, PM 2.5 Speciation: anthropogenic, black carbon, mineral dust, marine, etc. Input: Multi-sensor satellite data fusion. ATSR, MERIS, SeaWiFS, MSG, MODIS, GOES, AVHRR DUE - GlobAer
GMES Establishing an integrated European Monitoring Capability
GMES Partnership European and national user agencies European and national space organisations Industry R&D institutions and other partners GMES builds upon existing capacities and expertise European Space Agency European Commission
European Service & IT Industry EO Public Policy Space Agencies Scientific Community Aerospace Industry Value Adding Industry Governments, EU International Organisations Regulatory Bodies Industry General Public Solutions Needs GMES
GMES Services Element (GSE) ESA Programme dedicated to GMES Approved: ESA Ministerial Council Nov 2001 Earthwatch element Deliver Operational Services Support for environmental & security policies Budget 83 Meuro 5 years
GSE Objectives Short-term Foster maximum use of EO-based services in support of European Policies on Environment & Security Long-Term Establish case for future EO-based operational systems to delivery policy-related info for benefit of Europe’s citizens
Available readily accessible to users when needed now & in future Reliable consistently meet user-defined quality & standards Affordable overall benefits justify Costs Service Sustainability
EO In-situ / airborne Socio-Economic Models / Assimilation Monitoring / Assessment / Forecasting Data & Methods
GMES Interim report GSE Programme sequence GSE ITT contracts service reviews GMES Forum consolidation User Consultations full operationalisation service reviews New Services preparation 20022003200420052006
Cardinal Requirement Service Consolidation Complete, clear & convincing answers What information is needed? What services can be provided? What are the benefits for Europe’s Citizens? Do the benefits justify the costs Geographic scope Global; continental; regional; national; local Timescale Present + 10 years
GSE Teams Organisation Project Manager Research Partners System Developers Operational Service Providers Core Users Group Service Strategy Group Prime Contractor
GSE Service Consolidation: Scope Select a first set of service-portfolios Perform all necessary consolidation activities ~10 Service-portfolios ~10 Policy-sectors ~10 Contracts 15 MEuro 750–1500K/ctr 20 months consolidated European E&S service-offering inputs to GMES initial report (2003) inputs to Earthwatch definition basis for full GMES service implementation
What has to be done to consolidate GMES Services ?
Service portfolio Operational scenarios Infrastructure systems analysis Data needs & availability prospectus Core user needs Science Review Policy Foundations Review Key User segment Profiles Global user needs directory Service growth & enhancement Service Negotiation SLA Service utility reports Service provision data access agreements precursor systms Inventory data sources Inventory System Standards Guidelines Methods compendium User Stds Handbook Validation Protocol Val Reports Service Partnership protocol Service prospectus appraisal Promotion & Training Plans Portfolio Specs Promotion & Training Reports CBA
GSE Services in consolidation CoastWatch ROSES ICEMON Northern View Forest Monitoring SAGE Risk-EOS TerraFirma Urban Services Food Security
Int. 86 Users from 14 countries & 17 international organisations User organizations from…
New GSE Services Consolidation starting in 2004 GSE Info Services for Humanitarian Aid GSE Atmospheric Monitoring Services
GSE Atmosphere Ozone Monitoring, Forecasting & Assessment UV Monitoring & Forecasting Air Pollution (in-situ) GHGs monitoring (future) Service Portfolio Montreal Protocol Public Health 6EAP / Clean Air For Europe UNCLRTP UNFCCC / KP Policy Sector
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