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Lecture 10, Part 2-Exposure to Contiminants Via Water, Continued Conrad (Dan) Volz, DrPH, MPH Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Graduate.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 10, Part 2-Exposure to Contiminants Via Water, Continued Conrad (Dan) Volz, DrPH, MPH Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Graduate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 10, Part 2-Exposure to Contiminants Via Water, Continued Conrad (Dan) Volz, DrPH, MPH Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh 724.316.5408

2 ESTIMATE EXPOSURE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUND WATER It is most appropriate to use groundwater sampling data as estimates of exposure concentrations when the sampling points correspond to exposure points, such as samples taken from a drinking water tap. Exposure concentrations in ground water can be based on monitoring data alone or on a combination of monitoring and modeling. However, samples taken directly from a domestic well or drinking water tap should be interpreted cautiously. For example, where the water is acidic, inorganic chemicals such as lead or copper may leach from the distribution system. Organic chemicals such as phthalates may migrate into water from plastic piping. Therefore, interpretations of these data should consider the type and operation of the pumping, storage, and distribution system involved. EPA RAGS

3 ESTIMATE EXPOSURE CONCENTRATIONS IN SURFACE WATER Data from surface water sampling and analysis may be used alone or in conjunction with fate and transport models to estimate exposure concentrations. Where the sampling points correspond to exposure points, such as at locations where fishing or recreational activities take place, or at the intake to a drinking water supply, the monitoring data can be used alone to estimate exposure concentrations. But you will need water intake data, which is dependant on many variables to estimate consumption! (Could use questionnaires) EPA RAGS Chapter 6

4 The complexity of surface water processes leads to certain limitations in monitoring data Reasons Temporal representativeness. Spatial representativeness. Quantitation limit limitations. Contributions from other sources.

5 Temporal representativeness Surface water subject to: seasonal changes in flow, temperature, and depth These will significantly affect the fate and transport of contaminants. Releases to surface water bodies often depend on storm conditions to produce surface runoff and soil erosion. Lakes are subject to seasonal stratification and changes in biological activity. Unless the surface water monitoring program has been designed to account for these phenomena, the data may not represent long-term average concentrations or short-term concentrations that may occur after storm events. EPA RAGS

6 Spatial representativeness. Variation in concentration can occur with respect to depth and lateral location in surface water bodies. (Draw board detail). Sample locations should be examined relative to surface water mixing zones. (Draw schematic of release point and plume to demonstrate). Concentrations within the mixing zone may be significantly higher than at downstream points where complete mixing has taken place.

7 Quantitation limit limitations. Definition of non-detect or left- censored data Where large surface water bodies are involved, contaminants that enter as a result of groundwater discharge or runoff from relatively small areas may be significantly diluted. Although standard analytical methods may not be able to detect chemicals at these levels, the toxic effects of the chemicals and/or their potential to bioaccumulate may nevertheless require that such concentrations be assessed. What is left-censored data and is it important??

8 Contributions from other sources. Surface water bodies can receive contamination from many sources (e.g., pesticide runoff, stormwater, wastewater discharges, acid mine drainage). Many of the chemicals associated with these sources may be difficult to distinguish from site- related chemicals. In many cases background samples will be useful in assessing site-related contaminants from other contaminants.

9 Factors Affecting Drinking Water Quality and Exposure-Whether From Ground or Surface Water Source Water Quality Treatment systems. * Distribution networks. * Storage practices. * Spatial and temporal variations. * Climatic and seasonal changes.

10 Classification of Substances in Drinking Water Systems * Type 1. Substances whose concentration is unlikely to vary during distribution. The concentration of these substances in the distribution system is largely governed by the concentration in the water going into the supply, and the substances do not undergo any reaction in the distribution system. Examples of such substances are arsenic, chloride, fluoride, hardness, pesticides, sodium and total dissolved solids. * Type 2. Substances whose concentrations may vary during distribution. 1.These include- substances whose concentration during distribution is dependent mainly on the concentration in the water going into the supply, but which may participate in reactions (which change the concentration) within the distribution system. Examples are aluminium, iron, manganese and hydrogen ion (pH). 2. Substances for which the distribution system provides the main source, such as copper, lead and zinc. WHO Exposure Assessment Document

11 Sampling Methods for Water Supplies * Grab samples represent a "snapshot" of a situation at a particular time and place. Using samples taken at intervals and analysed individually, this method can characterize variations in source composition. * First-draw (static) samples are collections immediately following a stagnation period (e.g., overnight). This reflects the influence of domestic plumbing on the inorganic content of water quality. * Flushed samples are taken after taps have been run for a sufficient length of time to eliminate stagnant water. * Composite samples involve regular sampling, usually over a 24-h period, followed by pooling of samples and analysis of the composite. This integrated method overcomes the disadvantages inherent in first-draw sampling. Time-composite samples approximate the potential exposure to drinking-water contaminants.

12 ARSENIC DRINKING WATER Indicators: Levels of Arsenic in Community Water Systems (CWS): Distribution of population served by level of Arsenic in drinking water Hazard/Exposure-Why?-Arsenic compounds (As (III) and As (V)) are found in both ground water and surface waters. The primary sources are geologic formations from which arsenic can be dissolved.Higher levels of arsenic tend to be found in ground water (e.g. aquifers) as compared to surface waters (e.g., lakes, rivers). Measured arsenic concentrations in finished drinking water can be used to understand the distribution of potential arsenic exposure levels for populations served by community water supplies. These measures allow for comparison of potential for arsenic exposures between the populations served by different water systems and water sources over time, and potentially across demographic groups. EPHT Water Group

13 Arsenic Measures Possible in CWS Measure 1: Estimated population and proportion of population served by CWS that had a violation of the Primary Drinking Water Standard for arsenic, in 1-year periods. Advantages: This measure is simple to calculate, unambiguous, and can be readily comprehended as an indicator for the number of people potentially exposed to water that does not meet regulatory limits for arsenic. It is easily replicated, allowing temporal comparisons (As long as the definition of a violation remains constant) and compliance progress tracking. Moreover, it can be calculated for different spatial aggregations.

14 Measure 1: Estimated population and proportion of population served by CWS that had a violation of the Primary Drinking Water Standard for arsenic, in 1- year periods. Limitations: Compliance with the arsenic MCL is based on samples taken over a 9-year period by a PWS (2002-2010). Samples are taken once a year (surface sources), once every three years (groundwater sources), or once every nine years (for sources with a waiver). Some ground water systems do not have to conduct initial compliance monitoring for the 10 ppb MCL until the end of the 2007 3-year compliance period. In general, however, starting with the January 23, 2006 effective date, if a sampling point exceeds 10 ppb, that point is sampled quarterly, and the running annual average is used to determine compliance. A violation does not occur until the average of four quarterly samples exceeds the MCL. With compliance based on both spatial and temporal averages, it is possible for some sampling points occasionally or all of the sampling points at some time during the year to exceed the threshold value of the MCL without triggering a violation. Conversely, an exceedence of the MCL threshold value could occur at one or more sampling points while the rest of the distribution system had water that complied with the MCL. These situations would respectively underestimate and overestimate the number of people exposed to over 10 ppb. EPHT Water Team.

15 Measure 2: Number of people served by CWS whose 3-year mean arsenic concentration was at or below a defined concentration, (implemented as the cumulative frequency distribution of population with respect to arsenic level) by 3-year time periods. Advantages: Provides quantitative determination of the number of people receiving water at or below particular concentrations. Standardized bins for concentration ranges would allow direct comparisons from state to state. 3-year mean arsenic concentrations can serve as effective measures for tracking long-term trend and potential health effects because the latency for cancers seems to be about 20 years, and skin lesions don't show up in children under 11 years old exposed to 500 ppb/L unless nutrition is poor in Bangladesh ( Limitations: Concentrations in drinking water cannot be directly converted to exposure, because water consumption varies by climate, level of physical activity, and between people (EPA 2004). Due to errors in estimating populations, the measures may overestimate/underestimate the number of affected people.

16 Cumulative frequency distribution of population with respect to mean Total Trihalomethane concentration for New York State-Richter EPHT Water Group

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