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Session09: Meyers-Briggs and you

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1 Session09: Meyers-Briggs and you
Manning School of Business Session09: Meyers-Briggs and you Dr. Mark H. Mortensen and 212 Tues &Thurs 2:00 to 3:15 3:30 to 4:45

2 Today Attendance Discussion on Meyers-Briggs test
Catch up on any reading Attendance Discussion on Meyers-Briggs test Group presentations on Failed/Turnaround companies Discussion on why companies fail Review of material covered so far

3 Meyers-Briggs Favorite world: Do you prefer to focus on the outer world or on your own inner world? This is called Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I). Information: Do you prefer to focus on the basic information you take in or do you prefer to interpret and add meaning? This is called Sensing (S) or Intuition (N). Decisions: When making decisions, do you prefer to first look at logic and consistency or first look at the people and special circumstances? This is called Thinking (T) or Feeling (F). Structure: In dealing with the outside world, do you prefer to get things decided or do you prefer to stay open to new information and options? This is called Judging (J) or Perceiving (P).

4 Personality Types and Matching Jobs
ISTJ - The Duty Fulfillers ESTJ - The Guardians ISFJ - The Nurturers ESFJ - The Caregivers ISTP - The Mechanics ESTP - The Doers ESFP - The Performers ISFP - The Artists ENTJ - The Executives INTJ - The Scientists ENTP - The Visionaries INTP - The Thinkers ENFJ - The Givers INFJ - The Protectors ENFP - The Inspirers INFP - The Idealists

5 ENTJs are especially well-suited to be leaders and organization builders
ENTJs generally have the following traits: Driven to turn theories into plans Highly value knowledge Future-oriented Natural leaders Impatient with inefficiency and incompetence Want things structured and orderly Excellent verbal communication skills Dislike routine, detail-oriented tasks Self-confident Decisive Possible Career Paths for the ENTJ:    Corporate Executive Officer; Organization Builder    Entrepreneur    Computer Consultant    Lawyer    Judge    Business Administrators and Managers    University Professors and Administrators

6 An ISTJ can do almost anything that they have decided to do
ISTJs generally have the following traits: Value tradition, security, and peaceful living Will work long and hard to fulfill duties Can be depended on to follow through on tasks Loyal and faithful Stable, practical and down-to-earth Family-minded Dislike doing things which don't make sense to them Dislike abstract theory, unless they see the practical application Natural leaders Prefer to work alone, but work well in teams when necessary Extremely observant, they take in facts via their senses and store them internally Vast, rich inner store of facts which they rely on to understand problems which they encounter in their lives Profound respect for facts and concrete information Make decisions objectively, applying logic and rational thinking Dislike change, unless they are shown it's benefit in a concrete way Have strong opinions about the way things should be done Appreciate structured, orderly environments Have very high standards for their own behavior and the behavior of others Not naturally in-tune with other people's feelings Able to accomplish almost anything if they put their minds to it Community minded "good citizens" Possible Career Paths for the ISTJ:    Business Executives, Administrators and Managers    Accountants and Financial Officers    Police and Detectives    Judges    Lawyers    Medical Doctors / Dentists    Computer Programmers or Systems Analysts    Military Leaders

7 ESTPs want to see an immediate result for their actions, and don't like dealing with a lot of high-level theory where that won't be the case ESTPs generally have the following traits: Action-oriented Live in the present moment Dislike abstract theory without practical application Like to see immediate results for their efforts Fast-paced and energetic Flexible and adaptable Resourceful Seldom work from a plan - make things up as they go Fun to be around Highly observant Excellent memory for details Excellent people skills Good-natured Excellent ability to see an immediate problem and quickly devise a solution Attracted to adventure and risk May be flashy or showy Like initiating things - not necessarily following them through to completion Possible Career Paths for ESTP:    Sales Representatives    Marketing Personnel    Police / Detective Work    Paramedic / Emergency Medical Technician    PC Technicians or Network Cablers    Computer Technical Support    Entrepreneurs    Athlete

8 ENTPs are generally good at anything which has captured their interest.
ENTPs generally have the following traits: Project-oriented Enjoy generating ideas and theories Creative and ingenious Bright and capable Flexible and Diverse Excellent communication skills Enjoy debating issues with other people Excellent people skills Natural leaders, but do not like to control people Resist being controlled by people Lively and energetic; able to motivate others Highly value knowledge and competence Logical, rational thinkers Able to grasp difficult concepts and theories Enjoy solving difficult problems Dislike confining schedules and environments Dislike routine, detailed tasks Possible Career Paths for the ENTP:    Lawyers    Psychologists    Entrepreneurs    Photographers    Consultants    Engineers    Scientists    Actors    Sales Representatives    Marketing Personnel    Computer Programmer or Systems Analyst

9 Today Discussion on Meyers-Briggs test Attendance
Review of material covered so far

10 Today Discussion on Meyers-Briggs test Attendance
Review of material covered so far this semester

11 Review of material covered so far this semester
What is strategic management? What are the steps in strategic management? What things go under each of the four steps? What is a business model? What are the business models of the companies we have studied so far? PEST analysis – what and what goes in each area of analysis? Place items into their correct position on a SWOT analysis What is a Porter 5 Forces analysis? What purpose would doing one serve? Is Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks a better stock investment right now?

12 Next session: Quiz

13 Strategic Management – Spring 2014

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