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Published byAnnabel Cunningham Modified over 9 years ago
Earth resource satellites operating in the optical spectrum
Chapter 6 Earth resource satellites operating in the optical spectrum Introduction to Remote Sensing Instructor: Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu Department of Earth Sciences National Cheng-Kung University Last updated: 28 May 2003
6.1 Introduction Remote sensing + space exploration (RS+SE) interest and application over a wider range of disciplines Current application New technology new or improved satellite/sensor new application The most important outcome of RS+SE observing earth earth system
6.1 Introduction (cont.) This chapter optical range 0.3 m m~14 m m
Landsat Spot NOAA series
6.2 Early history of space imaging
Ludwig Bahrmann (1891): New or improved apparatus for obtaining Bird’s eye photographic views Alfred Maul (1907): gyrostabilization Alfred Maul (1912): 41kg, 200mm x 250 mm, 790m 1946~1950: V2 rockets 1960~ : TIROS-1, early weather satellite Not just look at but also look through
6.2 Early history of space imaging (cont.)
1960s: Mercury, Gemini, Apollo Alan Shepard, 1961, 70 mm, 150 photos John Glenn, 1962, 35 mm, 48 photos. Later Mercury missions: 70 mm, 80 mm Gemini GT-4 mission: formal experiment directed at geology Tectonics, volcanology, geomophology. 1:2, photos Apollo 9: 4 camera array, electrically triggered. 140 sets of imagery
6.2 Early history of space imaging (cont.)
Skylab 1973 Earth Resources Experiment Package (EREP) 6-camera multi-spectral array A long focal length “earth terrain” camera A 13-channel multispectral scanner A pointable spectroradiometer Two microwave systems. 35,000 images U.S.-USSR Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP)
6.3 Landsat satellite program overview
Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) 1967 ERTS-1, 1972~1978 Nimbus weather satellite modified Experimental system test feasibility Open skies principle Landsat-2, 1975 (ERTS-2)
6.3 Landsat satellite program overview (cont.)
Table 6.1: Characteristics of Landsat 1~6 Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) camera systems Multispectral Scanner system (MSS) Thematic Mapper (TM) Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) Table 6.2: Sensors used on Landsat 1~6 missions
6.4 Orbit characteristic of Landsat-1, -2, and –3
Fig 6.1: Landsat –1, -2, and –3 observatory configuration 3m x 1.5m, 4m width of solar panels, 815 kg, 900 km Inclination = 90 To= 103 min/orbit Fig 6.2: Typical Landsat-1, -2 and –3 daily orbit pattern Successive orbits are about 2760km Swath: 185km Orbital procession 18 days for coverage repetition 20 times of global coverage per year
6.4 Orbit characteristic of Landsat-1, -2, and –3 (cont.)
Sun-synchronous orbit 9:42 am early morning skies are generally clearer than later in the day Pros: repeatable sun illumination conditions on the same day in every year Cons: variable sun illumination conditions with different locations and seasons variations in atmospheric conditions
6.5 Sensors onboard Landsat-1, -2 and –3
3-Channel RBV 185km x 185 km Ground resolution: 80m Spectral bands: 1: mm~0.575 mm (green) 2:0.580 mm~0.680 mm (red) 3: mm~0.830 mm (NIR) Expose photosensitive surface scan video signal Pros: Greater cartographic fidelity Reseau grid geometric correction in the recording process
6.5 Sensors onboard Landsat-1, -2 and –3 (cont.)
3-Channel RBV (cont.) Landsat-1: malfunction only 1690 scenes Landsat-2 only for engineering evaluation only occasionally RBV imagery was obtained. Landsat-3 Single broad band (0.505~0.75 u mm) 2.6 times of resolution improved: 30m double f Two-camera side-by-side configuration with side-lap and end-lap. (Fig 6.4) Fig 6.5: Landsat-3 RBV image
6.5 Sensors onboard Landsat-1, -2 and –3 (cont.)
4 Channel MSS 185km x 185km Ground resolution: 79m Spectral band: Band 4: 0.5 mm ~ 0.6 mm (green) Band 5: 0.6 mm ~ 0.7 mm (red) Band 6: 0.7 mm ~ 0.8 mm (NIR) Band 7: 0.8 mm ~ 0.9 mm (NIR) Band 8: 10.4~12.6 um Landsat-3, failed Band 4~7 band 1~4 in Landsat-4, -5 Fig 6.6: Comparison of spectral bands
6.5 Sensors onboard Landsat-1, -2 and –3 (cont.)
4 Channel MSS (cont.) Fig 6.7: Landsat MSS operating configuration Small TFOV use an oscillating scan mirror A-to-D converter (6 bits) Pixel width: 56m x 79m set by the pixel sampling rate (Fig 6.8) Each Landsat MSS scene 185km x 185km 2340 scan lines, 3240 pixels per line, 4 bands Enormous data Fig 6.9: Full-frame, band 5, Landsat MSS scene Parallelogram earth’s rotation 15 steps Tick marks Lat. Long. Annotation block Color composite: band 4 (b), band 5 (g), band 7(r) (Fig 6.6)
6.5 Sensors onboard Landsat-1, -2 and –3 (cont.)
Data distribution Experiment transitional operational NASA NOAA NASA USGS EOSAT USGS Landsat-1,-2,-3 Landsat-4,-5,-6 Landsat-7 Department of Interior Department of Commerce Department of Defense Data receiving station Data reprocessing Data catalogue
6.6 Landsat MSS image interpretation
Applications: agriculture, botany cartography, civil engineering, environmental monitoring, forestry, geography, geology, geophysics, land resources analysis, land use planning, oceanography, water resource analysis Comparison of Landsat & airborne image Table 6.4 Resolution Coverage Complementary not replacement 2-D, non-stereo mode
6.6 Landsat MSS image interpretation (cont.)
Characteristics of MSS image Effective resolution 79m, (30m for Landsat-3) but linear feature with sharp contrast can be seen 1-D displacement relief (in E-W direction) Limited area can be viewed in stereo study topographic High altitude + low TFOV little RD planimeter map E.g. World Bank, USGS. DMA, petroleum company
6.6 Landsat MSS image interpretation (cont.)
Characteristics of MSS image (cont.) Band 5 (red) better atmospheric penetration detecting cultural features Band 4 (green) deep, clear water penetration Band 6, 7 lineating water bodies (dark) The largest single use of Landsat MSS data geologic studies band 5.7
6.6 Landsat MSS image interpretation (cont.)
Fig 6.10 : four Landsat MSS bands Extent of the urban area (B4, 5, light) Major road (B4, 5 light, not B6, B7 dark) Airport Asphalt-surfaced runways Four major lakes and connected river (B6, 7 dark) mid-July algae green B4: similar to the surrounding agricultural land Agricultural field. (B5, 6, 7) Forest (B4, 5 dark) winter images are preferred
6.6 Landsat MSS image interpretation (cont.)
Fig 6.11: Landsat MSS band 5 December image 20 cm snow covered all water bodies are frozen Snow covered upland and valley floors light tone Steep, tree-covered valley sides dark tone September image Identify forest area
6.6 Landsat MSS image interpretation (cont.)
A hit-or-miss proposition Some events leave lingering trace Fig 6.12: Landsat MSS band 7 July image 200 m3/sec March image 1300 m3/sec once every four years Fig 6.13: Mississippi River Delta Silt flow but vague boundary band 5 Delineation of the boundary band 7 Fig 6.14: short-lived phenomena Active forest fire in Alaska Volcanic eruption on Kunashir Island
6.6 Landsat MSS image interpretation (cont.)
A hit-or-miss proposition (cont.) Fig 6.15: Extensive geologic features visible on MSS San Andreas fault, Six solid dots earthquake > 6.0 Fig 6.16: Landsat MSS band 6 66-km-wide Manicouagan ring 212-million-year-old meteorite impact crater Fig 6.17: Landsat MSS images of Mt. St. Helens before and after its 1980 eruptions Fig 6.18: Landsat MSS image of Maritoba, Canada, showing tornado and hail scar Fig 6.19: Landsat MSS image of East kalimantan, Indonesia, showing tropical deforestation
6.7 Orbit characteristics of Landsat-4 and -5
Fig 6.20: Sun-synchronous orbit of Landsat-4 and –5 Altitude: 900 705km Retrievable by the space shuttle Ground resolutions Inclination T=99min 14.5 orbit/day 9:45 am Fig 6.21: adjacent orbit space = 2752km 16-day repeat cycle 8-day phase between Landsat-4 and –5 (Fig 6.22)
6.8 Sensors onboard Landsat-4 and -5
Fig 6.23: Landsat-4 and –5 observatory configuration MSS, TM 2000 kg, 1.5x2.3m solar panels x 4 on one side High gain antenna Tracking and Data Relay Satellite system (TDRSS) Direct transmission X-band and S-band MSS: 15 Mbps TM: 85 Mbps
6.8 Sensors onboard Landsat-4 and –5 (cont.)
MSS Same as previous except for larger TFOV for keeping the same ground resolution (79m 82m) Renumber bands TM 7 bands (Table 6.4) DN: 6 8 bits Ground resolution: 30m (thermal band: 120m) Geometric correction Space Oblique Mercator (SOM) cartographic projection
6.8 Sensors onboard Landsat-4 and –5 (cont.)
TM (cont.) Bi-directional scan the rate of oscillation of mirror dwelling time geometric integrity signal-to-noise Detector: MSS: 6x4=24 TM: 16x6+4x1=100 Fig 6.24: Thematic Mapper optical path and projection of IFOV on earth surface Fig 6.25: Schematic of TM scan line correction process
6.9 Landsat TM Image interpretation
Pros: Spectral and radiometric resolution Ground resolution Fig 6.26: MSS vs TM Fig 6.27: All seven TM bands for a summertime image of an urban fringe area Lake, river, ponds: b1,2 > b3 > b4=b5=b7=0 Road urban streets: b4 min Agricultural crops: b4 max Golf courses
6.9 Landsat TM Image interpretation (cont.)
Fig 6.27 (cont.) Glacial ice movement: upper right lower left Drumlins, scoured bedrock hills Band 7 resample from 120m to 30m Plate 12 + Table 6.5: TM band color combinations (a): normal color mapping of water sediment patterns (b): color infrared mapping urban features and vegetation types (c)(d): false color
6.9 Landsat TM Image interpretation (cont.)
Fig 6.28: Landsat TM band 6 (thermal infrared) image Correlation with field observations 6 gray levels 6T Plate 13: color-composite Landsat TM image Extremely hot blackbody radiation thermal infrared TM bands 3, 4 and 7
6.9 Landsat TM Image interpretation (cont.)
Fig 6.29: Landsat TM band 5 (mid-infrared) image Timber clear-cutting Fig 6.30: Landsat TM band 3, 4 and 5 composite Extensive deforestation. Fig 6.31: Landsat TM band 4 image map 13 individual TM scenes + mosaic
6.10 Landsat-6 planned mission
A failed mission Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) TM+ panchromatic band (0.5~0.9 mm) with 15m resolution. Set 9-bit A-to-D converter to a high or low gain 8-bit setting from the ground. Low reflectance water high gain Bright region deserts low gain
6.11 Landsat ETM image simulation
Fig 6.32: Landsat ETM images
6.12 Landsat-7 Launch: 1999 Web site:
Landsat 7 handbook Landsat 7 in orbit Depiction of Landsat 7
6.12 Landsat-7 (cont.) Landsat 7 Orbit Landsat data Orbital paths
Swath Swath pattern Landsat data
6.12 Landsat-7 (cont.) Payload Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)
Dual mode solar calibrator Data transmission TDRSS or stored on board. GPS subsequent geometric processing of the data High Resolution Multi-spectral Stereo Imager (HRMSI) 5m panchromatic band 10m ETM bands 1~4 Pointable revisit time (<3 days) Stereo imaging. 00~380 cross-track and 00~300 along-track
6.12 Landsat-7 (cont.) Application Monitoring Temperate Forests
Mapping Volcanic Surface Deposits Three Dimensional Land Surface Simulations
6.13 SPOT Satellite Program
Background French+Sweden+Belgium 1978 Commercially oriented program SPOT-1 French Guiana, Ariane Rocket 1986 Linear array sensor+pushbroom scanning+pointable Full-scene stereoscopic imaging
6.13 SPOT Satellite Program (cont.)
1990 SPOT-3 1993
6.14 Orbit characteristics of SPOT-1, -2 and -3
Circular, near-polar, sun-synchronous orbit Altitude: 832km Inclination: 98.70 Descend across the equator at 10:30AM Repeat: 26 days Fig 6.33: SPOT revisit pattern at latitude 450 and 00 At equator: 7 viewing opportunities exist At 450: 11 viewing opportunities exist
6.15 Sensors onboard SPOT-1, -2 and -3
Configuration (Fig 6.34) 223.5m, 1750 kg, solar panel: 15.6m Modular design High Resolution Visible (HRV) imaging system 2-mode 10m-resolution panchromatic mode (0.51~0.73mm) 20m-resolution color-infrared mode. (0.5~0.59mm, 0.61~0.68mm, 0.79~0.89mm)
6.15 Sensors onboard SPOT-1, -2 and –3 (cont.)
HRV (cont.) Pushbroom scanning No moving part (mirror) lifespan Dwell time Geometric error 4-CCD subarray 6000-element subarray panchromatic mode, 10m Three 3000-element subarrays multi-spectral mode, 20m 8-bit, 25 Mbps Twin-HRV instruments IFOV (for each instrument) 4.130 Swath: 60km 2 - 3km = 117km (Fig 3.36) TFOV (for each instrument) 270=0.6045 (Fig 3.35)
6.15 Sensors onboard SPOT-1, -2 and –3 (cont.)
HRV (cont.) Data streams Although 2-mode can be operated simultaneously, only one mode data can be transmitted limitation of data stream Stereoscopic imaging Off-nadir viewing capability (Fig 6.37) Frequency revisit schedule (Fig 6.33) Base-height ratio latitude 0.75 at equator, 0.5 at 450 Control Ground control station Toulouse, France observation sequence Receiving station Tordouse or Kiruna, Sweden Tape recorded onboard Transmitted within 2600km-radius around the station
6.16 SPOT HRV image interpretation
Fig 6.38: SPOT-1 panchromatic image 10m-resolution Cf: Landsat MSS 80m Cf: Landsat TM 30m (Fig 6.26) Cf: Landsat ETM 15m (Fig 6.32) Fig 6.39: SPOT-1 panchromatic image Plate14: merge of multispectral & panchromatic data Fig 6.40: SPOT-1 panchromatic image stereopair Plate 15: Perspective view of Alps SPOT stereopair + parallax calculation Plate 23 Fig 6.41: before and after the earthquake
6.17 SPOT –4 and –5 SPOT –4 Launched 1998
Vegetation Monitoring Instrument (VMI) Swath: 2000km daily global coverage Resolution: 1km Spectral band: b(0.43~0.47mm), g(0.5~0.59mm), r(0.61~0.68mm), N-IR(0.79~0.89mm), mid-IR(1.58~1.75mm)
6.17 SPOT –4 and –5 (cont.) SPOT – 5 Launched 2002
Vegetation Monitoring Instrument (VMI) Swath: 2000km daily global coverage Resolution: 1km Spectral band: b(0.43~0.47mm), g(0.5~0.59mm), r(0.61~0.68mm), N-IR(0.79~0.89mm), mid-IR(1.58~1.75mm)
6.18 Meteorological Satellite
Metsats Coarse spatial resolution land-oriented system Very high temporal resolution of global coverage NOAA satellites sun-synchronous GOES geostationary 36,000km altitude DMSP
6.18 Meteorological Satellite (cont.)
NOAA satellites Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) NOAA –6 ~ -12. (N-S) Even: 7:30AM crossing time Odd: 2:30 AM crossing time Table 6.6: characteristics of NOAA-6 ~ -12 Fig 6.42: Example coverage of the NOAA AVHRR Ground resolution: 1.1km at nadir AVHRR data LAC GAC Fig 6.43: Comparison of Spectral sensitivity
6.18 Meteorological Satellite (cont.)
NOAA satellites (cont.) Fig 6.44: AVHRR images A: distortion wide angle of view B: geometric correction Plate 16: NOAA AVHRR band 4 thermal image of the Great Lakes Fig 6.45: AVHRR images of the Mississippi Delta (a): present and past channels, future Atchafalaya (b): Channel–1 (red), silky material visible (c): Channel–2 (Near-IR), light tone higher & drier (d): Channel–4 (thermal –IR) light tone cooler Plumes of cooler river water
6.18 Meteorological Satellite (cont.)
NOAA satellites (cont.) Plate 17: springtime NOAA-8 AVHRR color composite Applications of AVHRR in monitoring vegetation Use Ch-1 (0.58~0.68 mm) and Ch-2 (0.73~1.10 mm) A simple vegetation index VI=Ch2-Ch1 Normalized difference vegetation index NDVI = (Ch2-Ch1)/(Ch2+Ch1) Vegetated areas large VI Clouds, water, snow negative VI Rock, Bare soil VI 0 For global vegetation NDVI preferred compensate the charging illumination conditions Plate 18: color-coded NDVI Select the highest NDVI during that period
6.18 Meteorological Satellite (cont.)
NOAA satellites (cont.) Applications of AVHRR in monitoring vegetation (cont.) Applications: vegetation seasonal dynamics at global and continental scale, tropical forest clearance, leaf area index measurement, biomass estimation, percentage ground cover determination, photosynthetically active radiation estimation Other factors that might influence NDVI Incident solar radiation Radiometric response of the sensor Atmospheric effect and viewing angle need further research
6.18 Meteorological Satellite (cont.)
GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites) NOAA + NASA 1974 36,000km USRS, ESA, NSDA Fig 6.46: GOES –2 visible band (0.55~0.7 mm) Frequency: 2/hour VI (daytime), IR (day and night)
6.18 Meteorological Satellite (Cont.)
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) 1973 0.4~1.1 mm (VI+N-IR) Nighttime visible band tune the amplifiers Fig 6.47: DMSP nighttime image Fig 6.48: Maps of population distribution
6.19 Ocean monitoring satellites
Ocean Land 2/3, but comparatively little is know Seasat (see §8.9) Nimbus –7 CZCS (Coastal Zone Color Scanner) 1978~1986 Proof of concept mission Table 6.7: CZCS bands narrow bandwidth 825m resolution at nadir, 1566km swath Map phytoplankton concentrations and inorganic suspended matter N-IR separate water from land
6.19 Ocean monitoring satellites (cont.)
Japan Marine Observation Satellite (MOS)-1: 1987 MOS-1b: 1990 Table 6.8: Instruments included in MOS-1 and MOS-1b 4-Channel Multi-spectral Electronic Self-Scanning Radiometer (MESSR) 4-Channel Visible and Thermal Infrared Radiometer (VTIR) 2-Channel Microwave Scanning Radiometer (MSR) 909km altitude, revisit period:17days
6.19 Ocean monitoring satellites (cont.)
Sea-viewing Wide-Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) 8-channel across-track scanner (0.402~0.885 mm) Ocean biogeochemistry NASA-orbital science corporation (OSC) 1998 – date Data LAC: 1.13km GAC: 4.52km 705km altitude, 2800km swath
6.20 Earth Observing System
Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE) Aims: providing the observations, understanding, and modeling capabilities needed assess the impacts of natural events and human-induced activities on the earth’s environment Data and information system: acquire, archive and distribute the data and information collected about the earth Further international understanding of the earth as a system
6.20 Earth Observing System (cont.)
EOS (Table 6.9) ASTER CERES MISR MODIS MOPITT MODIS (Table 6.10) Table 6.10 Terra: 2000 Aqua: 2002
6.21 Fine-resolution satellite system
CORONA 1960 – 1972, declassified in 1995 KH-1 ~ KH-4B ~ KH-5 Camera + film Band and resolution Web site: Impacts
6.21 Fine-resolution satellite system (cont.)
IKONOS 1999 by Space imaging Bands and resolution 1m-resolution 0.45 – 0.90 mm 4m-resolution 0.45 – 0.52 mm 0.52 – 0.60 mm 0.63 – 0.69 mm 0.76 – 0.90 mm Orbit: sun-synchronous Repeat coverage: 1.5 (1m) ~ 3 (4m) days
6.21 Fine-resolution satellite system (cont.)
OrbView–3 and –4 OrbView-2: SeaWiFS Will be launched soon! Similar bands and resolution as IKONOS OrbView–4 200 spectral channels in the range 0.45 – 2.5 m m at 8m resolution
6.21 Fine-resolution satellite system (cont.)
QuickBird 2001 by EarthWatch Inc. Bands and resolution 61cm-resolution 0.45 – 0.89 mm 2.44m-resolution 0.45 – 0.52 mm 0.52 – 0.60 mm 0.63 – 0.69 mm 0.76 – 0.89 mm
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