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An Overview of the REU Site, Expectations and Work Anant R. Kukreti Director for Engineering Outreach & Professor Department of Civil and Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of the REU Site, Expectations and Work Anant R. Kukreti Director for Engineering Outreach & Professor Department of Civil and Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of the REU Site, Expectations and Work Anant R. Kukreti Director for Engineering Outreach & Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering University of Cincinnati January 22, 2010

2 PRESESENTATION OUTLINE   Introductions   Project Office and Contact Information   Project Title and Participants   REU Site Activities   Laboratory and Office Usage and Safety Issues

3 PROJECT OFFICE and CONTACT INFORMATION   Your Project Office   Separate for each project – contact your Faculty Mentor   Project Director   Dr. Anant R. Kukreti   Office: ERC 701F   Phone: 513-556-4105   E-Mail:   Grant Coordinator   Mrs. Marlo Thigpen   Office: Baldwin Hall 665 & ERC 701   Phone: 513-556-4864   E-Mail:

4 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 1: “Development of Integrated Multi Functional Nano Assembly for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy”   Student Participants   Ashley Frierson, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pre-Junior, and Email:   Racquel Redwood, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pre-Junior, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Donglu Shi, Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, 493 Rhodes Hall, Tel: 513 556 3100, and Email

5 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 2: “Pulse Detonation Engines (PDE)”   Student Participants   Devina Dawson, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sophomore, and Email:   Gregory Chatlos, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Junior, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Ephraim J. Gutmark, Distinguished Research Professor and Ohio Regents Eminent Scholar, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, 799 Rhodes Hall, Tel: (513) 556-1227, and E- mail:

6 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 3: “Electrofluidic Materials and Device Discovery”   Student Participant   Everett Stephens, Department of Computer Science, Sophomore, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Jason Heikenfeld, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 836A Rhodes Hall, Tel.: 513-556-4763, and E-Mail:

7 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 4: “Intelligent Algorithms for Maze Exploration and Exploitation”   Student Participants   Sydney Barker, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Junior, and Email:   Vinson Butler, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sophomore, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Kelly Cohen, Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, 735 Rhodes Hall, Tel.: 513-556-6523, and E-Mail:   Expert Advisor to Project   Mr. Elad Kivelevitch   Lab Facility Manager & Graduate Student Support   Ms. Chelsea Sabo

8 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 5: “Measuring Travel Reliability Using Advanced Hybrid Technologies”   Student Participants   Avery Johnson, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pre-Junior, and Email:   Kaitlin Welch, Department of Computer Science, Pre- Junior, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Heng Wei, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 792 Rhodes Hall, Tel: 513- 556-3781, and Email:

9 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 6: “Mobile Robot Navigation in an Unstructured Environment”   Student Participant   Tacarra Gordon, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pre-Junior, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Manish Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department: Mechanical Engineering, 629 Rhodes Hall, Tel.: 513-556- 4668, and Email:

10 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 7: “Microalgae Culture for Wastewater Treatment and Biodiesel Production”   Student Participant   Rachel Rheaume, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Junior, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Joo-Youp Lee, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering, 640 ERC, Phone: 513-556-0018, and Email:

11 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 8: “Determination of Massively Separated Unsteady Flows - An Undergraduate Project”   Student Participants   Christopher McGlown, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Senior, and Email:   Charles Williams, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Senior, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Kirti N. Ghia, Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, 693 Rhodes Hall, Tel: (513) 556-3243, and E-mail:

12 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 9: “Microfluidic Sensor for Electrochemical Detection of Heavy Metals”   Student Participant   Josi Herren, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sophomore, and Email:   Faculty Mentors   Dr. Ian Papautsky, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 387 ERC, Tel: 556- 2347, and Email:   Dr. William R. Heineman, Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Chemistry, 120 Crosley Tower, 513-556-9210, and Email:

13 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 10: “Green Entrepreneurship: Public -Private Joint Venture in Energy Audits”   Student Participant   Keith Lackey Jr., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pre-Junior, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Daniel B. Oerther, Professor, Center for Sustaining the Urban Environment, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 746 Engineering Research Center, Tel: 513-556-3670, and E-Mail:

14 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 11: “Transport of Pollutants Through Liquid-Gas Interfaces - A Numerical Approach”   Student Participants   Marlon Patton, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pre-Junior, and Email:   Amanda McGee, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Sophomore, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Urmila Ghia, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 683 Rhodes and Computational Fluid Dynamics Research Laboratory (CFDRL) in 637 ERC, Tel: (513) 556-2347, and Email:

15 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 12: “Multimedia and HCI Research”   Student Participant   Justin Jemison, Department of Computer Science, Sophomore, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Chia-Yung Han, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, 532 ERC, Tel: 513-556-1813, and E- Mail:

16 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 13: “Jet Engine Design and Optimization”   Student Participant   Kevin Park, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Junior, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Mark G. Turner, Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, 730 Rhodes Hall, Tel: (513) 556- 3222, and Email:

17 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 14: “Turbine Blade Thermal Barrier Coating Erosion”   Student Participant   Nathanial Woggon, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Senior, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Awatef Hamed, Department Head and Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, 475 Rhodes Hall, Tel: (513) 556-3553, and E-Mail:

18 PROJECT TITLES AND PARTICIPANTS Project # 15: “Controlling Nano-Particles in Engine Exhaust”   Student Participant   Maesa Idries, Department of Chemical Engineering, Sophomore, and Email:   Faculty Mentor   Dr. Gregory Beaucage, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tel.: 513-556- 3063, and E-mail:

19 REU Site Activities General Project Schedule Project Meetings Biweekly Group Leaders and Responsibilities Reports and Presentations Awards Skills Workshops Enrichment Seminars Evaluations from Each Participant Activities Beyond 2009-2010 REU Program

20 REU Site Activities: General Project Schedule First and Second Months:   Identifying goals and the research tasks   Plan the time schedule   Conduct literature survey   Attend Equipment and Research Content Training Seminars   Write Abstract, Goals, Objectives, Literature Review, and Time Schedule – get reviewed from Faculty Mentor and finalize it

21 REU Site Activities: General Project Schedule (Continued) Third and Fourth Months:   Literature search and equipment and research content training seminars to continue, as needed   Fabricating specimens / conducting simulations   Laboratory testing / field investigations   Analyzing test results   Generalizations of results   Interim Progress Report and PowerPoint presentations at the end of First Quarter – reviewed and critiqued by Faculty Mentor

22 REU Site Activities: General Project Schedule (Continued) Fifth and Sixth Months:   Literature search and equipment and research content training seminars to continue, as needed   Fabricating specimens / conducting simulations to continue   Laboratory testing / field investigations to continue   Analyzing test results to continue   Generalizations of results to continue   Attend Enrichment Seminars and Skills Workshops and submit reflective feedback   Interim Progress Report and PowerPoint presentations at the end of sixth month - reviewed and critiqued by Faculty Mentor

23 REU Site Activities: General Project Schedule (Continued) Seventh Month:   Literature search and equipment and research content training seminars to continue, as needed   Fabricating specimens / conducting simulations   Laboratory testing / field investigations   Analyzing test results   Generalizations of results   Interim Progress Report at the end of seventh month - reviewed and critiqued by Faculty Mentor Eight Month (End of Second Quarter):   Final Research Technical Paper preparation   Final PowerPoint Presentation preparation   Final Display Poster preparation

24 REU Site Activities: Project Meetings Frequency   At least once every two weeks (or biweekly) Place   Research Faculty Mentor will fix the meeting place Time   Research Faculty Mentor will fix the meeting time for the week   If missed, it must be rescheduled   Attendance mandatory Documenting the Meeting   If a REU project has 2 students, one will serve as Project Leader for the meeting and reporting. This responsibility will rotate.   Discuses progress from past meeting   Present work planned till next meeting   Ask questions, if any   Participants will e-mail a reflective feedback soon after the meeting to the Faculty Mentor, Grant Coordinator ( and Project Director ( This must be submitted latest by Friday of the meeting week. Format for this feedback will be e-mailed to all

25 REU Site Activities: Bi-weekly Group Leaders & Responsibilities Group Leader for week one   First participant in the list, if 2 students working on the project Group Leader will rotate each week (except for projects with only one participant) Group Leader for the week will maintain a daily log of activities in a "Log Book“ Entries for each day must be written by the end of the day At the biweekly meeting show Log Book to Faculty Mentor and get signature with date Show Log Book to Grant Coordinator once a month and get signature with date Log Book will be submitted on the last day of the program

26 REU Site Activities: Reports and Presentations (Continued) Interim Progress Reports   Three Interim Reports:   At end of First Quarter – submit a written progress report (must have submitted)   At end Sixth Month - submit a written progress report and make a PowerPoint Presentation   At end of Seventh Month - submit a written progress report   Must follow the given guidelines for written reports – no exceptions   All reports must be reviewed by Faculty Mentor and corrected before submission   Reflective feedback of biweekly meetings – due by Friday of the meeting week   Show Log Book to Grant Coordinator once a month   The date and venue for the PowerPoint Presentation will be announced via BlackBoard   Give an electronic and hard copy of the report and PowerPoint Presentation to Faculty Mentor and Grant Coordinator   Each project member must participate in the presentation   Social hour with light refreshments follow the presentations

27 REU Site Activities: Reports and Presentations (Continued) Final Technical Research Paper, PowerPoint and Display Poster Presentations:   Draft due one week before the last week of the REU program   Format instructions supplied must be used   Five hard copies for distribution to the Judges   Submit an electronic copy to Grant Coordinator   Poster and oral presentation to external judges on last week (date, time, and venue will be announced):   Poster presentation   15-20 minutes PowerPoint presentation   10 minutes of questions and answers   Refreshments will be served

28 REU Site Activities: Reports and Presentations (Continued) Final Summary Report for NSF:   Draft due one week before the last week of the REU program   A 4 to 5 page, single line spaced, Arial 10 Font Size, I inch margins all around. The report narrative must be organized in following sections:   Project Title and names of the group members, student status in 2009-10 year, degree program   Goal and Objectives of the study   Research Tasks undertaken to meet the goals and objectives   Methodologies Used to execute the research tasks (be brief)   Training Received in use of specialized equipment - give the names of such equipment   Conclusions of your study   Four action photographs showcasing your project with captions (not counted in the 4-5 page narrative).   Must be reviewed and critiqued by Faculty Mentor and corrected prior to submission   All figures and tables included must be numbered and have captions. Do not use first person, e.g., I, we, etc.

29 REU Site Activities: Awards Certificate for each participant “Best Project” Award

30 REU Site Activities: Skills Workshops Six Research Skills Workshops will be scheduled via Blackboard – date, time and venue will be in the announcement section Each participant must complete each viewing and evaluation at the end of each workshop Each participant will submit a reflective write-up for each: one page, single line spaced, Arial 10 Font size, 1 inch margins on all four sides E-mail the above to Grant Coordinator and Project Director Workshop Topics:   Workshop # 1: Technical Writing and Presentation   Workshop # 2: Online Literature Search Using Library Facilities   Workshop # 3: Ethics in Engineering   Workshop # 4: Public Speaking and Communication   Workshop # 5: Poster Making and Presentation   Workshop # 6: Statistical and Uncertainty Analysis

31 REU Site Activities: Enrichment Seminars Four Enrichment Seminars are tentatively scheduled – date, time and venue will be informed Each participant must attend Each participant will submit a reflective write-up for each: one page, single spaced line, Arial 10 Font size, 1 inch margins on all four sides E-mail the above to Grant Coordinator and Project Director Seminar Topics:   Enrichment Seminar # 1: Research in an Academic Setting   Enrichment Seminar # 2: Taking Research from Lab to Real World   Enrichment Seminar # 3: Creative Thinking   Enrichment Seminar # 4: Graduate Education Opportunities and Application Process

32 REU Site Activities: Evaluations From Each Participant REU Site Satisfaction Questionnaire: to evaluate quality of facilities, activities, and guidance provided Post-Evaluation: to evaluate research skills acquired, mentorship provided, and future plans

33 REU Site Activities: Activities Beyond 2009-10 REU Program A presentation at your department, e.g., at an ASCE Student Chapter Meeting UC students must present a poster in the Spring (in May-June) Undergraduate Poster Presentation Day Submit a paper with Faculty Mentor to a student paper presentation competition and/or conference – this is a requirement Complete Online Tracking Form Annually in April

34 Laboratory and Office Usage and Safety Attire   Closed toe shoes   Full length pants   Safety glasses when needed   Hard hats when needed Equipment training and usage   Provided by laboratory technician and/or Graduate Research Assistant prior to usage   No equipment should be used without receiving training   All tools borrowed should be returned before the end of the day

35 Laboratory and Office Usage and Safety Issues (Continued) Never work alone when testing Use of Project Office (if you are assigned one)   Project Office should be kept clean on a daily basis ‑ no exceptions   Lock the room after leaving – no exceptions Copy Machine Usage   Grant Coordinator will assist in getting copies made for Interim and Final Reports if requested

36 OVERVIEW OF 2009-2010 REU RESEARCH PROJECTS Need 3 t0 4 slides presenting an overview of each project from the Faculty Mentors Need as soon as possible


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