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By: Jared, Jordan, Robert. Tsunami is a series of water, waves that is caused by the displacement of a large volume of body of water, such as an ocean.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jared, Jordan, Robert. Tsunami is a series of water, waves that is caused by the displacement of a large volume of body of water, such as an ocean."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jared, Jordan, Robert

2 Tsunami is a series of water, waves that is caused by the displacement of a large volume of body of water, such as an ocean. The original Japanese term literally translates as “Harbor Wave”. Tsunami’s are a frequent occurrence in japan. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions,land slides and other mass movements, Bolide impacts, and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.

3 A tsunami can be generated when convergent or destructive plate boundaries abruptly move and vertically displace the overlying water. It is very unlikely that they can form at divergent or conservative plate boundaries.

4 Drawbacks can serve as a warning. People who observe drawback, can survive only if they immediately run for high ground or seek the upper floors near by buildings. In 2004, ten-year old tilly smith of surrey, England, was on Maikhao beach in phuket, Thailand with her parents and sister, and having learned about Tsunamis recently in school, told her family that a Tsunami might be Imminent.

5 Tsunami in history Tsunami are not rare, with at least 25 Tsunami occurring in the last century. Of these, many were recorded in the Asia- partially Japan.

6 Tsunami hit Samoa WELLINGTON, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- Ten more large generators sent by the U.S. government were expected to arrive early this week in American Samoa as the authorities work to restore electricity on Tutuila following the tsunami nearly two weeks ago. Tsunami waves destroyed the Satala Power plant. The Federal Emergency Management Agency said 10 500 kilowatt generators are scheduled to arrive in Pago Pago on Tuesday, Radio New Zealand International reported on Monday. Meanwhile, the American Samoa Power Authority said it has added a small amount of chlorine into the water system. The authority said its water distribution pipes and customer service lines were damaged by the tsunami. It added that broken piping could allow contamination into the drinking water distribution system.

7 Tsunami hit SAMOA The Federal Emergency Management Agency said 10 500 kilowatt generators are scheduled to arrive in Pago Pago on Tuesday, Radio New Zealand International reported on Monday. Meanwhile, the American Samoa Power Authority said it has added a small amount of chlorine into the water system. The authority said its water distribution pipes and customer service lines were damaged by the tsunami.It added that broken piping could allow contamination into the drinking water distribution system.


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