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Year At A Glance – 2009 Special Dates and Information for Engineering Clubs September 21, 2009 Kellogg Mansion Cal Poly Pomona.

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Presentation on theme: "Year At A Glance – 2009 Special Dates and Information for Engineering Clubs September 21, 2009 Kellogg Mansion Cal Poly Pomona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year At A Glance – 2009 Special Dates and Information for Engineering Clubs September 21, 2009 Kellogg Mansion Cal Poly Pomona

2 Council Objectives  Provide guidance and leadership  More informed club officers  Support club projects and goals  Increase communication between the Council, College, Clubs, and ASI  Monthly newsletter

3 National Association of Engineering Student Council (NAESC)  The COUNCIL of Councils…  A non-profit organization  Provides leadership training for Engineering Council  Allows councils from across the US to share ideas  Two Annual Conferences  West Regional Conference  UC Irvine November 20-22  4-5 available seats  NAESC National Conference  University of Texas, Austin March 4-7, 2010

4 West Regional Conference UC Irvine November 20-22  Inviting 4 – 5 Club Presidents  Interested in continuing NAESC for next year  Great Opportunity to meet people  Network

5 The Re-Chartering Process  Deadline:  October 16, 2009  Process:  Attend workshop/ECLR  Get username and password  Complete on-line forms from a school computer rechartering.asp  Complete Advisor Application  Complete ASI Signature Card

6 Details of Rechartering  Update club bylaws  Drop off signed “hard copy” of Advisor Application  Turn in completed Signature Cards  Contact OSL to confirm that your re-chartering is complete and has been accepted

7 Fantastic Fall Quarter Events  Bronco Fusion (9/23)  E-Council Meetings  Fall Job Fair (10/15)  Welcome Fair (10/22)  3D Leadership Conference (11/13)

8 Wacky Winter Quarter Events  E-Council Meetings  Quarter At A Glance  Hi-Tech Job Fair (1/29)  Engineer’s Week (2/14 – 2/20)  Club Officer Elections

9 Super Spring Quarter Events  E-Council Meetings  Spring Career Day (4/15)  ECLR (5/15)  Engineering Club Leadership Retreat  Project Symposium  Graduation

10 Internet  Greatest communication tool  Google  Gmail  Documents  Calendar  Set up a Club Account  CHECK YOUR EMAILS!

11 Club Websites  Publicity  Information  Check Ecouncil website   Search Engineering Council  Events and Calendar Page  Create a website

12 Contact List for Clubs  Verified by email  Still missing some Information  Check your Emails  Email me if uncertain 

13 Campus Mail  Check Mail Boxes  OSL Office  Department Offices  Check with Past Officers

14 Ecouncil Newsletter  Is Complete  Will be sent out to all engineering students  Will contain  Any updates or information from Ecouncil  Clubs can submit an article or promotion  Advertise your club meeting dates  Consolidates information sharing  Official news delivery method

15 Representing Each Other  Your Club Agenda  Chapter of a National Organization  Mission / Goals associated with  Your Major  Your Profession / Industry  Campus  Social  Consists of like minded students

16 Representing Each Other  The Engineering Council  Affiliated with  The Clubs  The Students  The College  The University / ASI  NAESC  Mission / Goals associated with all majors, industry, and campus life.  Composed of Engineering Club members

17 Representing Each Other  The Council – Club Relationship  One Team, One Fight  EC exists to benefit the students, clubs, and College  EC officers need to be staffed by veteran and experienced students to best benefit you  To achieve all our goals, we need to approach EC events with a level of professionalism and significance  If you’re the governor, we’re the senate

18 Representing Each Other  The Past  Poor communication  Poor attendance  Less than qualified representatives  Lunch not always provided  Meeting not taken seriously  Few candidates during election / no returning officers

19 Representing Each Other  Goals  Stronger representative body  Better attendance  Increased participation  Fluid communication  Committee formation  Livelier Elections

20 ELECTIONS  Plan Accordingly  Ensure Proper Transition  Keep EC Informed  Assists During Burnout

21 ECLR Charges  Informed well in advance  Defrays cost of event  14 clubs have outstanding dues  Late registration  Failed to attend  $900  $1600

22 ECLR Charges  Cost breakdown  $10 – late RSVP (May 2-8)  $25 – grossly late RSVP (May 9-15)  $65 – whole day no show w/o proxy  $30 – half day no show w/o proxy

23 ECLR Charges  Look at your badges  See me after the presentations  Payment options  Cash or check to EC Treasurer  DR to EC accounts

24 Introducing: Ismael Souley ASI Engineering Senator

25 Associated Students Inc

26  ASI is a Cal State University recognized auxiliary and a nonprofit corporation that seeks to:  Foster student advocacy, representation, engagement and academic success  Establish opportunities for learning, leadership and development for students and its staff  Create an environment that promotes collaborative partnerships, cultural diversity and campus pride  Provide high quality facilities, programs and services to students, administrators, faculty, staff, alumni and the off-campus community

27  The core ASI programs & services:

28  ASI student government is divided into 3 branches:  Executive Board  Senate  Cabinet – including the Judiciary and Elections

29  Senator duties:  Create/approve senate bills, resolutions and policies  Approve budgets  Sit on University-wide committees and ASI committees  Have the legal responsibly to make decisions on behalf of the students that I represent

30  How can your senator help you?  Facilitator  Protect the benefits provided by the students’ fees (ASI and BSC)  Source of information

31  ASI Goals for the academic year 2009- 2010  Improve ASI outreach and be available to the students  Create stronger communication between faculty and the students  Develop strategies on solving the shortage of classes on campus

32  My information:  Ismael Souley  ASI Engineering Senator(2009-2010)  Bldg 35 Room 2321 (Senate Office)  Phone #: (909) 869-3632  E-mail:

33 BUDGETS!!!!

34 Your Club’s Name 2009-2010 Check Annual Budget Request Ensure chair, advisor, and treasurer information is correct and submitted form must be original

35 Current Budget column reflects the income and expenses from the 2008-2009 Academic Year Amount requested column consists of the anticipated income and expenses for the upcoming 2009-2010 Academic Year

36 What is Carryover?  Carryover is surplus funds left after the last budget cycle.  Therefore, the carryover under the Amount Requested/Reline column is the difference of the total income and the total expenses under the Current budget column

37 Income  The income fields under the current budget column should consist, at least, of the following:  ASI Allocations  Fundraising  Carryover Remember that all these quantities are from the past academic year.

38 Income  The income fields under the Amount Requested/Reline column should consist, at least, of the following:  Carryover  Fundraising

39 Income  At least 20 percent of your anticipated expenses should be supported by your fundraising activities  Other sources of income include sponsorships and membership dues

40 Expenses  All fields under this section should reflect all activities and expenses that utilize funds in the club ASI accounts.  All dollar amounts need to be as specific as possible

41 Line Item Justifications  This second part of the budget package explains every single line of the actual budget form  Include the specific breakdown  Please use the provided form

42 Program Questionnaire  Final part of the budget package  Utilize standard format  The following questions need to be answered: 1. What is the purpose of your organization 2. Question 2 does not apply 3. Approximately how many students are served by your organization? 4. Provide a list of officers, coordinators, and advisors for your organization

43 Program Questionnaire  Questions cont. 5. Describe your prior and current year events, attendance, and outcome. 6. Did you receive funds or plan to seek additional funding from the ASI Budget Committee or the IRA Fee Committee during the last fiscal year? 7. Describe attempts or receipts to generate funds from other sources 8. What are your organization's goals for 2009-2010

44 Late submissions  Budgets are due today  Incorrect and incomplete budgets need to be submitted ASAP  There is no second due date  Email 

45 Thank you  Questions?  Form filling!  Emails     

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