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Alain FRANCE for the ESS RFQ Team at CEA Saclay
Accelerator/RFQ Alain FRANCE for the ESS RFQ Team at CEA Saclay April 21, 2015
RFQ Overview Deliverables Planning
RFQ realized in 5 sections (L = 0.92 m); total length = 4.58 m CuC2 copper and stainless flanges 38 vacuum ports (24 in S1-S2-S4-S4) 60 adjustable slug tuners (34 in S1-S2-S3-S4-S5), 80 mm dia. 8 end-tuning rods (4 per end plate) 8 10mm-diameter cooling channels per section (variable length) 2 power coupling loops (S3) 20 pickups for voltage profile reconstruction Deliverables tuned and conditionned RFQ on its support RF distribution system water cooling skid Planning January start RFQ machining October start RFQ tuning July ready at ESS
RFQ Technical performances
L3 System Requirements and L4 RFQ EMR System Requirements, Dec 19, 2014 Ed. Frequency nominal MHz, controllable over ±100 kHz with Df3dB/10 resolution during operation Df3dB over 10 sec agility Df3dB/10 stability during pulse 10 Df3dB separation of other modes Power dissipated 1.6 MW max with 70 mA beam current 4% duty cycle reflection coefficient < 15 dB at nominal beam current RF couplers sustend Inf SWR Voltage voltage profile satisfying beam dynamics requirements 1.9 Kp max E-field quadrupole component error < 1% (TBC with beam dynamics analysis) dipole components < 1% (TBC with beam dynamics analysis) 2 pick-ups min for LLRF (+20 for voltage profile monitoring)
RFQ Technical performances
Vacuum pressure < mbar over 75% of RFQ length Geometry vane tip surface tolerance < 20 mm transverse vane displacement < 30 mm wrt theoretical vane position transverse vane tilt < 30 mm over 1 m transverse section displacement < 30 mm wrt theoretical beam axis transverse section tilt < 30 mm over 1 m Temperature warm-up < 30 minutes avoid corrosion + water cooling system requirements under transfer from ESS to CEA Status of design studies RF design of cavity completed; design of RF distribution in progress thermal-mechanical design of cavity during operation completed mechanical design (supporting, transport, handling, ...) in progress water cooling skid design in progress (interfaces)
RFQ Selected technologies
Deliverables tuned and conditionned RFQ on its support, RF distribution system, water cooling skid RF design four-vane structure, naturally stable single segment tunable devices: end rods, vacuum ports, slug tuners Fabrication of RFQ modules 4 electrodes with modulations and apertures for ancillaries one step of copper-copper brazing in vertical position (IPHI) 5 modules with length < 1 m in agreement with demonstrated technology Brazed vacuum ports avoid machining of grids in the vanes accurately positioned after electromagnetic measurements, prior to braze (Linac4) RF couplers loops offer less power dissipation and voltage ripple (Spiral2) small coaxial window standard tuner port allows coupling adjustment at final Q Adjustable slug tuners performances achieved at last tuning step are saved under vacuum allow for last minute corrections, after transport for instance no delay required for machining after last tuning step
RFQ Selected technologies
RF distribution one magic Tee, one power load and two feeders loops in opposite quadrants to minimize voltage perturbation phasing trombone to minimize reflection coefficient Voltage profile monitoring 5 4 pick-ups will allow reconstruction of voltage profile check RFQ voltage integrity vs. time voltage profile corrections are possible to some extent Water cooling dedicated skid with four independent circuits independent control of frequency and voltage function eventually useful for voltage corrections (superseded view with hybrid)
RFQ Integration and Verification
A cavity with 2 RF power loops + 1 vacuum port + 1 adjustable slug tuner RF power loop validation by manufacturing followed by conditionning with a new RF source at CEA ESS RFQ loops separately conditionned: RFQ conditionning expected to be shorter Adjustable slug tuners performances achieved at last tuning step are saved Carlo Rossi Review: "The proposed use of adjustable tuners is an interesting option to assure the possibility to tune the accelerating field after transport and installation in the ESS tunnel; in the case of Linac4, after transport into the tunnel, it has been calculated that a change of the tuner penetration of few tenth of mm would be required to re-establish an accelerating field within the specified range. It would be worth investigating the impact of such solution on the long-term reliability of the system, once a detailed design has been developed." Validation of tuners and vacuum ports assembly process
RFQ Organization at partner lab
RFQ Budget and cost-book
RFQ Major Procurements
Call for tender summer 2015 Start manufacturing beginning of 2016 Assembly on support nd part of 2017 Conditionning and test with beam st part of 2018
RFQ Top risks Schedule will be run in parallel Interfaces
CDR remark: “On the other end the schedule shows that three months could be sufficient for the complete fabrication of one segment, which appears as a very optimistic estimate; the fabrication of segments appears in the schedule as a serial process, while in reality it should be possible to organize the construction such that some fabrication stages can progress in parallel. This aspect is a key point in the discussion with the companies that will participate to the tender, as well as the required logistics, which may have a considerable impact on cost and schedule.” start rapidly copper part manufacturing and define the equally important industrial process, machining process and brazing process will be run in parallel Interfaces We need to have more validated information about interfaces with building (floor and electrical power), utilities (RF and vacuum), linac (LEBT and MEBT)
Next Six Months Call for tender for RFQ manufacturing Copper delivery
Copper treatment by HIP technic Coupler test bench manufacturing CDR2 to clarify interfaces to finalize the RFQ support design (handling and installation)
RFQ Summary design activities (RF distribution, supporting, handling, water cooling) going on intensive exchange of interface informations realization technologies identified, supported by prototype cavity call for tender in summer 2015 for final delivery mid-2018
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