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 Gochor Kebele, is located at 25km to the south east of the Woreda capital, Debre Zeit.  Gochor Mender-And village is one of the village of Gochor.

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Presentation on theme: " Gochor Kebele, is located at 25km to the south east of the Woreda capital, Debre Zeit.  Gochor Mender-And village is one of the village of Gochor."— Presentation transcript:



3  Gochor Kebele, is located at 25km to the south east of the Woreda capital, Debre Zeit.  Gochor Mender-And village is one of the village of Gochor Kebele with a location of Northing UTM 1161172 and Easting 36p 0790487  The altitude is 1992m above sea level

4  It is in a valley surrounded by the escarpments of high mountains like Mekello to the north, Tulu Aba Roro in the south, east and west.  The elevation difference between Mender-And, Gochor Kebele and the Debre Zeit town is about 502m.  The climate is moderate (classified as woyina dega.)

5 The settlement of the community is in scattered pattern except in Mende -And village where governmental institutions like school, health post and agricultural center are located. Some groups of tukuls are located along the pipeline route from the eyes of the springs which are located at the foot of Tulu Aba Roro Mountain The main economic activity is agriculture/ both crop production and animal husbandry./

6  As the area is located at the foot of the surrounding mountains, most villages and gotts are using traditional springs as their main water supply.  Abange and Lega Jima springs (referred to as spring 1 and 2 respectively developed with Finn- WASH BG program) are good examples of these springs

7 These two springs are located to the south of the villages with an average altitude of 2233m ASL The elevation difference between these two springs and Gochor Mender-And where most governmental institutions are found is 241m. The nearby river is Abagonbo River that drains to Abay River.


9  CLIMATE OF THE AREA The area is in a valley and hence has a moderate temperature. The region as a whole has average annual temperature of 25-35c 0 annual rain fall of 900-1450mm. The climate is classified under woyina dega.

10  MAIN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY The main economic activity of the area - mixed agriculture. Both crop production and animal husbandry. Small scale irrigation during the dry season is common.. Open channels constructed along the contours of the surrounding mountains to……

11 Because of the availability of various springs emanating from the nearby mountains, crop production is carried out twice a year. Coffee is the main cash crop. Traditional mining of gold is also additional activity carried out in the vicinity of the area particularly in the Valley of Abay River. Trading of commodities like sisal, coffee and gold is carried out by local merchants and others coming from Debre Zeit.

12 POPULATION The Gochor Kebele consists of various villages such as Mender-And, Bone, Abamargo, and Abirna The Kebele has a population of 506 households The Gochor Mender-And and Aba Roro villages who have been served by this gravity water scheme have a current population of 110 households The community at Aba Roro village is a transit community where the main gravity pipe line was laid through their village. Currently Village Abamorgo is applying to WASHCO to get water from this scheme as per “ by law”.

13 Gover. & Public INSTITUTION  primary and secondary school at Mender-And with student population of 667  One health post  One veterinary clinic  One church  25km dry weather road done by community that had helped a lot during transport of construction material.

14  The distance b/n two springs is about 168m draining to their own sub-catchment  The distance between the springs and the last village where most people are living is a maximum of 2km.  There is no access road for mobilizing the construction materials to the springs where capping is going to be done. /donkeys were used as means of/

15 NorthEastAltitude Lega Jima UTM 1160670 N, 36P 0789713E 2233m Abange UTM 1160786N 36P 0789591E 2242m

16 The two proposed springs emerge from the foot of the mountain/Tulu-Abaroro/ The distance between the top of the mountain and the spring eyes is not more than 300 meters Part of upstream catchment area around these springs is ploughed by the farmers. Therefore, in future erosion will be accelerated leading to land degradation unless integrated watershed management is practiced

17 The yield of springs Lega Jima spring is 0.7 lt/sec Abange spring is 0.5 lt/sec Total 1.2 lit/sec

18  Water Demand  Domestic and institutional water Supply demand / 38.592 m 3 /day/  Irrigation water demand/<= 65.088 m 3 /day/  Total: 103.68 m 3 /day

19  The total length of gravity main pipe line of the system is about 1,679.65 m lied with 1,763.5 m HDPE pipe material out of which  126.3m distribution system conveying water from the main line to public water taps and stand posts/1/2 to 1 inch  Two spring capping structures  One collection chamber/PB/ of 2.25m3  One river crossing of 27m wide with RCC support pillars  one public fountains with four faucet

20  Four public tap connections with two faucets for transit communities  One washing basin done by the community themselves this year as part of expansion from collected fee. One water point with four faucet for students in school

21 Two Yard connection for health post and Agricultural development office Four class of Public common shower two for male and two for female Four class of common shower for students two for males and two for females One cattle trough, length 2m/Trap. section 0.6x0.5x0.5

22  Awareness on CDF was done as usual during planning phase & early first year of implementation.  Application came from community as usual  Appraisal: both desk and field appraisal was done. No special appraising technique was used.

23  Approval was made by WSC & training was conducted to WASHCO’s  Detail design work was done and intensive discussion and briefing was done with the community on the out put of the result of design work.  Clearly communities were informed on the amount of community contribution from total BOQ both in terms of labor & material

24  WASHCOs started to mobilize Community to bring the construction material like sand and stone for the start of construction and proceeded step by step until it was completed..  Preparation of Draft “By law” was done.  After civil work completion inauguration ceremony was organized by the community in the presence of invited guests from the region, zone & woreda.

25  Finalization and approval of “By law” by all members of users was done.  “By law” legal document including management organogram, duty and responsibility of each organ, tariff, audit procedure etc….  receiving certificate from water bureau,final approval of “By law” remains to be done by next year.

26 Cost itemUnit/Birr/Remark Total cost 563,004.0 Total CDF amount 451,534.0 Including procurement of tools for future O & M Community contribution /19.8%/ 111,470.0

27  O & M generally Main WASHCO is responsible for O & M generally. Sub WASHCO are responsible for the water point under their compound. Still maintenance that need financial flow is decided by Main WASHCO after report is received from sub WASHCO.

28  Maintenance, specifically Two persons from local community were elected by the community and training was given on plumbing. two plumbers are taking care of maintenance, plumbing responsibility. During maintenance, Excavation & back filling activities have been covered by community & plumbing by two persons.

29  Maintenance, specifically...... Maintenance problem beyond those persons has been handled by water expert at Gochor kebele. Those two local plumbers have been serving on voluntary base; with out any type of fee.

30  Operational tariff: Domestic supply, Public water point : 10cents/ 20lit of jerican School water fee: 1birr/student/year or two semester Shower: 50 cents/person/shower For cattle: 1birr/cattle/month. For cloth washing: half of monthly domestic consumption Irrigation: 5birr/night or half day usage. For clinic free

31  Follow Up As part of follow up –Annual WASHCO review meeting at Woreda level where Gochor WASHCOs present on the O&M status/including financial status/ of their scheme to all WASHCOs at woreda level. Get feed back from woreda on O & M

32  Follow Up….. Share their experience to other WASHCOs & Learn lesson from others. Followed by Reward for best WASHCO from Woreda.

33 yearrevenueexpenditur e balance 201126932000693 201236105483062 20134853475667 total11,15673043822






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