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Published byConrad Glenn Modified over 9 years ago
Canto 1, Theme 3: Närada Muni’s Instructions on Çrémad Bhägavatam for Vyäsadeva [Chapters 4-6] 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa 1
Highlights of this lesson Material miseries cannot be removed even by complete material knowledge, but only by rendering pure devotional service under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master. Attentive hearing of Çrémad-Bhägavatam, the topmost Vedic literature, which depicts the glories to the Lord's incarnations, is the best mean of purifying our heart. Dove-tailing our material tendencies in Krsna's service is the only mean to go back to Godhead. Relationship between bhakti, karma, jn ä na and enlightenment. The essence of the Vedic and household duties. (Contd) 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa 2
Highlights of this lesson (Contd) How the Lord brings His sincere devotees closer to Him and what ought to be an attitude of the devotee based on what we learn from the life of a sincere devotee of the Lord, as exemplified by Närada Muni's previous life? The Lord's instructions to Närada Muni: "...the more you hanker for Me, the more you will be freed from all material desires." This is one of the reasons why sometimes Krsna deliberately creates difficulties in the lives of His pure devotees so as to bring them closer to Him. However, He never fails to protect His devotees. His steadfast devotees, in turn, never lose their faith in Lord's protection either. Intelligence engaged in the Lord's devotion will be sustained through the cycles of creation and annihilation and thus remains eternal. 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa 3
ü More questions in three sets from the sages to Süta (1.4.3-13) 1 st set of questions concerned about Çréla Vyäsadeva, who composed SB and then spoke to his son, Çukadeva Goswämi 2 nd set of questions were about Çukadeva, who in turn realized SB and narrated it to Parékñit Mahäräja 3 rd set of questions having to do with Parékñit Mahäräja 4 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
ä 1 st Set of questions about Vyäsa How, where, why, what was Vyasa’s motivation to compose SB, and from whom did he get inspiration to compile this literature? 5 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Ç 2 nd Set of questions about Çuka Sages knew that Çuka had received SB from his father Vyäsa, they also knew that he was already fully realized right in the womb of his mother, he was on the transcendental platform, and he had nothing to do with his body & this material world. Why would he bother to undertake deep study of SB (already fully realized) and why would he spend time with king, Mahäräja Parékñit? Not just few minutes but 7 days in a row what was the reason for that? (penetrating questions of the sages One gets an answer according to the depth of his question. 6 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa 7 Çukadeva Goswämi was so transcendentally realized, the ladies did not mind remaining naked because they could sense his innocence well beyond male & female, despite he being a 16 year-old youth and completely naked. On the other hand, when the aged personality and fully clothed Vyäsadeva followed, they immediately rushed to cover them up because he, being a grhastha, knew the bodily difference between male and female.
3 rd Set of questions about ParékñitMahäräja 3 rd Set of questions about Parékñit Mahäräja Asked about his birth & activities ‘cause he was a devotee (SB 1.12 + 16,17 acts 18,19) How such a great king who was the shelter of so many others (prajäpati) so responsible, whole kingdom was depending on him, how was it he gave up and sit by the Yamuna & prepared to die, (18 & 19 th chapters) The sages asked Süta to answer all theses questions. 8 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Vyasa’s vision of Kali’s approach (1.4.14-18) Normal chronological order of the four millenniums is Satya-, Dväpara-, Tretä- and Kali-yuga. But in the 28 th round of the 4 millenniums in the reign of the 7 th Manu (Vaivasvata), Tretä appeared before Dväpara (14). Lord Krsna also descends in the 28 th round, and because of this there was some particular alteration. Vyäsa could sense the anomalies in the order of the millenniums (16)(Contd) 9 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
ä Vyäsa’s vision of Kali’s approach Vyäsa could further see through his transcendental vision, the deterioration of everything material that would take place in the approaching age of Kali, such as rise in faithless people with lack of goodness, reduced life span and intelligence, resulting in material miseries (17-18). Thus he began to think how these people across the entire var ë äçrama system can be helped. 10 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Vysa’s remedy: Division of the Vedic knowledge for easy understanding by the people in Kali-yuga (1.4.19-25) Vyäsa’s remedy: Division of the Vedic knowledge for easy understanding by the people in Kali-yuga (1.4.19-25) Took çästra because they guide humanity in a proper civilization. There was only one Veda (yajur) at that time and it was not in a written form. His approach: “Since the esoteric purposes of the Vedas cannot be grasped, let me make it simple enough. Vedic rituals are meant to purify their activities.” (Contd) 11 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Vyasa’s Approach to simplify the Vedic Scriptures for easy understanding by the people in Kali-yuga One Yajur Veda divided into 4—rk, yajur, säma and atharva (20) His disciples became respective professors of each of the divisions of the Vedas, they in turn handed down to their çiçyas, and thus spread all over the world (21-23). Purä ë as according to gu ë as (18 major and 18 minor)(Contd) 12 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Vyäsa’s Approach to simplify the Vedic Scriptures for easy understanding by the people in Kali-yuga Composed Vedänta-sutra to explain the Vedas Compiled the historical narration called Mahäbhärata (220,000 verses) for the less intelligent and ignorant masses like women, sudras and friends of twice-born (24-25) Intrigue, looting, plundering, action, romance basically what everybody likes to hear about, but placed the gem of BG within. 13 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Vyäsa’s dissatisfaction (1.4.26- 31) Despite his simplification of the Vedic scriptures for the welfare of all people, Vyäsa’s mind was not satisfied “I am feeling incomplete” Whatever we do without connection with Krsna will prove fruitless. Thus, Vyäsa was also feeling incomplete. kià vä bhägavata dharma “I did not specifically point out ds of the Lord…” 14 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
True satisfaction cannot come by any other means, but only by pure devotional service (1.5.1-4) Although fully understanding the cause of Vyäsadeva’s despondency, despite Mahäbhärat and his full delineation on the impersonal Brahman, N ä rada inquiries from Vyäsa about the root cause of his unhappiness, and hints about the solution by describing Vy ä sadeva’s profound literary accomplishments. This indirectly indicates the solution that he hasn’t sufficiently glorified Krsna. 15 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Material miseries cannot be removed even by complete material knowledge, but only by rendering pure ds under the guidance of a bona fide Guru (1.5.5-7) Vyäsadeva describes why Närada is competent to solve his problems and requests his spiritual master, Närada to reveal to him the cause of his despondency. 16 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Attentive hearing of SB, the topmost Vedic literature, which depicts the glories of the Lord’ incarnations, is the best means of purifying our heart (1.5.8-16) Närada directly tells Vyäsa that the cause of his despondency is his failure to sufficiently and directly describe the pastimes of Krsna. He emphasizes the importance of literature that glorifies Krsna, and condemns those literatures that don’t. As other literatures are useless, after assuring Vyäsadeva that he is qualified, Närada requests him to realize and describe the Lord’s pastimes. (Contd) 17 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Attentive hearing of SB… (Contd) He also tells Vyäsa of dangers what could arise due to Vyäsa’s previous writings, which only indirectly hint at the glories of the Lord. Other literatures, even his previous writings, encourage sense enjoyment. Acts of sense enjoyment plant fruitive desires in the heart which in time force one to fulfill them. A greater danger, however, is that by encouraging people to enjoy in the name of religion, even in a regulated way, people will misuse the scriptural sanction for regulated enjoyment to act sinfully. 18 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Crow-type mental attitude analogous to the fruitive workers or passionate men (10) Just as the crows tend to feast in places of garbage, the passionate fruitive workers derive pleasure in wine, woman and places for gross sense pleasure. Similarly, mundane literature of sensuous topics in the mode of passion & ignorance appeal to the people of crow mentality. Swan-type mental attitude analogous to spiritually-advanced people (paramhamsas) (11) Swans assemble in places of natural scenic beauty. Similarly, spiritually-inclined men take interest in literatures, which describe the transcendental glories of the Lord, even though imperfectly composed. However, such literature revolutionize the impious lives of the modern, but misdirected civilization. 19 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Gains outside of devotional service are temporary and ultimately valueless, while devotional gains are eternal and purposeful (1.5.17-19) Närada recommended to Vyäsa that he should present SB where fruitive activity is totally rejected for the sake of practicing pure devotional service. Närada, therefore, answers a natural question of what happens if one gives up materialistic life, based on fruitive activity, but falls down before achieving success in devotion, by describing the devotee’s secure position in comparison to the position of the non-devotee. As he mentioned the instant of a devotee falling down, he mentions such a devotee’s special protection by Krsna and how we should view Him. 20 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
For the living entity to regain his constitutional position as Krsna’s eternal servant, he must seek shelter of the Lord's representative, the bona fide Guru, and then, under guru’s direction, purify his material attachments by using them to glorify the Lord (1.5.20-22) Närada continues to instruct Vyäsa that Krsna should be described and explains why. He is so great that He is everything (the impersonal conception), but aloof (the personal conception). After describing Lord Krsna’s supreme position, Närada asks Vyäsa to vividly and directly describe the pastimes of Krsna, which is the purpose of advancement of knowledge. 21 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
One who is determined to go back to Godhead must surrender to, serve, take training from, and hear the pastimes of Krsna from a spiritual master who represents Krsna (1.5.23-31) After emphasizing to Vyäsadeva the direct glorification of Krsna in the association of advanced devotees as the best way to become free from impurities and to become attached to Krsna, Närada explains the same point by his personal example. There are essential points applied from Närada’s life for use in our own life. Also, it further exemplifies the progressive stages of devotion from çraddhä to prema in a devotee’s life. (Contd) 22 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
One who is determined… ( One who is determined… (Contd) Närada Muni describes how through the association of the great bhaktivedäntas, he became fixed in the confidential devotional service of the Lord. He begins describing how he was born as the son of a maidservant, but got a chance to personally serve the bhaktivedänta’s and attract their mercy. By taking the remnants of their food, he became purified in heart and became attracted to their nature, which means that he imbibed their taste for pure devotional service. As he become increasingly attracted to the Supreme Lord, his attention to hear of the Lord became unflinching. (Contd) 23 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
One who is determined… ( One who is determined… (Contd) As he would steadily hear those great souls constantly chant the Lord’s glories, he gradually became free from the modes of passion and ignorance. Because these great sages gave him Krsna consciousness, he became very much attached to them and followed them faithfully. They instructed him the Catuh-Çloki Bhägavatam. As a result, he fully understood the Lord, His energies and the process of devotional service. 24 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Dove-tailing our material tendencies in Krsna’s service is the only mean to go back to Godhead (1.5.32-36) Now N ä rada is going to take a break from his explanations to preach the root of Bg 13.22—we are meant to be utilized for krsna-sevä. The process of crossing the ocean of material existence. Relationship between bhakti, karma, jnäna and enlightenment. The essence of the Vedic duties and household duties. 25 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
What is the connection between dedicating one’s activities to the SPG and hearing krsna-kathä properly and submissively (SP’s purport to 1.5.32)? From hearing we learn that we are meant to serve Him, we get this long-lasting, unflinching faith and good association, and that is our very core of existence. 26 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Relationship between bhakti, karma, jnäna and enlightenment (1.5.35) Misconceptions—that karma-kända leads to acquisition of transcendental knowledge (TK) for spiritual realization and that bhakti-yoga is another form of karma. But factually, bhakti-yoga (BY) is independent of both karma and jnäna, which are completely dependent on BY. Work done for the satisfaction of the Lord purifies the performer, which really leads to the attainment of TK.(Cond) 27 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
Relationship between bhakti, karma, jnäna and enlightenment (Contd) Therefore jnäna is dependent on karma done on behalf of the Lord. Jnäna that is devoid of krsna-bhakti cannot even lead to salvation, let alone going back to the Godhead. Conclusion: A devotee engaged in the unalloyed service of the Lord, specifically in hearing and chanting of His transcendental glories, becomes simultaneously and spiritually enlightened by the Divine Grace. 28 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
The essence of the Vedic and household duties (1.5.36) While performing all kinds of duties one must constantly remember the Lord’s name, fame, qualities, etc. Even in all the Vedic rites for demigod worship, Lord Visnu is always represented as yajneçvara, or the controlling power of such sacrifices. In all our household affairs, the results of all activities must be surrendered to the supreme enjoyer, Çré Krsna.(Contd) 29 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
The essence of the Vedic and household duties (Contd) No one is more dear to the Lord than one who is always engaged in the preaching work of the Lord’s name and fame all over the world (Bg 18.68-69). “Therefore, the attempt must go on to convert unwilling men to become Krsna devotees.” 30 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
One should uncover his relationship with Krsna through offenseless chanting, or transcendental sound vibrations of SB, which should be widely broadcasted (1.5.37-40) After glorifying transcendental sound, N ä rada then requests Vy ä sa to directly glorify the Lord's activities for the benefit of suffering humanity. By describing the glories to the Lord, just do good to all 8 classes of men, both good & bad. It is meant for the sincere soul who actually wants his own welfare and peace of mind. 31 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
32 What is the implication of “The world is under the full control of the Supreme Lord…” (1.6.7) The Lord is the supreme controller. We can neither change its course nor are we independent, rather we are completely. dependent on the Lord’s mercy and protection. However, this most powerful controller is our best well-wishing friend (suhrt) as well. And knowing this we become perfectly peaceful. 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
33 How the Lord brings His sincere devotees closer to Him? And what is the attitude of the devotee? (1.6.9-10) Närada was only a 5 year-old boy and his only support, his mother, was taken away by the supreme will of the Lord to put him completely at the mercy of the Lord (9). “Confidential devotees of the Lord see in every step a benedictory direction of the Lord. What is considered to be an odd or difficult moment in the mundane sense is accepted as special mercy of the Lord.” 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
34 “This is the way of “dragging” a sincere soul nearer to God (1.6.9p)” Why “dragging?” We don’t want to go because of our attachments, fear of unknown, “who’ll take care of us,” etc. Krsna does care for His devotees. But we must have deep faith in His protection. All other so-called shelters must be given up. Usually we rely on our own abilities and that invariably fails or will fall apart. 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
35 Why Närada didn’t deserve to see the Lord again? (1.6.21) Avipakva, or immature in devotion Kasäyänäm, or impurity of material dirt Kuyoginäm, or incomplete in service Now what was Närada’s impurity? Material mode of goodness! 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
36 Why the mode of goodness is required to practice ds? (1.6.21) One who has the slightest tinge of material affection cannot approach the Lord. The beginning of ds starts from the point when one is freed from at least the modes of passion and ignorance, which manifest as käma (lust), lobha (greed), etc. Thus he must be free from the desires for sense gratification. It is from the mode of goodness that knowledge of self-realization comes (sattvam sanj ä yate jn ä nam & sattvam yad brahma darçanam). 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
37 The Lord’s blessings to Närada (1.6.22-25) “…the more you hanker for Me, the more you will be freed from all material desires (22).” “…become My associate in the transcendental world after giving up the present deplorable material worlds (23).” Intelligence engaged in the Lord’s devotion will be sustained through the cycles of creation and annihilation and thus remains eternal (24). 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
38 The life of a sincere devotee of the Lord as exemplified by Närada’s previous life (1.6.26-27) Continuous chanting and preaching of the Lord’s holy name and fame while remaining fully satisfied, humble, w/out envy and ignoring all formalities in the material world. While fully absorbed in thinking of Krsna and being completely freed from all material contaminations, the devotee meets death. 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
39 Närada acquires the transcendental body (1.6.28-33) The Lord fulfills His promise made in 1.6.23 to award Närada his spiritual body. And he was able to retain his remembrance of the Lord through the life of Brahmä. In his transcendental body, Närada is now freely preaching the glories of the Lord throughout the creation. 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
40 Närada’s great recommendation and benediction to Vyäsadeva (1.6.34-36) By constant chanting and preaching the glories of the Lord, one can cross over all the sensual desires, miseries and anxieties of the material existence. Follow in the footsteps of Närada as summarized in 1.6.36. 2/9/2011Carucandra Dasa
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