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Joseph Paxton, Lithograph by Charles Burton

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1 Joseph Paxton, Lithograph by Charles Burton
Joseph Paxton, Lithograph by Charles Burton. Crystal Palace, Great Exposition, London. Aeronautic View of the Palace of Industry for All Nations, from Kensington Gardens, published by Ackerman (1851) Iron, glass, and wood. 1,848 × 408 ft. Guildhall Library, Corporation of London, UK/The Bridgeman Art Library. [Fig. 16-1] Joseph Paxton, Lithograph by Charles Burton. Crystal Palace, Great Exposition, London. Aeronautic View of the Palace of Industry for All Nations, from Kensington Gardens, published by Ackerman (1851) Iron, glass, and wood. 1,848 × 408 ft. Guildhall Library, Corporation of London, UK/The Bridgeman Art Library. [Fig. 16-1]

2 Joseph Paxton. Crystal Palace, interior, Great Exposition, London Lithograph. ©Historical Picture Archive/CORBIS. [Fig. 16-2] Joseph Paxton. Crystal Palace, interior, Great Exposition, London Lithograph. ©Historical Picture Archive/CORBIS. [Fig. 16-2]

3 Philip Webb. The Red House, Bexley Heath, UK. 1859
Philip Webb. The Red House, Bexley Heath, UK Photo: Charlotte Wood. [Fig. 16-3] Philip Webb. The Red House, Bexley Heath, UK Photo: Charlotte Wood. [Fig. 16-3]

4 Morris and Company. Sussex Rush-Seated Chairs
Morris and Company. Sussex Rush-Seated Chairs. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England. ca Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England. Exhibition catalogue Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge University Press, 1980, pl. 49. [Fig. 16-4] Morris and Company. Sussex Rush-Seated Chairs. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England. ca Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England. Exhibition catalogue Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge University Press, 1980, pl. 49. [Fig. 16-4]

5 William Morris. The Morris Adjustable Chair, designed by Philip Webb, made by Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. Ebonized wood, covered with Bord Design upholstery. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Great Britain. [Fig. 16-5] William Morris. The Morris Adjustable Chair, designed by Philip Webb, made by Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. Ebonized wood, covered with Bord Design upholstery. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Great Britain. [Fig. 16-5]

6 William Morris (design) and Edward Burne-Jones (illustration)
William Morris (design) and Edward Burne-Jones (illustration). page opening of Geoffrey Chaucer, The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Newly Augmented, Kelmscott Press Edition of 425 copies on paper. sheet 16-3/4 × 11-1/2 in. V&A Images, London / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 16-6] William Morris (design) and Edward Burne-Jones (illustration). page opening of Geoffrey Chaucer, The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Newly Augmented, Kelmscott Press Edition of 425 copies on paper. sheet 16-3/4 × 11-1/2 in. V&A Images, London / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 16-6]

7 Gustav Stickley. Settee (for the Craftsman Workshops). 1909
Gustav Stickley. Settee (for the Craftsman Workshops) Oak and leather. back: 38 × 71-7/16 × 22 in.; seat: 19 × 62 in. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Evans, Jr The Art Institute of Chicago. Photography © The Art Institute of Chicago. [Fig. 16-7] Gustav Stickley. Settee (for the Craftsman Workshops) Oak and leather. back: 38 × 71-7/16 × 22 in.; seat: 19 × 62 in. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Evans, Jr The Art Institute of Chicago. Photography © The Art Institute of Chicago. [Fig. 16-7]

8 Frank Lloyd Wright. table lamp, Susan Lawrence Dana House. 1903
Frank Lloyd Wright. table lamp, Susan Lawrence Dana House Bronze, leaded glass. © 2012 Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ / Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY. Photo: Douglas Carr. Courtesy The Dana-Thomas House, The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. [Fig. 16-8] Frank Lloyd Wright. table lamp, Susan Lawrence Dana House Bronze, leaded glass. © 2012 Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ / Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY. Photo: Douglas Carr. Courtesy The Dana-Thomas House, The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. [Fig. 16-8]

9 Louis Comfort Tiffany, Tiffany Studios. water-lily table lamp. c
Louis Comfort Tiffany, Tiffany Studios. water-lily table lamp. c. 1904–15. Leaded Favrile glass and bronze. height 26-1/2 in. Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Hugh J. Grant, 1974 ( ab). [Fig. 16-9] Louis Comfort Tiffany, Tiffany Studios. water-lily table lamp. c. 1904–15. Leaded Favrile glass and bronze. height 26-1/2 in. Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Hugh J. Grant, 1974 ( ab). [Fig. 16-9]

10 Louis Comfort Tiffany, Tiffany Glass & Decorating Co
Louis Comfort Tiffany, Tiffany Glass & Decorating Co. (1893–1902), Corona, New York. peacock vase. c. 1893–96. Favrile glass. height 41-1/8 in., width 11-1/2 in. Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, U.S.A., Gift of H. O. Havemeyer, 1896 ( ). [Fig ] Louis Comfort Tiffany, Tiffany Glass & Decorating Co. (1893–1902), Corona, New York. peacock vase. c. 1893–96. Favrile glass. height 41-1/8 in., width 11-1/2 in. Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, U.S.A., Gift of H. O. Havemeyer, 1896 ( ). [Fig ]

11 Jan Toorop. Poster for Delftsche Slaolie (Salad Oil). 1894
Jan Toorop. Poster for Delftsche Slaolie (Salad Oil) Scala / Art Resource, NY. [Fig ] Jan Toorop. Poster for Delftsche Slaolie (Salad Oil) Scala / Art Resource, NY. [Fig ]

12 Paul T. Frankl. Skyscraper Bookcase. 1925–30. Maple wood and Bakelite
Paul T. Frankl. Skyscraper Bookcase. 1925–30. Maple wood and Bakelite. height 78-7/8 in., width 34-3/8 in., depth 18-7/8 in. Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, U.S.A, Purchase,Theodore R. Gamble, Jr. Gift, in honor of his mother, Mrs. Theodore Robert Gamble, ( ab). [Fig ] Paul T. Frankl. Skyscraper Bookcase. 1925–30. Maple wood and Bakelite. height 78-7/8 in., width 34-3/8 in., depth 18-7/8 in. Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, U.S.A, Purchase,Theodore R. Gamble, Jr. Gift, in honor of his mother, Mrs. Theodore Robert Gamble, ( ab). [Fig ]

13 Eduardo Garcia Benito. Vogue cover. 5/25/1929
Eduardo Garcia Benito. Vogue cover. 5/25/1929. Eduardo Garcia Benito, Vogue, May 25, 1929 cover. © Vogue/Condé Nast Publications, Inc. [Fig ] Eduardo Garcia Benito. Vogue cover. 5/25/1929. Eduardo Garcia Benito, Vogue, May 25, 1929 cover. © Vogue/Condé Nast Publications, Inc. [Fig ]

14 Unidentified illustrator. corset, Vogue. 10/25/1924
Unidentified illustrator. corset, Vogue. 10/25/1924. © Vogue/Condé Nast Publications, Inc. [Fig ] Unidentified illustrator. corset, Vogue. 10/25/1924. © Vogue/Condé Nast Publications, Inc. [Fig ]

15 Le Corbusier. Pavillon de l’Esprit Nouveau, Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, Paris © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris//FLC. Copyrighted from LeCorbusier, My Work (London: Architectural Press, 1960), p. 72. [Fig ] Le Corbusier. Pavillon de l’Esprit Nouveau, Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, Paris © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris//FLC. Copyrighted from LeCorbusier, My Work (London: Architectural Press, 1960), p. 72. [Fig ]

16 Gerrit Rietveld. Red and Blue Chair. c. 1918. Wood, painted
Gerrit Rietveld. Red and Blue Chair. c Wood, painted. height 34-1/8 in., width 26 in., depth 26-1/2 in., seat height 13 in. Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY. © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/Pictoright, Amsterdam. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, U.S.A. Gift of Philip Johnson. [Fig ] Gerrit Rietveld. Red and Blue Chair. c Wood, painted. height 34-1/8 in., width 26 in., depth 26-1/2 in., seat height 13 in. Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY. © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/Pictoright, Amsterdam. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, U.S.A. Gift of Philip Johnson. [Fig ]

17 Gerrit Rietveld. Schröder house, first floor, 1987, view of the stairwell/landing and the living-dining area. In the foreground is the Red and Blue Chair. Rietveld Schröderhlis, 1924, Utrecht, The Netherlands © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/Pictoright, Amsterdam. c/o Stichting Beeldrecht, Anstelveen. Centraal Museum Utrecht/Rietveld-Schröder Archive. Photo: Ernst Moritz, The Hague. [Fig ] Gerrit Rietveld. Schröder house, first floor, 1987, view of the stairwell/landing and the living-dining area. In the foreground is the Red and Blue Chair. Rietveld Schröderhlis, 1924, Utrecht, The Netherlands © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/Pictoright, Amsterdam. c/o Stichting Beeldrecht, Anstelveen. Centraal Museum Utrecht/Rietveld-Schröder Archive. Photo: Ernst Moritz, The Hague. [Fig ]

18 El Lissitzky. Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge. 1919. Lithograph
El Lissitzky. Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge Lithograph. © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn. Collection Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Holland. [Fig ] El Lissitzky. Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge Lithograph. © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn. Collection Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Holland. [Fig ]

19 Alexander Rodchenko. L’Art Décoratif, Moscow-Paris. 1925
Alexander Rodchenko. L’Art Décoratif, Moscow-Paris Scala / Art Resource, NY. Art © Estate of Alexander Rodchenko/RAO, Russia / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY. [Fig ] Alexander Rodchenko. L’Art Décoratif, Moscow-Paris Scala / Art Resource, NY. Art © Estate of Alexander Rodchenko/RAO, Russia / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY. [Fig ]

20 Cassandre. poster for Dubonnet (1 of 3). 1932. © MOURON. CASSANDRE
Cassandre. poster for Dubonnet (1 of 3) © MOURON. CASSANDRE. Lic [Fig a] Cassandre. poster for Dubonnet (1 of 3) © MOURON. CASSANDRE. Lic [Fig a]

21 Cassandre. poster for Dubonnet (2 of 3). 1932. © MOURON. CASSANDRE
Cassandre. poster for Dubonnet (2 of 3) © MOURON. CASSANDRE. Lic [Fig b] Cassandre. poster for Dubonnet (2 of 3) © MOURON. CASSANDRE. Lic [Fig b]

22 Cassandre. poster for Dubonnet (3 of 3). 1932. © MOURON. CASSANDRE
Cassandre. poster for Dubonnet (3 of 3) © MOURON. CASSANDRE. Lic [Fig c] Cassandre. poster for Dubonnet (3 of 3) © MOURON. CASSANDRE. Lic [Fig c]

23 Marcel Breuer. armchair, model B3. late 1927 or early 1928
Marcel Breuer. armchair, model B3. late 1927 or early Chrome-plated tubular steel with canvas slings. height 28-1/8 in., width 30-1/4 in., depth 27-3/4 in. Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY. Gift of Herbert Bayer. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, U.S.A. [Fig ] Marcel Breuer. armchair, model B3. late 1927 or early Chrome-plated tubular steel with canvas slings. height 28-1/8 in., width 30-1/4 in., depth 27-3/4 in. Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY. Gift of Herbert Bayer. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, U.S.A. [Fig ]

24 Herbert Bayer. Cover for Bauhaus. 1928. Photomontage
Herbert Bayer. Cover for Bauhaus Photomontage. © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn. Photo: Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin. [Fig ] Herbert Bayer. Cover for Bauhaus Photomontage. © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn. Photo: Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin. [Fig ]

25 Burlington Northern Co. , Burlington Zephyr #9900. 1934
Burlington Northern Co., Burlington Zephyr # © Bettmann/CORBIS. [Fig ] Burlington Northern Co., Burlington Zephyr # © Bettmann/CORBIS. [Fig ]

26 Chrysler Airflow 4-door sedan. 1934. Steel body, broadcloth seats
Chrysler Airflow 4-door sedan Steel body, broadcloth seats. Courtesy of Chrysler Group LLC. [Fig ] Chrysler Airflow 4-door sedan Steel body, broadcloth seats. Courtesy of Chrysler Group LLC. [Fig ]

27 Norman Bel Geddes, with Dr. Otto Koller. Air Liner Number 4. 1929
Norman Bel Geddes, with Dr. Otto Koller. Air Liner Number Norman Bel Geddes Collection, Theatre Arts Collection, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin. Courtesy of Edith Lutyens Bel Geddes, Executrix. [Fig ] Norman Bel Geddes, with Dr. Otto Koller. Air Liner Number Norman Bel Geddes Collection, Theatre Arts Collection, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin. Courtesy of Edith Lutyens Bel Geddes, Executrix. [Fig ]

28 Russel Wright. American Modern dinnerware
Russel Wright. American Modern dinnerware. designed 1937, introduced Glazed earthenware. Department of Special Collections, Russel Wright papers. Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, New York. [Fig ] Russel Wright. American Modern dinnerware. designed 1937, introduced Glazed earthenware. Department of Special Collections, Russel Wright papers. Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, New York. [Fig ]

29 Lurelle Guild. Electrolux vacuum cleaner. ca. 1937
Lurelle Guild. Electrolux vacuum cleaner. ca Chrome, polished and enameled steel; cast aluminum; vinyl; rubber. 8-1/2 × 23 × 7-3/4 in. Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Fifty/50, 86.15a-f. Creative Commons-BY-NC. [Fig ] Lurelle Guild. Electrolux vacuum cleaner. ca Chrome, polished and enameled steel; cast aluminum; vinyl; rubber. 8-1/2 × 23 × 7-3/4 in. Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Fifty/50, 86.15a-f. Creative Commons-BY-NC. [Fig ]

30 Charles and Ray Eames. LCM Low Side Chair. 1946
Charles and Ray Eames. LCM Low Side Chair Molded ash plywood, steel rods, and rubber shock mounts. height 28-1/4 in., width 19-1/2 in., depth 20 in. Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY. Gift of the Manufacturer. ( ). The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY. [Fig ] Charles and Ray Eames. LCM Low Side Chair Molded ash plywood, steel rods, and rubber shock mounts. height 28-1/4 in., width 19-1/2 in., depth 20 in. Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY. Gift of the Manufacturer. ( ). The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY. [Fig ]

31 Eero Saarinen. Tulip Pedestal furniture. 1955–57
Eero Saarinen. Tulip Pedestal furniture. 1955–57. Chairs: plastic seat, painted metal base; tables: wood or marble top, plastic laminate base. Saarinen Collection designed by Eero Saarinen in 1956 and 1957, courtesy of Knoll, Inc. [Fig ] Eero Saarinen. Tulip Pedestal furniture. 1955–57. Chairs: plastic seat, painted metal base; tables: wood or marble top, plastic laminate base. Saarinen Collection designed by Eero Saarinen in 1956 and 1957, courtesy of Knoll, Inc. [Fig ]

32 Four Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighters in formation. c. 1942–45
Four Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighters in formation. c. 1942–45. © Museum of Flight/CORBIS. [Fig ] Four Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighters in formation. c. 1942–45. © Museum of Flight/CORBIS. [Fig ]

33 General Motors 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood. 1959. General Motors LLC
General Motors 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood General Motors LLC. Used with permission, GM Media Archives. [Fig ] General Motors 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood General Motors LLC. Used with permission, GM Media Archives. [Fig ]

34 Chris Strach. 300 dpi color illustration of Apple computer logo with an old side and a new side San Jose Mercury News 2007, with CPT-APPLE:SJ, San Jose Mercury News, by Troy Wolverton. [Fig ] Chris Strach. 300 dpi color illustration of Apple computer logo with an old side and a new side San Jose Mercury News 2007, with CPT-APPLE:SJ, San Jose Mercury News, by Troy Wolverton. [Fig ]

35 Jean Robert and Käti Durrer. Swatch watches. 1983–88
Jean Robert and Käti Durrer. Swatch watches. 1983–88. Courtesy Swatch AG, Biel, Switzerland. [Fig ] Jean Robert and Käti Durrer. Swatch watches. 1983–88. Courtesy Swatch AG, Biel, Switzerland. [Fig ]

36 Shepard Fairey. Barack Obama “Hope” Poster. 2008. Screenprint
Shepard Fairey. Barack Obama “Hope” Poster Screenprint. 36 × 24 in. © flab / Alamy. ©Shepard Fairey/ [Fig ] Shepard Fairey. Barack Obama “Hope” Poster Screenprint. 36 × 24 in. © flab / Alamy. ©Shepard Fairey/ [Fig ]

37 April Greiman. Does It Make Sense. 1985
April Greiman. Does It Make Sense? Design Quarterly #133, Walker Art Center and MIT Press Publishers. Courtesy April Greiman. [Fig ] April Greiman. Does It Make Sense? Design Quarterly #133, Walker Art Center and MIT Press Publishers. Courtesy April Greiman. [Fig ]

38 April Greiman. 19th Amendment, U. S. commemorative postage stamp. 1995
April Greiman. 19th Amendment, U.S. commemorative postage stamp Courtesy April Greiman © 1995 United States Postal Service. Displayed with permission. All rights reserved. [Fig ] April Greiman. 19th Amendment, U.S. commemorative postage stamp Courtesy April Greiman © 1995 United States Postal Service. Displayed with permission. All rights reserved. [Fig ]

39 April Greiman. Guardrail to Sevilla. 2006. 42 × 56 in
April Greiman. Guardrail to Sevilla × 56 in. Courtesy April Greiman. [Fig ] April Greiman. Guardrail to Sevilla × 56 in. Courtesy April Greiman. [Fig ]

40 April Greiman. Guardrail to Sevilla, installation view of the exhibition Driveby Shooting: April Greiman Digital Photography × 56 in. Pasadena Museum of Art. Courtesy April Greiman. [Fig ] April Greiman. Guardrail to Sevilla, installation view of the exhibition Driveby Shooting: April Greiman Digital Photography × 56 in. Pasadena Museum of Art. Courtesy April Greiman. [Fig ]

41 Chris Ede. illustration for Clear Channel Online Music & Radio (Josh Klenert, Creative Director) Courtesy of Chris Ede. [Fig ] Chris Ede. illustration for Clear Channel Online Music & Radio (Josh Klenert, Creative Director) Courtesy of Chris Ede. [Fig ]

42 Andrea Zittel. A-Z 1994 Living Unit, closed. 1994
Andrea Zittel. A-Z 1994 Living Unit, closed Steel, birch plywood, metal, mattress, glass, mirror, lighting fixture, stovetop, toaster oven, green velvet, and household objects. 36-3/4 × 84 × 38 in. closed. © Andrea Zittel. Courtesy Andrea Rosen Gallery. [Fig ] Andrea Zittel. A-Z 1994 Living Unit, closed Steel, birch plywood, metal, mattress, glass, mirror, lighting fixture, stovetop, toaster oven, green velvet, and household objects. 36-3/4 × 84 × 38 in. closed. © Andrea Zittel. Courtesy Andrea Rosen Gallery. [Fig ]

43 Andrea Zittel. A-Z 1994 Living Unit, open. 1994
Andrea Zittel. A-Z 1994 Living Unit, open Steel, birch plywood, metal, mattress, glass, mirror, lighting fixture, stovetop, toaster oven, green velvet, and household objects. 36-3/4 × 84 × 38 in. closed. © Andrea Zittel. Courtesy Andrea Rosen Gallery. [Fig ] Andrea Zittel. A-Z 1994 Living Unit, open Steel, birch plywood, metal, mattress, glass, mirror, lighting fixture, stovetop, toaster oven, green velvet, and household objects. 36-3/4 × 84 × 38 in. closed. © Andrea Zittel. Courtesy Andrea Rosen Gallery. [Fig ]

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