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Transforming your heart

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1 Transforming your heart
Southside International Church May 26, 2013

2 II Corinthians 4: 1-6 1God has been kind enough to trust us with his work. That’s why we never give up. 2 We don’t do shameful things that must be kept secret. And we don’t try to fool anyone or twist God’s message around. God is our witness that we speak only the truth, so others will be sure we can be trusted. 3 If there is anything hidden about our message, it is hidden only to someone who is lost.

3 II Corinthians 4:1-6 4 The god who rules this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers. They cannot see the light, which is the good news about our glorious Christ, who shows what God is like. 5 We are not preaching about ourselves. Our message is that Jesus Christ is Lord. He also sent us to be your servants. 6 The Scriptures say, “God commanded light to shine in the dark.” Now God is shining in our hearts to let you know that his glory is seen in Jesus Christ...7 The real power comes from God and not from us.


5 Three messages from The Paperman
God wants to transform your heart. Why were you made?

6 God wants to transform your heart
Once our heart is transformed our world is no longer mundane and boring. We come alive. We encounter perfect love. But we have to allow God to live in every aspect of our life. Verse 7: Real power comes from God not from us.

7 God wants to transform your heart
Tozer said: “Be concerned not with what you have accomplished but think about what you could have accomplished if you had followed the Lord completely.” God works from the inside out and it starts with transforming your heart.

8 Three messages from The Paperman
2. A transformed heart produces a changed person. It gives rise to passion. If someone says they have received Christ but shows no signs of change we need to wonder what’s happened.

9 God wants to transform your heart
When we think of mission we often think of Matthew 28:19-20. Tim Keller: “For decades, Christians have avoided the radical nature of the teaching of parable’s such as the Good Samaritan. At most, we have heard it telling us to prepare a fruit basket for the need at Christmas, or to give money to relief agencies when there is a famine or earthquake in a distant nation. But it is time to listen more closely.. Our comfort can isolate us in a fictitious world, where suffering is difficult to find. But this isolation is fragile, for suffering surrounds us – even in the suburbs. We need an accurate view of the world in which we live....instead of living on islands of ease.”

10 God wants to transform your heart
But something more radical would happen in our hearts if we thought of John 17:18: “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” Jesus Christ’s life is given to us as the pattern for his followers.

11 God wants to transform your heart
If we align ourselves with Jesus’ example it will mean radical change in our own lives as well as the world in which we live. Because Jesus Had a heart for the poor, the oppressed, the underdog. He fought against religious and cultural bigotry and inflexibility. He was a rebel. He put his head on the chopping block. Jesus was hated by the world and he told us we can expect the same.

12 A transformed heart produces a changed person
A people willing to break free from the patterns and the grips of the world. People who are focussed on their relationship with God. People who are enterprising. People who are willing to be considered ‘fools for Christ’.

13 James Fraser – Fool for Christ
Gave up wealth, his engineering profession and a musical career to serve God in China. Suffered tremendously for the sake of the Gospel.

14 Sometimes things won’t go to plan

15 Sometimes you’ll make mistakes
“God has been kind enough to trust us with his work. That’s why we never give up. II Corinthians 4:1

16 Sometimes you will have obstacles that try to hinder you

17 Great Christians have shown a desire to overcome obstacles.
They have understood real power comes from God and not ourselves. Amy Carmichael

18 "One can give without loving, but one cannot love without giving.”
Amy Carmichael Amy Carmichael

19 Sometimes we even have to sacrifice our most prized possessions

20 Three messages from The Paperman
3. We need to be moving.

21 We need to be moving But the first movement has to be a movement to God. If we don’t go to him, if we don’t move, we will become stagnant. The next movement requires faith. Hebrews 11:6 “We are not preaching about ourselves. Our message is that Jesus Christ is Lord.” IICor 4:5

22 What’s your life preaching?

23 What’s your transformed heart saying?

24 I will do more I am only one, but I am one
I cannot do everything, but I can do something And what I can do, I ought to do And what I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do I will do more than belong...I will participate I will do more than care....I will help I will do more than believe...I will practice I will do more than be fair...I will be kind I will do more than give...I will serve I will do more than live...I will grow I will do more than talk...I will act Edward Everett Hale

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