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WELCOME!. Foreign Language as a tool of internalization of Higher Education.

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2 Foreign Language as a tool of internalization of Higher Education

3 Internalization of Higher Education “Education is the best means - probably the only means – by which nations can cultivate a degree of objectivity about each other's behavior and intentions.” Senator J. William Fulbright

4 İnternalization of Higher education Globalization has demanded from Universities the following : * improvement in the quality of education * increases in the quantity of graduates and other outputs * efficiency in the way universities are managed * graduates with a global outlook

5 1. Mobility and Exchanges for Students and Teachers 2. Teaching and Research Collaboration 3. Academic Standards and Quality 4. Research Projects 5. Co-operation and Development Assistance 6. Curriculum Development Top reasons for İnternalization

6 7. International and Intercultural Understanding 8. Promotion and Profile of Institution 9. Diversity Source of Faculty and Students 10. Regional Issues and Integration 11. International Student Recruitment 12. Diversity Income Generation

7 Primary Importance 1.Mobility of students; 2. Strengthening international research collaboration.

8 Second level of importance 3. Mobility of faculty members; 4. International dimension in curriculum; 5. International development projects; 6. Joint academic programs.

9 Third level of importance 7. Development of twinning programs; 8. Establishment of branch campuses; 9. Commercial export/import of education programs; 10. Extracurricular activities for international students.

10 From nationalization To internalization * international higher education’s role is augmenting national capacity with focus on a country’s development as it relates with other countries. Higher Education

11 Linguistic aspects A range of international studies has shown that great importance has given to teaching foreign languages What we witness today is to increase in number of students studying in English.

12 Role of English in internalization of H.E Different international studies leads to the improvement of educational quality learning from international experience broad access to the global educational and research opportunities

13 National Identity English in its current use in internalization of H/E is a tool for intercultural communication that helps to maintain to reinforce people’s separate cultural identities, precisely because people want to preserve their own culture and use English to communicate with people of other cultures.

14 Benefits and challenges of English to maintain contacts with outside world to participate in the process of globalization and particularly internalization of higher education be better job opportunities

15 Importance of Language-Learning Personal Development By learning a new language, we gain new horizons, but at the same time we reinforce our own identity, and therefore also our self-confidence. A foreign language can contribute to a stronger personality.

16 Cultural Reasons It is a fundamental truth that cultures define themselves through languages. A foreign language gives you access to another culture. It gives you the ability to communicate and to exchange views with people all over the world that you would otherwise not have the chance to know.

17 Educational Reasons Learning a foreign language opens up a whole new dimension. it has a positive effect on intellectual growth it enriches and enhances mental development, it contributes significantly to the development of individual intelligence.

18 Economic Reasons * In a globalized world characterized by international links and intercultural connections, linguistic skills are crucial for employment and career. * The knowledge of foreign languages increases job opportunities in many careers where knowing another language is a real assert.

19 International strategies * cross–border education * Internationalizing curriculum

20 Cross – border education Increases demand of quality higher education Inadequate opportunities for higher education in the home country Increases support and initiatives for studies abroad Increases interest in international programs

21 Cross – border education Forms of Cross – Border Education Student mobility Program or institution mobility Professor mobility

22 Internationalizing the Curriculum Offering courses with international dimensions International relations International business Country studies

23 Gains from internalization of H/E Capacity building Mutual understanding Global citizenship

24 Challenges Increase awareness among undergraduates Provide opportunities to study and work abroad Promote understanding, respect and integration across institution

25 Globalization in H.E Higher education as a “public good” Expectations: educate future citizens equalize access prepare for the future

26 The future is global. New knowledge is required for all our societies to thrive For success, we need to work increasingly as partners.

27 Our country is experiencing drastic changes in Higher education. In 2005 Azerbaijan has joined the Bologna process. The Government highly support the Internalization of Higher Education. Our Institute takes a special place in the history of development of our national education

28 Today Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute is carrying out preparation on the following majors: * Primary school education *Methods of teaching, *Azerbaijan language and culture, *Mathematics and IT, *Foreign language, *History, *History and geography, *Social psychology in education.

29 There are 11 branches of Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute in different regions of Azerbaijan. There are approximately 7000 undergraduate students including the branches studying at Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute. Each academic year more than 10 000 of HEI and secondary school teachers, kindergarten tutors study at advanced education courses and in- service teacher training courses of Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute

30 Today we can confidently say that our Institute prepares 60-70% of teaching staff for schools and kindergartens in the regions and rural areas.

31 Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute provides an opportunity with this conference to explore our educational institutions together and to encourage the partnerships that will sustain our future.

32 Thank you for attention! T.Yusifova Vice-rector of ATI

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