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Sustainable Direction Ltd Gloucestershire Diocese - GCEJN Getting the Environmental Message Across - Winning Hearts and Minds 4 December 2014 sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Direction Ltd Gloucestershire Diocese - GCEJN Getting the Environmental Message Across - Winning Hearts and Minds 4 December 2014 sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Direction Ltd Gloucestershire Diocese - GCEJN Getting the Environmental Message Across - Winning Hearts and Minds 4 December 2014 sustainable direction ltd. 25 The Steadings Business Centre Maisemore, Gloucestershire GL2 8EY UK T +44 (0) 1452 382218

2 "You [God] made humans ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under our feet: All flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas," Psalm 8:6-8.

3 “The L ORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Gen 2:15 The Hebrew for work and take care are shamar and abad These can also be translated as serve and preserve

4 Desire for stewardship of the Earth is something that unites Christians and non-Christians, and the problems caused by poor stewardship impact everyone. As believers, it is our calling to serve and preserve God’s creation. We see the importance of taking care of our world, but are we changing anything?

5 Yes! Arocha Example The Eden Creation Care Initiative in Nigeria is now an Associated Project of A Rocha International. The Initiative is based on the Jos Plateau at an old, run-down fish farm with old mining ponds, flooded pasture, small pools, savannah and grassland habitats. It is rich in birdlife and with water level control could be even better.



8 Are we Changing Anything? Each Hour 1,692 acres of productive dry land become desert. 1,800 children die of malnutrition and hunger (that makes a total of 15 million each year). 55 people are poisoned by the pesticides they use; 5 die. Each Day 25,000 people die of water shortage or contamination. 250,000 tons of sulfuric acid fall as acid rain in the Northern Hemisphere. 60 tons of plastic packaging and 372 tons of fishing net are dumped into the sea by commercial fishermen. Almost 5 species of life become extinct Each Minute At least 51 acres of tropical forests are destroyed. We consume almost 35,000 barrels of oil. We add 12,000 tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

9 What is “Sustainable Development”?

10 Rejection Non- responsive ness Complianc e/ Reactive EfficiencyProactiveSustaining Value destroyers Value Limiters Value conservers Value creators Sustainable Where are you and your congregation on this scale?

11 Dunphy – “Creatively Destroy” We need to fundamentally change how we do life.

12 Do you know your personal carbon footprint?

13 At SDL we understand that world change starts with behaviour change. And behaviour change starts with you ! “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22. So how do we win hearts and minds?

14 Money is a big driver, and we shouldn’t shy away from that as Christians! So how do we win hearts and minds? God does not hate money – God instructs us not to misuse our money. Jesus knew that money really is the currency of the world when he said: "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s.” (Mark 12:17).

15 Some examples of what we do at SDL… We have found that winning hearts and minds is about Trust and Relationship as well as Example. So how do we win hearts and minds?

16 Proof of the Success of SDL’s Approach Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council. Community Action Hampshire. East Hampshire District Council. Eastleigh Borough Council. Environment Agency. Fareham Borough Council. Gosport Borough Council. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sustainable Business Partnership. Hampshire Association of Local Councils. Hampshire Constabulary. Hampshire County Council. Hampshire Fire and Rescue. Hampshire Police Authority. Hampshire Voluntary Sector Consortium Hart District Council. Havant Borough Council. Health Trusts. Ministry of Defence. Natural England. New Forest District Council. New Forest National Park Authority. Partnership for Urban South Hampshire. Portsmouth City Council. Rushmoor Borough Council. Southampton City Council. Test Valley Borough Council. Universities. Winchester City Council Hampshire-wide Climate Change Vision and Strategy

17 Hampshire Partnership Outcomes – Complex Stakeholder Consensus HP CEOs (28) voted to accept SDL’s recommendations: Identified ways to save £10M out of £30M combined energy budgets – achieved Revised approach to deliver Energy Efficiency and identified ways to save £5M further on energy efficiency – most accomplished Derived strategy to implement large scale PV – delivered by Councils

18 Improved Sustainability Appleyards Consultancy – The Director of Business Development Ian Bailey said “SDL provided us with support in developing our Corporate Responsibility strategy and with our progression towards achieving accreditation to ISO14001. We were satisfied with the work carried out for us, which was delivered in accordance with the brief we had set, and met our expectations. The work was of key value to us and has had a lasting impact as it helped form some key strategies for us which we have embedded in our business.” This helped them grow and be acquired by a larger business.

19 Our Food and Drink sector clients include:

20 Otter Brewery in Honiton, Devon They produce 20,000BB of product per year with a revenue of about £3.5M at the time. Reduced their water use to a nearly 1:1 wastewater to product production ratio from a former level of 2:1 wastewater to product ratio. This has reduced their effluent treatment plant size requirements, which will save c£150,000 capex as they double production.

21 The client stated that the initial work on process efficiency using Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs) has already saved them £60,000 per year. SDL arranged a £3,000 grant from Manufacturing Advisory Service and a further £16,000 from IYRE at the time.

22 To Conclude God has given us the great responsibility of caring for his Creation. Part of our calling as Christians is to serve and preserve the Earth and everything on it. Winning hearts and minds to this calling is about more than preaching with words: Example Trust Relationship Money is something we can shy away from in the Church, but it drives real world change.

23 Where to find us: Tel 01452 382218 Mob 07817 809018 Thank you. Dr John Henry Looney

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