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One-Size-Fits-All Learning: Theresa Zanatta. “Not all children flourish under a single teaching style. The children who are not compatible with their.

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Presentation on theme: "One-Size-Fits-All Learning: Theresa Zanatta. “Not all children flourish under a single teaching style. The children who are not compatible with their."— Presentation transcript:

1 One-Size-Fits-All Learning: Theresa Zanatta

2 “Not all children flourish under a single teaching style. The children who are not compatible with their styles get left out.”

3 “We must emphasize the need for teachers to be aware that all children, regardless of their race or ethnicity, have different learning styles. Dr. Jacqueline Jordan Irvine, Emory University

4 Teachers should have a variety of teaching styles. If a child does not master a skill the first time, try again, but not the same way you taught it the first time.” Dr. Jacqueline Jordan Irvine, Emory University

5 Diverse learning styles require diverse teaching styles!

6 What are diverse learning styles? Learning Modalities Dunn and Dunn, Beaudry, Klavas Multiple Intellingences Howard Gardiner, Armstrong, Daniel Goldman

7 Learning style is the way in which each learner begins to concentrate on, process and retain new and difficult information. Dunn

8 Learning modalities/ styles visual verbal auditory tactile

9 Multiple intelligences verbal-linguistic, kinesthetic logical-mathematical visual-spatial musical interpersonal, intrapersonal naturalist, emotional Gardner, Armstrong Goldman

10 What are diverse teaching styles?

11 Multisensory activities... Hands on….minds on!

12 I hear it. I see it. I touch it. I say it. I smell it. The Golden Rule of Phonics

13 In place of student passivity and isolation, we value learning that is both active and interactive. Alfie Kohn, The Schools Our Children Deserve, 1999

14 Some examples portfolios student-made games realia pull-out, little books a letter/word framer

15 Different learning styles Different interests Different capabilities Different imaginations Everyone is involved!

16 Opportunities for continual assessment demonstrating progress observing language behaviours regularly

17 The Way to Learning… Reach to teach every child! Hands- on is minds-on! Every child can learn! Every child can progress!

18 Theresa Zanatta

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