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Observations About The Institutional Controversy ~ Apostasy has been a problem with many of God’s people through the centuries! ~ Apostasy has been a problem.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations About The Institutional Controversy ~ Apostasy has been a problem with many of God’s people through the centuries! ~ Apostasy has been a problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations About The Institutional Controversy ~ Apostasy has been a problem with many of God’s people through the centuries! ~ Apostasy has been a problem with many of God’s people through the centuries! ~ This week we study God’s instruct- ions to us and how some of God’s people have departed from God’s Will! ~ This week we study God’s instruct- ions to us and how some of God’s people have departed from God’s Will!

2 > Departures in the Early Centuries! > Departures in the Early Centuries! ChurchesChurchesChurchesChurches Centralized Church Work ChurchesChurches Monastery Convent Work

3 > Departures in the Mid 1800s! > Departures in the Mid 1800s! ChurchesChurchesChurchesChurches Missionary Society Evangelism ChurchesChurches Receiving & Managing & Disbursing Church Evangelism

4 > Departures in the Mid 1900! > Departures in the Mid 1900! ChurchesChurchesChurchesChurches College Edification ChurchesChurches Sponsoring Church Evangelism

5 > Departures in the Mid 1900s! > Departures in the Mid 1900s! ChurchesChurches Institutional OrphanHome Benevolence

6 > Discussions about church support of Colleges in 1930s & 1940s! > Discussions about church support of Colleges in 1930s & 1940s! > In late 40s & early 50s discussion switched to church support of Institutional Orphan Homes! > In late 40s & early 50s discussion switched to church support of Institutional Orphan Homes! > In 1952 “Herald of Truth” began under the oversight of elders of Highland church in Abilene! > In 1952 “Herald of Truth” began under the oversight of elders of Highland church in Abilene!

7 > In 1950s Controversy Intensified! ~ Gospel Advocate Quarantine! ~ Gospel Advocate Quarantine! “Why not publish a list of the preach- ers who have been chronic church- busters? It would be of service to the elders of the various congregations.” --An Elder Writes, GA, Nov. 18, 1954.

8 “the question of the attitude our congre- gations should assume toward supporting orphan homes and radio programs in cooperation with other congregations….I trust you will not consider me presump- tious if I suggest that perhaps the writers for the Gospel Advocate might wisely spearhead a movement to ‘quarantine’ those preachers who today are sowing the seeds of discord among the brotherhood and to thus prevent further divisions.” “the question of the attitude our congre- gations should assume toward supporting orphan homes and radio programs in cooperation with other congregations….I trust you will not consider me presump- tious if I suggest that perhaps the writers for the Gospel Advocate might wisely spearhead a movement to ‘quarantine’ those preachers who today are sowing the seeds of discord among the brotherhood and to thus prevent further divisions.” --Editorial, GA, Dec. 9, 1954.

9 ~ The Gospel Advocate, a human organization giving directives to churches! ~ The Gospel Advocate, a human organization giving directives to churches! * To fire local preachers, cancel meeting, etc. * To fire local preachers, cancel meeting, etc. * The catalyst that started a nation wide division of local churches! * The catalyst that started a nation wide division of local churches!

10 > Response from Yater Tant! > Response from Yater Tant! “With shock and dismay brethren all over the nation a few weeks ago read in the Gospel Advocate what amounted to an open declaration of intent on the part of that journal and her supporters to divide the Lord’s church over the ‘institutional’ question—church support of colleges, institutional orphan homes, etc….Mean- while, the Gospel Guardian continues to plead for a free, open, and brotherly discussion of our differences. It is in Bible

11 study, not in violent disruption of fellowship, that the cause of Christ can best be served.” (Editorial, Gospel Guardian, Feb. 17, 1955). > Some Personal Experiences! > Some Personal Experiences! ~ Beginning my preaching! ~ Beginning my preaching! ~ Harding College & the GA & GG! ~ Harding College & the GA & GG! ~ Naylor MO. Meeting! ~ Naylor MO. Meeting! ~ San Diego, CA! ~ San Diego, CA!

12 > Could Division have been Avoided? > Could Division have been Avoided? ~ Only if both sides were willing to accept the Scriptural solution (Acts 15:24; Matt. 28:20; Acts 2:42; Gal. 1:8; 2 John 9)! ~ Only if both sides were willing to accept the Scriptural solution (Acts 15:24; Matt. 28:20; Acts 2:42; Gal. 1:8; 2 John 9)! ~Our Plea: Book, Chapter and verse for what we believe and practice! ~Our Plea: Book, Chapter and verse for what we believe and practice!

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