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Energy Nonrenewable Energy Resources. Energy  Energy Resources  U.S. has 4.6% of world population; uses 24% of the world’s energy  84% from nonrenewable.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Nonrenewable Energy Resources. Energy  Energy Resources  U.S. has 4.6% of world population; uses 24% of the world’s energy  84% from nonrenewable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Nonrenewable Energy Resources

2 Energy  Energy Resources  U.S. has 4.6% of world population; uses 24% of the world’s energy  84% from nonrenewable fossil fuels (oil, coal, & natural gas)  7% from nuclear power  9% from renewable sources (hydropower, geothermal, solar, biomass)

3 Energy  Energy Resources

4 Energy  Energy Resources United States Global

5 Energy Concepts  Energy Resources  Oil: Petroleum (crude oil) is a thick and gooey liquid consisting of hundreds of combustible hydrocarbons along with small amounts of sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen impurities  Coal: A solid fossil fuel formed in several stages as buried remains of land plants that lived 300-400 mya. Mostly carbon with small amounts of sulfur impurities  Natural Gas: A mixture of 50%-90% by volume of methane, which is the simplest hydrocarbon. Also contains ethane, propane, and butane  Uranium: Uranium hexafluoride (UF6), referred to as "hex" in the nuclear industry, is a compound used in the uranium enrichment process that produces fuel for nuclear reactors

6 Energy  Oil  Location (world): Middle East (OPEC 67%)  Location (US): Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast (3% of world reserves)  Availability projections (US reserves): 10-48 years  Availability projections (world): 42-93 years  Advantages: Abundant, convenient, relatively low cost, High net energy yield, and Efficient distribution system  Disadvantages: Dependant on foreign oil, running out, emissions, pollution, low prices encourage waste. At current rate, we will run out in 53 years

7 Energy  Oil  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) -- 13 countries have 67% world reserves  Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, & Venezuela

8 Energy  Oil

9 Energy  Oil (Economy)

10 Energy  Oil (Usage World Wide)

11 Energy  Oil (Refining)

12 Energy  Coal  Location (world): China, Russia (60%)  Location (US): (25% of world supply) Eastern areas of US: Montana, Utah, Arizona and southern areas of mid-west  Availability projections (US reserves): 300 at current rates (64 years with 4% increase)  Availability projections (world):400+ years if new reserves are found and current rate of usage  Advantages: most abundant fossil fuel, high energy, US has large supply  Disadvantages: health concerns, high pollution when burned, high in sulfur, releases mercury

13 Energy  Coal  Coal exists in many forms therefore a chemical formula cannot be written for it  Coalification: After plants died they underwent chemical decay to form a product known as peat  Over many years, thick peat layers formed  Peat is converted to coal by geological events such as land subsidence which subject the peat to great pressures and temperatures

14 Energy  Coalifcation

15 Energy  Coal

16 Energy  Coal Deposits World

17 Energy  Coal Deposits U.S.

18 Energy  Coal  Pros  Most abundant fossil fuel  Major U.S. reserves  300 yrs. at current consumption rates  High net energy yield  Cons  Dirtiest fuel, highest carbon dioxide  Major environmental degradation (High environmental impact)  Major threat to health  Primarily strip-mined

19 Energy  Coal Refining  Coal gasification → Synthetic natural gas (SNG)  Coal liquefaction → Liquid fuels (Gasoline)  Disadvantage  Costly  High environmental impact  Processes release more CO 2 than burning coal does

20 Energy  Natural Gas  Location (world): Russia (31%), Middle East (24%)  Location (US): (3%) Gulf coast, above crude oil  Availability projections (US reserves): 55-80 years  Availability projections (world): 62-125 (and up to 200 years with unconventional)  Advantages: Can be transported easily, lower pollution than other fossil fuels, high energy yield  Disadvantages: running out, greenhouse gas released, explosive (especially in liquid form)

21 Energy  Natural Gas  Russia & Kazakhstan - almost 40% of world's supply  Iran (15%), Qatar (5%), Saudi Arabia (4%), Algeria (4%), United States (3%), Nigeria (3%), Venezuela (3%)  90–95% of natural gas in U.S. domestic (~411,000 km = 255,000 miles of pipeline)  Experts predict increased use of natural gas during this century

22 Energy  Natural Gas  Mixture  50–90% Methane (CH 4 )  Ethane (C 2 H 6 )  Propane (C 3 H 8 )  Butane (C 4 H 10 )  Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S)

23 Energy  Natural Gas Lines U.S.

24 Energy  Natural Gas Demand

25 Energy  Recap

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