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He says how people should live. But many people just ignore God They don’t want to know about him. They just don’t care about God at all.

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Presentation on theme: "He says how people should live. But many people just ignore God They don’t want to know about him. They just don’t care about God at all."— Presentation transcript:




4 He says how people should live. But many people just ignore God
They don’t want to know about him. They just don’t care about God at all.


6 Maybe YOU have been ignoring God.
Maybe YOU have not been living God’s way.

7 They cannot change themselves.
God is not pleased with people who ignore him and won’t live his way. God says that these people are him enemies. No matter how hard people try, they cannot make up for the wrong things they’ve done. They cannot change themselves.




11 You can pray this prayer
Hi Jesus, Thank you for loving me. I’m sorry for the things I’ve done wrong. Please help me to be your friend and part of your family And live life – God’s Way!





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