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Learning Styles for Individuals & Groups. To be Human O a baby must learn O So, all of us must be either learning or stagnating… O growing or dying.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Styles for Individuals & Groups. To be Human O a baby must learn O So, all of us must be either learning or stagnating… O growing or dying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Styles for Individuals & Groups

2 To be Human O a baby must learn O So, all of us must be either learning or stagnating… O growing or dying.

3 Learning occu rs O according to universal principles O according to cultural, age/gender, and cultural differences.

4 Learning: Age Development Piaget’s “theory of cognitive development” 1. Sensorimotor (0-2) from mother, hand & eye coordination 2. Preoperational (2-7) egocentrism & animism 3. Concrete Operational (7-12) concrete legalism 4. Formal Operational (13- ) hypothetical and universalistic thinking… and much more….

5 Universal Principles O Learning is part of cultural socialization O Learning is motivated according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (q.v.). O Learning is facilitated by a trustful, disciplined, caring environment/teacher

6 Different Intelligences O Physical intelligence or skill O Emotional intelligence (understanding feelings) O Social intelligence (sensing the ways of groups) O And different types of cognitive intelligence

7 Differences O Learners (as individuals and groups) should be distinguished by differences in culture, community, tone and style of the class, and by age/maturity and gender distinctions. O Attention should be paid to differences in learning styles—we all learn in different ways.

8 Different Learning Styles 1. Visual (spatial): prefer pictures images, spatial understanding 2. Aural (auditory/musical): prefer sound/music 3. Verbal (linguistic) prefer words, written and spoken explanations 4. Physical (kinesthetic): prefer use of body, hands and sense of touch 5. Logical (mathematical): prefer logic, reasoning and systems…. And then…

9 See somethingHear something Handle something

10 Learning Styles: two more 6. Social (interpersonal) prefer learning in groups with other people—group activity 7. Solitary (intrapersonal): prefer working alone and use of self-study

11 Memletic: appreciating differences in learning styles; learning geared to individual differences


13 This doesn’t mean: O We all fit into one of: three, five, seven or whatever, categories. O Rather, most of us are quicker and happier in some combination of learning styles— may have one that works best. O So, Kids (and maybe all of us) need a variety of styles. Your group will help you settle on some, but don’t totally neglect any.

14 Noticing Learning Disabilities, Difficulties, Disorders (LD) 1. Dyslexia 2. Dyscalculia 3. Dysgraphia 4. Dyspraxis 5. Executive Functioning 6. ADHD

15 Learning Disabilities O LD is more than a “difference” or “difficulty” with learning—it’s a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to receive, process, store and respond to information. O LD will vary in how it each individual child, adolescent, and adult. O Understanding the basic facts will enable you to help yourself, your child, or someone you know. (the National Center for Learning Disabilities)

16 Dyslexia ( National Center for Learning Disabilities) This language processing disorder can hinder reading, writing, spelling and sometimes even speaking.

17 Disgraphia (National Center for Learning Disabilities) This LD affects writing and can lead to problems with spelling, poor handwriting and putting thoughts on paper.

18 Dyscalculia (National Center for Learning Disabilities) Dyscalculia refers to a wide range of lifelong learning disabilities involving math.

19 Dyspraxia (National Center for Learning Disabilities) A disorder that affects motor skill development, often coexists with other learning disabilities.

20 ADHD Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder O ADHD is not the same as a learning disorder. O It is considered here because it definitely interferes with learning and behavior. O Also, about one-third of people who have LD have ADHS also. O Generally: two types of ADHD

21 Hyper-impulsive ADHD O Move and fidget constantly, restlessness O Talk nonstop; trouble with quiet activities O Often act without thinking about consequences O Have trouble taking turns or often disrupt games and conversations O Have trouble controlling temper outbursts

22 Inattentive Type ADHD: May: O Appear to not pay attention to details or to listen when spoken to O Daydream a lot; slow to process information O Struggle to follow instructions or to sustain attention long enough to learn something new O Have trouble completing homework O Misplace things needed to complete tasks O Become bored easily O Be poorly organized

23 Learning Styles: Individuals & Groups O Just as individuals can have learning disorders, groups can have learning dysfunctions. O We try to help both individuals and groups to work through their difficulties.

24 Disclaimers O This PPT is a very quick and superficial overview of complex issues. O If used as introductory for those who have not studied human development and learning, an expert facilitator is advised. O Or, it can be used for review, in which case, explanation, criticisms, nuances, suggestions can be added by the group.

25 Questions for Reflection and Discussion 1. What was most important for you from this overview or review of Learning Styles? 2. What criticisms do you have of this Summary—or what suggestions? 3. What use might parents, teachers, leaders or supervisors can you make of this PPT?

26 Questions for Reflection and Discussion 4. Give one example as to how recognition of learning styles has or might help a student. 5. A family’s communication style tends to be yelling. How might this effect, not only a child of the family, but the ability of the family to learn and grow? 6. A church or organization has a very autocratic leader not given to suggestions. How might this affect it as a potential learning organization

27 Questions for Reflection and Discussion 7. This is complex, yet very important, information. How could you and your organization continue to learn and grow as learning organization?

28 Implications 1. Most of us will learn principles of human development, learning styles, and learning difficulties, and may pass tests on all this, but, as time goes on, we won’t remember each detail—rather this information becomes intuitive in adjusting to differing situations.

29 Implications 2. Just as Piaget’s and other developmentalists’ theories and stages had to be critiqued, tweaked, and integrated by later experts, so we never master this material. Rather, we go on learning about human development, human relationships, and teaching-learning from students and from our team or colleagues.

30 Implications 3. One of the points made here, and often neglected, is that: beyond students, families, groups and churches, cities and societies are all in the process of learning. It is important to consider the learning disorders or dysfunctions of families, communities and cultures—what they are learning… and what they are not learning.

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