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A product of Kraft foods

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1 A product of Kraft foods
Vegemite A product of Kraft foods

2 In 1922, a Melbourne man called Fred Walker (who started the Fred Walker Company which eventually became Kraft Foods Limited in Australia) had the bright idea of using yeast extract left over from the manufacture of beer to create a wonderful source of vitamin B and a tasty new spread that every Australian will grow up with.

3 It is the registered brand name for a dark brown -- almost black -- salty food paste mainly used as a spread on sandwiches and toast, though occasionally used in cooking.

4 Its taste and manufacture are similar to the British Marmite, and indeed the product was for a short time known as "Parwill" as a rather unfunny and unsuccessful pun on Marmite's name (as in the sentence: "Ma might not like the taste, but I'm sure Pa will"). Vegemite's current name was picked at random out of a hat of other possible choices by Fred Walker's daughter, Sheilah.

5 The spread is extremely strongly flavored, and a little goes a long way - most people spreading vegemite as thickly as jam or butter will get a nasty surprise when they bite into the resulting product

6 Nutrition Yeast extract is four or five times more concentrated than yeast, making it one of the richest known sources of the vitamin B group. In addition to being rich in vitamin B, yeast extract also contains other essential proteins and minerals It is also fat free

7 Prior to the outbreak of World War II in 1939, Vegemite gained official product endorsement from the British Medical Association. This endorsement coup allowed Vegemite to be advertised in the British Medical Journal and for medical professionals to be able to recommend Vegemite as a Vitamin B-rich, nutritionally balanced food for patients

8 Vegemite's rise to popularity was helped by highly successful marketing campaigns in the 1940s, using groups of smiling, attractive healthy children singing a catchy jingle entitled "We're happy little vegemites". Indeed, many Australians still use the phrase "happy little vegemite" to describe such children.

9 In April 1984, a 115g jar of Vegemite makes grocery store history by becoming the first product to be electronically scanned at the checkout in a supermarket in Australia. It was scanned in Woolworths at Chullora NSW and the price was 66 cents. The product is on display at Woolworths head office in NSW should anyone feel inclined to make a pilgrimage.

10 Today Vegemite, which remains relatively unchanged in recipe and label, now sells over 22 million jars every year. Vegemite may have started on toast but it remains a vital ingredient in many contemporary recipes such as risotto.

11 Did You Know? 22.7 million jars of Vegemite are manufactured in Australia every year - that's 235 jars per minute. 30 jars are sold in Australia for every one exported. Vegemite is in nine out of ten pantries in Australia.

12 Kraft launched Vegemite snack abouts in 1999 "Snack abouts" was created for children and adults so that people could snack on Vegemite anywhere, anytime. With four buttery crispbreads in every pack and a handy red stick for spreading, Vegemite snack abouts are a popular addition to Aussie kids’ lunchboxes.

13 More information: This includes old ads for the company in the Our Heritage section


15 For the first time in 85 years, Vegemite has now launched a new product.

16 Issues for International Sales
What market entry method would you use? Would you change the product or keep it the same? Who would you market to? How would you promote the product? What would your promotional message be? How and where would you sell it? What kind of a price would you attach to it?

17 4 P’s of Marketing Product Promotion Place (Distribution) Price

18 Adaptation vs. Standardization
Standardization: keep product the same across countries Adaptation: change product to meet local needs

19 McDonalds

20 Q. How many restaurants does McDonald's have and in how many countries
Q. How many restaurants does McDonald's have and in how many countries? A. There are more than 30,000 McDonald's restaurants in 119 countries. Menus vary around the world.

21 Product Adaptation Packaging Color Size Usage Labeling Features
Technical issues

22 Factors which drive standardization
Cost Brand Name Control of Image Economies of Scale Globalization of marketplace

23 Factors which drive adaptation
Use of product Legal differences Buyer behavior patterns Cultural differences Economic factors Legal differences – driving on the right hand side of the road for a car vs. the left Labeling requirements Environmental recycling – Green Dot laws of Germany required all packaging to be returned to seller Saudi Arabia requires electrical cords on consumer appliances to be 2 meters long – GE had goods turned back from a port when theirs were only 2 yards long Culture – language In Japan, diet coke is Coca-Cola Light because they aren’t diet conscious like the U.S. – seen as a health drink Buyer behavior – Polish moms refused to buy mashed bananas in baby food because banaas are seen as an expensive luxury – instead they use vegetable and rabbit meat Japanese moms use freeze dried sardines and rice Economic factors – countries with richer economic development look for extra features Infrastructure allows different product features

24 Coca-Cola Electricity

25 Global Segmentation Identify a market segment that crosses country lines and sell a standardized product to it

26 Barbie in Middle East

27 Possible Segments Global segment: MTV generation, global business travelers Regional segments: Asian edition of Microsoft word Unique segments: first-time parents, sophisticated photographers; working women

28 India

29 Malaysia i'm lovin' it! McDonald's® Malaysia

30 Middle East

31 Uruguay

32 Greece

33 Signage

34 Alternative International Product and Promotional Strategies

35 The World’s 10 Most Valuable Global Brands
Source: BusinessWeek 8/26/2007

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