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Arab Gulf States Six States- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE & Oman.

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Presentation on theme: "Arab Gulf States Six States- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE & Oman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arab Gulf States Six States- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE & Oman.

2 Arab States of the Persian Gulf All significant revenues from oil and gas & low populations (except for S. Arabia) The Arab states share a regional culture. All six states are hereditary monarchies. (Bahrain & Kuwait have legislatures that are elected.)

3 Oil Reserves by Country

4 Allies with the U.S. President Obama & King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The U.S. helped the Kuwaitis during the Persian Gulf War! The U.S. has good relations with all of the Arab Gulf States.

5 Modern Beautiful Cities Oil wealth has allowed most of the Monarch/Leaders invest in infrastructure, and build modern cities in these countries

6 Dubai, UAE

7 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

8 Manama, Bahrain

9 Kuwait City

10 Wars & Conflicts in the Arab States? What are the important wars or conflicts that the U.S. has been involved with as well?

11 Iraq invaded Kuwait 1 st Persian Gulf War When Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, the U.S. helped the Kuwaitis in the war.

12 Who won the war? Kuwait King & Pres. Bush, Sr. Kuwait & U.S.A.

13 The 2 nd Persian Gulf War? 12 Years Later the U.S. invades Iraq- Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003- U.S. believes Saddam had built WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

14 War ends in 2011; Saddam is found guilty of crimes!

15 Not a Arab Gulf State, but important war in area. Images or numbers of Iranians killed Over One Million Dead from the war Estimates of 500,000 dead from each country Economic Loss of $500 Million for each country

16 Why no Arab Spring? There are three reasons for the Gulf states’ staying power: Governments here don’t derive their power from fear and brutality; The nations have little history of political activism; Oil wealth allows the regimes to effectively buy popular support. Finally, oil wealth has allowed governments to shower their subjects with perks such as universal health care, tax-free living, scholarships for study abroad, and generous cash gifts.

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