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RAINBOW OF FRIENDSHIP Şcoala Nr.194 “Marin Sorescu” ; Web: B-dul Alexandru Obregia Nr. 3A, Sector 4, Bucureşti.

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Presentation on theme: "RAINBOW OF FRIENDSHIP Şcoala Nr.194 “Marin Sorescu” ; Web: B-dul Alexandru Obregia Nr. 3A, Sector 4, Bucureşti."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAINBOW OF FRIENDSHIP Şcoala Nr.194 “Marin Sorescu” Email: ; Web: B-dul Alexandru Obregia Nr. 3A, Sector 4, Bucureşti 041721: tel./Fax 021 461 07 90

2 As the project is called “Rainbow of Friendship” we thought of keeping with the main idea and design a rainbow of activities to do with our students on the projected values and not only. First we organized a drawing contest for the school’s project logo. Students from the 6th to the 8th grade took part in the contest. Here is the winning one!

3 In the meantime, we did a lot of activities on the three projected values. Teachers and students of all ages and levels were more than happy to take part in the project and work together in designing and performing all sorts of fun activities both in class and in the community.

4 P.E/PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT & MOVEMENT Children talked about great athletes who have made Romania famous all over the world. They expressed their gratitude in posters and papers, which presented the lives and achievements of well-known Romanian sportsmen. They also displayed their final products on the walls of the gym for everybody to see and read. LEARNING OUTCOMES Children learnt group and pair work. Children practice their digital skills in working with the Internet. Children’s communicating skills were improved. Children learnt the importance of their country, its culture, and its people in their lives. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT School LANGUAGE & LITERACY Children can communicate their feelings and thoughts clearly, and appropriately in an oral context expressing their gratitude towards the great Romanian poet Marin Sorescu, after whom our school was named. Children communicated in a variety of formats: poems, stories, reports. Children can use known vocabulary and learn new one while writing thank-you cards in which they express their gratitude towards their own country. Children’s English language skills were enhanced through the use of simple wishes relevant to the subject. THE ARTS Children expressed their ideas, thoughts and feelings in works of art such as paintings and drawings, collages, models and others. Most of their works were displayed in an exhibition on the school premises. THE WORLD AROUND US Children shared knowledge about their country, showing through their wishes and drawings, their poems, reports and stories what makes Romania so beautiful and interesting, what makes them love their country, its culture, people and traditions, thinking about their own identity within the Romanian context. THINKING SKILLS - to understand the importance of being grateful and thankful; - to become aware of the effort behind every good deed. MATHEMATICS & NUMERACY Children learnt about great mathematicians, expressing their gratitude towards the discoveries that have changed and improved our world.  Value: GRATITUDE  Topic: “Our World, Our People”  Month: December - February OBJECTIVES - to raise children’s awareness on the idea of gratitude and the many ways one can express it; - to teach different ways of communicating. KEY COMPETENCIES: Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical literacy and competence in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and civic competences Entrepreneurship Cultural Expression

5 GRATITUDE …So many things to be grateful for! Why not start with nature? 8th grade students from class 8C talked about the cycle of water in nature and the mixing of colours. The Art teacher encouraged the children to draw nature as they see it.

6 Students also created some models out of polystyrene and paper and exhibited them on the school premises.


8 They also thanked great mathematicians for all their discoveries, which led to great inventions that have changed our lives forever!

9 They also wrote some papers about the lives of great mathematicians.

10 Our school bears the name of one of the of the greatest Romanian writers – Marin Sorescu. In his honour and as a gesture of gratitude, the 7th and 8th graders went to the Museum of Literature and recited some of his poems in different languages and made some collages of his portrait, his poems and his name. They also wrote cards which they decorated with what we call “Martisoare” – which are amulets, traditionally Romanian. They came back to school and presented the whole activity to the representatives of every class, gathered together in the school library.

11 At the museum.


13 In school.

14 Together with their PE teacher, pupils of all levels thanked great Romanian sportsmen for their achievements and for making our country famous all over the world.

15 The 8th graders also designed posters of friendship in which they thanked their friends and class mates and promoted tolerance, equality and diversity!

16 Here are the final products exhibited both on the class walls and on the school corridor.

17 It was close to 1st of December, our National Day, so the 5th A students thought of thanking Romania for everything that she offers, teaches and bestows upon us all. They wrote thank-you cards and stuck them all over the map of our amazing country.

18 Here are some of them, sticking the cards on the map.

19 Here is the final product exhibited both in their class and on the school corridors for everybody to see and read!

20 Our Art teacher worked with students of all levels around Christmas time and they expressed their gratitude to God in beautiful paintings of religious topics.

21 Our young pupils of class 2H built beautiful houses out of matches, thus expressing their gratitude for having a roof over their heads and families to love them and take care of them. They also made a tree of friendship.

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