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Die deurlopende PP-agtergrond Teks Psalm 124 God versamel ons en ons is bly.

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Presentation on theme: "Die deurlopende PP-agtergrond Teks Psalm 124 God versamel ons en ons is bly."— Presentation transcript:


2 Die deurlopende PP-agtergrond

3 Teks Psalm 124 God versamel ons en ons is bly

4 Psalm 124

5 Ons fokus op God God versamel ons en ons is bly

6 Kan God ons help?

7 Wat is die kans?

8 Daar is ’nGod. Daar is ’n God. Daar is moeilikheid. Net God kan help.

9 “Help, Here, help!” én “Dankie, Here, dankie!”

10 Familie-oomblik God versamel ons en ons is bly

11 Hang aan ’ntak Hang aan ’n tak

12 Loflied God versamel ons en ons is bly

13 F248

14 Ons luister Luister na die Woord God praat met ons

15 Psalm 124 - As die Here ons nie gered het nie… -

16 Ons luister Luister weer na die Woord God praat met ons

17 Kom tot die punt!

18 God is die punt!

19 “We are not here to show something to God. We are here because God— the One who wants to be completely known— has something to show to us.”

20 1. Die moeilikhede van die lewe kan ons pap maak…

21 Won’t you please help me!

22 Soms het mens mense nodig!

23 Vasgevang in die wip

24 Vivit!

25 2. God help – dis verseker!

26 Die man, die tier en die aarbei

27 God kruip soms weg soos die aarbei

28 “We are not here to show something to God. We are here because God— the One who wants to be completely known—has something to show to us. We do not always see that we should be moving about our days and lives and places with awe and reverence and wonder, with the same soft steps with which we enter the room of a sleeping child or the mysterious silence of a cathedral. There is no ground that is not holy ground. All of the places of our lives are sanctuaries; some of them just happen to have steeples. And all of the people in our lives are saints; it is just that some of them have day jobs and most will never have feast days named for them.”

29 Wees stil en weet

30 Bly stil en weet dat Ek jou liefhet!

31 Nou is die ore van my ore bewus van... (God) Nou is die oë van my oë oop vir... (God) (e. e. cummings)

32 Ons is dankbaar Sakramente Rituele God herinner ons

33 Dear Jesus: I feel like a pebble on the beach, washed in and out by waves of pain and relief fatigue and rest fitful sleep and alertness. What am I supposed to do about this? I want to maintain some control of my life. I need some anchor, some mooring.

34 So much is breaking loose! Let's plan together. I'll live with this sloshing back and forth if you'll keep some deep ballast in me so l don't tip over. You be the anchor within that holds me fast to you. Then I'll be upright even when I must flow in and out of consciousness, rock to-and-fro with pain.

35 You're the solid foundation that keeps me from panic when l lose a grip on myself. So this is where I am right now. My outer security is washing away, but my eternal security is more reliable as I fix my heart and mind upon you. Amen.

36 FLAM-bladmusiek kan afgelaai word by



39 Volgende week: Psalm 8

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