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World Links for Development …opening a world of learning.

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1 World Links for Development …opening a world of learning

2 The “WorLD” Program To help establish a global learning network linking thousands of youth and educators around the world The Mission  òTo improve & expand educational opportunities and horizons òTo prepare youth to develop skills to effectively enter a global economy based on knowledge and information òTo build bridges among the leaders of tomorrow òTo improve & expand educational opportunities and horizons òTo prepare youth to develop skills to effectively enter a global economy based on knowledge and information òTo build bridges among the leaders of tomorrow

3 What can teachers/students do? èUse basic productivity tools and Access a global body of educational resources and knowledge –International Libraries, Museums, Educational Activities, Lesson Plans èDesign and participate in global collaborative projects, selected from from a wide range of academic disciplines linked to curriculum –Social Studies/Biology/Chemistry/Physics/Math –Language skills/Music/Art èContribute own content, perspectives, and heritage, to the body of world knowledge

4 Overview Currently in 18 countries and over 500 schools Global Education network reaching over 100,000 students and teachers. Connectivity, Teacher Training, Partnerships, Telecom awareness raising, Monitorning and Evaluation. Schools as community learning centers and wireless connectivity.

5 WorLD Evaluation -- Year 2 Evaluation conducted in 12 of the 15 countries -- March to May, 2000 by SRI. Over 500 teacher respondents in 140 schools in 12 countries. 383 of 384 teachers in 96 WorLD schools and 158 of 160 computer using teachers in 44 Non-WorLD schools.

6 WorLD Evaluation Outcomes on Gender Girls comprised 52% of students in classes of teachers who participated in evaluation. Represents a significant increase over Non-WorLD schools -- at 42% Boys and Girls developed Information Literacy skills at similar levels.

7 WorLD Evaluation Outcomes on Boys and Girls

8 Schools as Community Learning Centers and Wireless Technology Strategy to reach rural areas Pilot in Zimbabwe -- 13 duel-use school/community learning centers 70% of clients are women Training in operating systems, applications, and research using Internet. After school operation has brought in US$5,000 in 6 months in one center.

9 World Links for Development …opening a world of learning

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