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Come and See Diocesan Renewal Process 2005-2010. Dear Children, I would like to invite you to join me on a journey for the next 5 years. This journey.

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Presentation on theme: "Come and See Diocesan Renewal Process 2005-2010. Dear Children, I would like to invite you to join me on a journey for the next 5 years. This journey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Come and See Diocesan Renewal Process 2005-2010

2 Dear Children, I would like to invite you to join me on a journey for the next 5 years. This journey will give you the chance to ‘Come and See’ Jesus. God bless, Bishop Arthur. From Bishop Arthur

3 We are ALL invited

4 Year One Scripture & Prayer During the first year we will be praying and reading the stories in St Mark’s Gospel.

5 Year Two Repentance & Reconciliation During the second year we will be thinking about saying sorry and God’s forgiveness.

6 Year Three Belonging to the Church Community During the third year we will be reflecting on our Church community: who we are and what we are trying to do.

7 Year Four Learning About our Faith During the fourth year we will be finding out what the Church teaches us about our Catholic faith.

8 Year Five Telling People About Jesus During the fifth year we will try to share our faith in Jesus with other people.

9 What Happens Next? Meet for a special Advent liturgy. Receive your own copy of St. Mark’s Gospel.

10 Let us pray … God our Heavenly Father, You have shown us how much you love us because you have sent your Son Jesus. Help me to be open to the Holy Spirit, so that I can know Jesus better. Please bless everyone in our diocese, as we accept the invitation to “Come and See” Jesus. We ask this through Jesus your son. Amen.

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