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The Effects of Technology on Learning Kristal Tureaud, Lisa Moppin, Rosemary Grala, and Kristen Aeschliman.

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2 The Effects of Technology on Learning Kristal Tureaud, Lisa Moppin, Rosemary Grala, and Kristen Aeschliman

3 n What is the role of technology? n How technology effects students n Change in student roles n How technology effects the teacher n Change in teacher roles n Motivation n Collaboration with peers n In the Art classroom n Educational websites

4 n Technology has dramatically impacted how we work, live our lives and learn. We know that technology is not the solution to every problem confronting education, but we believe that no permanent solutions will be found without considering new and more powerful ways to communicate.

5 n Frustration and how to deal with it. n New ways of learning. n Change in student activity.

6 n When students use technology as a tool or a communication device they are in an active role rather than the passive role. n The information is being passed on by other means rather than just a teacher, textbook, or broadcast. n The student is actively making choices on how to obtain information. n Technology use allows many more students to be actively thinking about information,and making choices, and executing skills than is typical in teacher-led lessons.

7 n Role reversal n How to deal with student frustration. n Technology as tutor.

8 Change in Teacher Roles n The teacher is no longer the center of attention. n They change from an active role to a passive role. n He or she is able to focus their time on individual students or groups by being able to move about the classroom and observe the work that is in progress.

9 n The most common effect on student’s is an increase in motivation when using technology. n The enhancement of a student’s self-esteem is tremendously notice by teacher’s and parents as well.

10 Collaboration with Peers Collaboration with Peers n Students work together cooperatively and provide peer tutoring. n When there are limited numbers of computers the collaboration of students is an obvious aid. n When students have mastered a specific skill they find enjoyment and satisfaction from helping others.

11 Effects of Technology on Learning in the Art Classroom n Impact of Art Images n Images of Art Knowledge n Impact of Art Making

12 Art ImagesArt ImagesArt ImagesArt Images n Images available from museums, exhibits, galleries, and educational centers from around the world. n May be enhanced by interactive programs for response, critic and comparison to works. n Eg: Kennedy Center web sight displaying “Art of Japan” architecture, sculpture, and painting with multimedia feature for comparison to other works.

13 n Tools very specific to type of art made: n Cad tools for HS technical, engineering, planning, and blueprint drawings. n Illustrator, coreldraw, photoshop for graphic. n Tessellation program integrates math and art: student will understand geometry of a tile, add the history of tesserra and artist Escher. n Animation uses programs from Bryce, and other makers

14 Educational Website Activities n n n n n

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