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“Answers to Questions” May 30, 2013. Question Question: Eve was deceived, not Adam. But we know that Eve had a wordman too. You explained that the male.

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Presentation on theme: "“Answers to Questions” May 30, 2013. Question Question: Eve was deceived, not Adam. But we know that Eve had a wordman too. You explained that the male."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Answers to Questions” May 30, 2013

2 Question Question: Eve was deceived, not Adam. But we know that Eve had a wordman too. You explained that the male and female were not initially one but are eternally male and female in Word body. It was just Adam's flesh that Eve was "cloned“ from, right? Eve was flesh from his spoken word flesh, So I was wondering why it says that Eve was deceived when the elect cannot be deceived? Could you help me understand? They both made the decision to bring forth through the flesh instead of speaking the word.

3 Answer Answer: Adam and Eve were eternal male and female with Word body of their own individual. the woman I TIMOTHY 2:14 Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. we all have the woman, The "Woman" being deceived was in the transgression. Remember that we all have the woman, which is the unit of the fleshman. "The Wordman formed the fleshman and it was not the Wordman that was deceived but the fleshman being deceived was in the transgression."

4 We all have an Adam and an Eve; the Wordman unit and the fleshman unit. In this line of thought don't think of Eve as a woman and Adam as a male. We all have an Adam and an Eve; the Wordman unit and the fleshman unit. Eve the fleshman fell in the transgression. Adam the Wordman redeemed her and washed her clean of her transgression. Eve was the flesh, the flesh was deceived. This is the correct way to look at it and understand all that has been given to us in this Day.

5 Question: Question: I have a question that I was asked by one of our sisters in my fellowship concerning communion; In the light of the Third Testement revelation, do we still partake in communion and foot washing?

6 Answer: Answer: This is the revelation that the Lord has opened to us in the Third Testament. Jesus said to take the communion and do the footwashing in remembrance of him and his sacrifice. Paul said to continue the communion in memorial until the Lord come. The disciples in the book of Acts took communion as oft as they gathered together and did it in memorial of what Christ had done.

7 In our revelation, "The Lord has come". We are no longer in memorial waiting on him, "He is Here". We are communing and enjoying the fellowship with him daily and we don't need to continue a symbol. Jesus Christ has returned in his Third Reign as Son of David, and we are no longer walking in symbols. Our communion is always “Present Day" with him. Therefore, we see no need of taking a piece of bread and a drink of wine in memorial as a symbol of his body and blood. We are the Body of the Lord now and we are his "Word" - blood now.

8 We do not fight or argue over this issue with people, but we know that it is no longer an ordinance to us and we at “The Third Testament Assembly” in Dayton, Ohio do not practice the memorial or partake of the symbol anymore.

9 Question Question: Could you explain the meaning of a Testament, and a Testimony. I know there has got to be a difference.

10 Answer: Answer: A "Testament" is a junction in time wherein God sends a special ministry to die for the people so that the believers can step into another Testament. There were three lives that manifested to us that type of ministry. Those lives were Adam, Jesus, and William Branham. All three of them were crucified and died in some sort of manner in order to constitute another Testament. Adam stepped over the threshold of innocence and fell into a guilty world. He became the first testament to the world so that all died in the sex birth..

11 Jesus was crucified so that he could be the leader of the second testament which brought the Holy Ghost on the scene. It was so the people of God could receive life in new creation and walk as Christians through the second Testament Church Age dispensation. William Branham was the leader of the Third Testament wherein he was crucified by the denominational world. It was for the people of God so they could come out of man-made systems into the reign of Christ as the True Son of David on the throne.

12 The difference between a Testament and a "Testimony" is that a Testimony is what we all carry as we live in Christ Jesus and give our Testimony by the life we live. We overcome by the word and our Testimony. So a testimony is what you are giving while you are alive in this world and a Testament is what comes into effect by certain special ministries as testators after their death

13 Question: Question: Could you talk to us and help us understand how some parts of the second coming were fulfilled, such as the tribulation period and the three and one half year ministry to the Jews? I’m sure the Lord has revealed these things to you. After listening to the first two sessions I’m convinced that you have the revelation for this day.

14 Question: Question: I heard you preach that the three and one half years are over now and it is not actually an exact time period but it is a symbol of something that happened. Please explain this further for us to understand.

15 Question: Question: If the rapture did in fact take place could you explain further when and how it happened. We believe it and would like to hear your thoughts on it Brother Parnell. Are you the same Brother Parnell that Brother Branham talked about in “Sirs is This the Time”? The one who had the dream that he told?

16 Question: Question: We say that the Fullness is now here and it is the Fullness of God on the scene in his entirety. I am a believer. My question is, “Isn’t God Omniscient”? Isn’t He Omnipresent?” What is the meaning of “He just Got here, or He was only partially here through the ages”? I’m having a hard time grasping what we mean by this.

17 Question: Question: What importance do you place on the Bible, the written message, and the revelation? Many followers of William Branham criticize you in these things and how you place them. I would like to hear your thoughts on this Brother Parnell.

18 Question: Question: Brother Parnell, You are thought to be everything from the devil to God in the ranks of followers of WMB. Nonetheless, you name is a household and church topic continually. I am not a critic, I am a believer. No man could piece together and weave such a beautiful web of revelation. It is God. If you would, could you please take a few minutes and position your ministry that God has given you into its proper place. People need to hear it from you.

19 Question: Question: I am greeting you in Christ Jesus name who give you more revelation of him self to lead his wife to the third coming. My question is, “Since we know that we have theophany of Jesus now, is there a separate person of Jesus? Or aside from our theophany [in us].


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