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FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS 18th PC-Axis Conference Vilnius-Lithuania, 30 September 2009 Kafkas Caprazli, Statistics Division.

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Presentation on theme: "FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS 18th PC-Axis Conference Vilnius-Lithuania, 30 September 2009 Kafkas Caprazli, Statistics Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS 18th PC-Axis Conference Vilnius-Lithuania, 30 September 2009 Kafkas Caprazli, Statistics Division Food and Agriculture Organization of The UN CountrySTAT for SSA powered by PC-Axis Improved access to nationally owned, quality statistics on food and agriculture

2 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS CountrySTAT for SSA CountrySTAT for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is a project partnership between the FAO country statistics information system and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to substantially improve the quality, accessibility, relevance, and reliability of the national statistics on food and agriculture in 17 Sub-Saharan African countries. CountrySTAT harmonizes and integrates sub-national data on food and agriculture within and between these countries through the implementation of a centralized and standardized database framework, data exchange platform, and set of analysis tools. In so doing, it will facilitate planning and decision-making by policy makers and analysts, particularly in the push to reduce hunger and poverty.

3 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS 17 SSA Countries joining PC-Axis Reference Group AGOMrWilsonBoaventura BENMrYves CésaireAjavon BFAMrFabriceCompaoré CIVMrOkoman MathiasOkoman CMRMrJacques RobertNdje Ayeha ETHMrAlmeyeyehuG/Tsadik GHAMrEric NyarkoAboagye KENMrAlex MwanikiWambua MLIMrBocar SireBa MOZMrAnselmoNhane MOZMrTomasBernardo MOZMrLuis SeródioLopes MWIMrSimeonYosefe NGAMrOlu AtteZacchaeus RWAMrSamBarigye SENMrBaldeSome UGAMsFlaviaOuma ZMBMrZimbaChitalu


5 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS 17 CountrySTAT Partner Countries using PC-Axis Introduction of PC-Axis in 2009 (NSO, MOA) Common Assesment (PRs) National Management (Teams,Entities) Common Developments Common Curriculum Common Training –trainers –partners Common Standards –HS6, ISIC –GAUL –SDMX Common Server Formal Launches Joint Consultations –Senegal - JUL 2008 –Tanzania - AUG 2008 –Ghana - OCT 2009 International Collaboration

6 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS CountrySTAT and PC-Axis: The way forward Partnerships (add,deepen,broaden) –Technical Collaboration/Backstopping Country partners Regional partners International partners –Methodological Collaboration –Financial Collaboration

7 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS CountrySTAT Contacts FAO Statistics Division Director: Pietro Gennari +39.06570-53599 FAO Statistics Division Senior Statistician: Naman Keita +39.06570-53827 FAO Statistics Division CountrySTAT Manager: Kafkas Caprazli +39.06570-54916 FAO Statistics Division CountrySTAT Information Systems Officer: Yves Jaques +39.06570-56058 Website: CountrySTAT email:

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