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D2Taint: Differentiated and Dynamic Information Flow Tracking on Smartphones for Numerous Data Sources Boxuan Gu, Xinfeng Li, Gang Li, Adam C. Champion,

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Presentation on theme: "D2Taint: Differentiated and Dynamic Information Flow Tracking on Smartphones for Numerous Data Sources Boxuan Gu, Xinfeng Li, Gang Li, Adam C. Champion,"— Presentation transcript:

1 D2Taint: Differentiated and Dynamic Information Flow Tracking on Smartphones for Numerous Data Sources Boxuan Gu, Xinfeng Li, Gang Li, Adam C. Champion, Zhezhe Chen, Feng Qin, and Dong Xuan The Ohio State University Infocom 2013

2 Outline Introduction Background Differentiated and Dynamic Tagging
IFT with Dynamic and Differentiated Tagging Evaluation Method & Experimental Results Conclusions

3 Introduction Trend Micro reports that over 25,000 Android malware samples were found in June alone 46%-55% of smartphone apps transmit users’ private information over networks without users’ awareness or consent

4 Introduction TaintDroid
extend Dalvik VM to tag smartphone data using 32 possible types based on their origins Just 32 origins ...

5 Introduction D2Taint track sensitive data from a large number of possible internal and external sources partition sources into disjoint classes (correspond to different sensitivities) tag structure updates itself on-the-fly

6 Background Information Flow Tracking Basics
Compiler analysis on programs written in special type-safe programming languages Software instrumentation at source code, bytecode, or binary level Architecture support for IFT

7 Background Pre-defined structure sources IDs or sensitivity level
Tag propagation policy a = b + c --> a.tag = max(b.tag, c.tag) Tag checking “Passwords” may not be sent over network

8 TaintDroid

9 TaintDroid

10 TaintDroid Dalvik opcode:

11 Differentiated and Dynamic Tagging
Source level different info sources may have different sensitivities in terms of security

12 Differentiated and Dynamic Tagging
Application level different amounts of storage space to capture heterogeneous sources and correlations

13 Differentiated and Dynamic Tagging
User level adapt to changing information source access patterns

14 Differentiated and Dynamic Tagging
By examining the source level and application level Differentiated classes By examining the user level Tag dynamics

15 Differentiated and Dynamic Tagging
Tag structure

16 Tag Structure Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 1 Table 0001
Tag scheme ID Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 1 Table 0001 0010 Tag scheme 00 2/3/1 01 2/2/2 10 4/1/1 11 3/2/1

17 Tag Structures Examples
32 bits, 1 class for each bit: TaintDroid 32 bits, 2-bit tag scheme ID, 3 classes, 16/8/6 bits per class, 4/4/2 bits per source 32 bits, 2-bit tag scheme ID, 2 classes, 24/6 bits per class, 3/2 bits per source

18 Tag Dynamics Each class can have different length at different times
Perform “on-demand” machine learning based on statistical properties of tag space usage and location information tables’ recent hash values Adjust its tag structure

19 Tag Dynamics Issues Tag Scheme Switching
tag scheme config -> preconfigured when to switch tag scheme -> on-the-fly Tag merging

20 IFT with Dynamic and Differentiated Tagging

21 IFT with Dynamic and Differentiated Tagging
When an app start, the dynamic tagging component first loads two configuration files tag structure definitions user-defined classes and known data sources

22 IFT with Dynamic and Differentiated Tagging
The dynamic tagging component checks the data source list for each incoming data source by the tag assigner and tracks incoming sources’ statistics and determines whether it should switch D2Taint to a different tag scheme

23 Dynamic Tagging Component
Dynamic Tagging Core tag scheme settings: scheme number, bits per tag, number of classes, and a pointer to the class list class structure: number of classes in the tag system, bits per hashcode, number of reserved slots for the class, and a text description of the class

24 Dynamic Tagging Component
Dynamic Tagging Core use a global location information table list to record all source information after a certain number of new sources are added into an location information table, D2Taint decides whether to switch the tag scheme based on these new sources

25 Dynamic Tagging Component
Tag Merger a.tag = b.tag ⊕ c.tag if using the same tag scheme? if using the different tag scheme? truncate certain significant bits

26 Information Flow Tracking Component
Taint Map we do not store tags of method local variables, method arguments, and class instance fields adjacent to them in memory

27 Taint Map Method local variables and method arguments
when Dalvik VM allocates a stack frame for a method, our system allocates a stack taint map for it Class instance fields to be stored in objects’ taint maps objects’ taint map is stored immediately after that allocated for the object

28 Information Flow Tracking Component
Tag Assigner insert our tag assigner logic into file I/O, network I/O, sensor, and other library functions that read private information

29 Information Flow Tracking Component
Tag Propagator interpreted code and native code: same as TaintDroid also propagate tags via Binder IPC

30 Information Flow Tracking Component
Tag Checker trustable sites

31 Evaluation Method & Experimental Results
Android 2.2 on Nexus One Select 84 “top free” apps from Google Play CaffeineMark for benchmark

32 Evaluation Method & Experimental Results
Real-world 71 out of 84 apps leak information reveal the paths by which the information is leaked 33 apps transmit data among many various external sources 12 apps leak devices’ IMEIs/EIDs

33 Evaluation Method & Experimental Results
Performance -> 9% -> 7.3% -> 16% -> 3% -> 13% -> 21%

34 Evaluation Method & Experimental Results
Java Macrobenchmark

35 Evaluation Method & Experimental Results
CaffeineMark’s memory footprint Android: KB D2Taint: KB this test ignored the memory used by location information table, which will dynamically increases as more information sources arrived

36 Evaluation Method & Experimental Results
Sequential websites dynamic static

37 Evaluation Method & Experimental Results
Random websites dynamic static

38 Conclusions A novel IFT tagging strategy
using differentiated and dynamic tagging dynamic tag structure

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