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The leadership piece. What does the leadership concept mean?  Leadership is chiefly about dealing with the intangibles and the most frustrating situations.

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Presentation on theme: "The leadership piece. What does the leadership concept mean?  Leadership is chiefly about dealing with the intangibles and the most frustrating situations."— Presentation transcript:

1 The leadership piece

2 What does the leadership concept mean?  Leadership is chiefly about dealing with the intangibles and the most frustrating situations in the organization.  Leadership is an important function of management which helps to maximize efficiency and to achieve organizational goals.

3  There is often a tendency to confuse leadership with management.  Leaders and managers are different. By definition, a manager works within a system to maintain existing goals and direction. They use people and equipment to meet a goal or they use a process to produce results.  A leader by contrast, sets the direction for projects. They bring vision to reality by gaining commitment from the people in the organization. ManagersLeaders  Work within the existing culture  Maintain existing relationships  Plan and budget  Organize and staff  Control and problem solve  Create visions and excitement  Set a direction  Align people  Build new relationships and structure  Motivate and inspire Leaders vs Managers

4  In the past, a leader could rely on the force of his or her individual personality to drive change.  Now, leaders must build organizations where transformation will occur dynamically at all levels, individual commitment to change comes from a deeply- felt understanding of the vision, and collaboration makes it happen.

5 What is the leadership responsibilities?

6 1 ) reimaging: developing a vision for the organization. 2) reshaping: determining how the organization will operate. 3) realization: deploying the necessary resources to realize the vision. 4) renewal: monitoring and improving organizational performance. 4 key responsibilities:

7 The dimensions of the leadership piece

8 First : Personal attributes of a leader. 1.Focus: focus and determination. Leaders who want to transform their organizations must be very clear about what they want to accomplish. 2.Discipline: mental discipline to make their vision work. Clear intellectual framework for what needs to be done, then make the decisions about the environmental changes to which their company will respond, how it will maintain its distinctiveness, and what it will do internally to accomplish its goals. 3.Ability to cope with ambiguity: able to conceptualize different scenarios and to work with different and often contradictory information. They must be able to live with a lack of ultimate answers and be comfortable with the anxiety that is generated by change. 4.Emotional stamina: Finally, leaders need significant personal emotional reserves. Lack of support or outright animosity.

9 Second: Leadership competencies 1.Strategic thinking : teach others about strategizing and promote nonlinear thinking among their subordinates. knowing when and how to set limits, so that the actions of the firm are not dissipated. 2.Communication: Clear communication. Written reports don’t have the impact of the people interaction as giving speeches to large group within the organization do. Simple message (so that it does not get distorted when passed along) and it has to touch people. 3.Technical comfort : ability to use and understand technology to help them interpret their environment and to implement their vision. effective assimilation of technology into an organization, which in turn, is a key factor in business success. Although this does not mean that all leaders in an organization must be technically knowledgeable. 4.People management: draw the best from their people and to nurture talent within the organization. deal effectively with conflict and with complex social, political and labor problems, all of which are exacerbated by change

10 Third: Leadership functions 1)Orchestrate value:  All leaders have a primary job of building the value of their enterprise.  Leaders need to keep their fingers on the pulse of the future, as well as the present.  Leaders must never become complacent about this critical element of their business. 2) Set vision and goals:  It is leaders’ job to ensure that their organizations focused on vision and goals.  It is better to determine the goals early to conduct the organization in the way of success. 3) Coordinate :  Leaders must take the initiative to develop a common language for this collaboration and then “walk the talk” with communication, incentives, attention, and other actions designed to ensure that coordination is actually achieved. 4) Develop human capital: –First, they must build a superior management team whose skills and ideas they can count on. –Second, they must seek to maximize their employees’ skills, rather than minimizing employee costs. –Third, they must nurture a culture of learning in which new approaches to work and employee skills development are fostered.  leaders also have to be prepared to make difficult human resource decisions.

11 FOURTH: Leadership in the future continually reinvented & evolving shift from controlling and directing an organization within a stable industry to facilitating and exploring the new opportunities, structures, and management styles to meet changing & uncomfortable business environment orchestrating businesses or parts of businesses to match the shifting mix of market opportunities. adding, subtracting, merging and splitting businesses continually to match their firms’ products or services more closely to market needs. become synthesizers - see patterns in data and across time, and to articulate the gist of complex issues clearly and succinctly. Maintaining appropriate balance - living a paradox, balancing, ambidextrous – directing the present with one hand, while steering for the future with the other. They will not have an easy job but they will have an interesting and challenging one.

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