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Measurement: Regional PDS Network Assessment System 1 Carol Wood, PhD, Star Weaver, PhD & Stacie Siers, MEd.

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement: Regional PDS Network Assessment System 1 Carol Wood, PhD, Star Weaver, PhD & Stacie Siers, MEd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement: Regional PDS Network Assessment System 1 Carol Wood, PhD, Star Weaver, PhD & Stacie Siers, MEd

2 1 Data reported from University Assessment, Reporting, and Analysis SU partners with seven Maryland counties and 34 schools

3 MD PDS Standards I. Learning Community The PDS recognizes and supports the distinct learning needs of faculty/staff, interns, students, parents, and community members. II. Collaboration PDS partners work together to carry out the collaboratively defined mission of the PDS. III.Accountability The PDS accepts the responsibility of and is accountable for upholding professional standards for preparing and renewing teachers in accordance with the Redesign of Teacher Education. IV. Organization, Roles and Resources Partner institutions allocate resources to support the continuous improvement of teaching and learning. V. Diversity and Equity The PDS supports equitable involvement of PreK-16 faculty/staff and interns to support equitable outcomes for diverse learners. Adapted from the Maryland Redesign of Teacher Education, 2008

4 Assessment Strategy The Challenge: Frequent inputs Tied to Outcomes Repeated over Time Multiple sources of data The Payoff: – Data driven decision making

5 Data Sources Candidates – Evaluation of School Site – Program Exit Alumni Faculty – Evaluation of Mentor and Supervisor effectiveness The RPDS Council – PDS Site Assessment Focus Groups – Local School System (system office personnel) – RPDS Council – Employers Employers – Satisfaction Surveys

6 Evaluation Tools

7 The Question- “ How Effectively Do Candidates Adapt Instruction and Adjust Instruction for ALL learners?” Very well prepared = 4, well prepared = 3, prepared = 2, somewhat prepared = 1, not prepared = 0 T ARGETED FOR I MPROVEMENT ACROSS ALL P ROGRAMS IN THE U NIT

8 The Question- How does the unit ensure that teacher candidates have opportunities to collaboratively plan and teach with specialized resource personnel? The Results – Over the last three years 55.56% of candidates reported that he/she reviewed and IEP with the mentor teacher The Council indicated in the “TOP 10” that candidates needed more “Familiarity with Special Ed/ IEP/ 504” – Employers in Focus Groups indicated in the “TOP 3” wishes for better prepared candidates that “more advanced study into differentiation” AND ability to ”use data to design groups and instruction for those groups, create or find authentic, appropriate and to the point assessments”… The Solution – Faculty were given the task to improve the opportunities for candidates in their program to gain more knowledge about IEPs/504s/ Faculty targeted specific courses to build assignments with outcomes related to IEPs – Local School System group strategized solutions to improving candidate access to IEPs within their schools

9 SALISBURY A Maryland University of National Distinction Questions

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