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Hereteach Alliance NQT conference: how are Ofsted inspecting the quality of teaching
Ian Hodgkinson HMI 19 June 2015 Resources: Print outs of the grade descriptions showing September 2013 changes
Aim To explore Ofsted’s approach to the evaluation of teaching
Objectives To bust some myths about Ofsted’s views on what makes good teaching To consider a range of sources of evidence of teaching quality, and their usefulness To enable NQTs to understand Ofsted methodology in evaluating teaching To enable NQTs to reflect further on ways of evaluating and improving their own teaching.
Busting the myths! MYTH 1:
‘Ofsted expects you to do these activities when you are teaching…’ No we don’t! Ofsted does not require any particular approach to teaching. We simply expect that all pupils should learn well and make good progress – day in and day out. MYTH 2: ‘Teaching is good in the school when x% of teaching observations have been judged good or better….’ There is no magic threshold of ‘good’ lesson observations for teaching to be judged good overall; Ofsted no longer grades lessons and judgements on teaching quality must go well beyond any simple aggregations of grades….impact is what counts!
Quality of teaching in the school
Discuss: What activities and evidence do you think inform inspectors’ judgements about the quality of teaching across the school? (2 minutes) E.g. Lesson observations and learning walks Pupils’ written work School data RAISEonline Data dashboard Discussions with staff, e.g. pupil progress meetings Discussions with different groups of pupils Listening to pupils read Anything else?
Immediate view of teaching
Triangulation of the teaching judgement Learning walks Lesson observations Teaching over time Immediate view of teaching Discussion with staff Discussion with students Students’ books – work scrutiny Student/class attainment/progress data
Accounting for pupils’ achievement
Do teachers’ assessment and recording systems show: how well pupils are making progress against expected rates? the achievement of pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support, and that it at least matches that of other pupils in the school or is rising (including from similar starting points) the achievement of the most able, as well as other key groups such as those with SEND, EAL that any gaps between different groups are closing? Is this information regularly reviewed to inform how teaching and other provision might be adapted to bring about further improvement? Page of the School Inspection Handbook
Checking pupils’ books
Table discussion: (2 mins): What are inspectors looking for when they ask to see pupils’ books during observations/ work scrutinies? When reviewing pupils’ work, inspectors may consider: how well and frequently marking, other feedback and assessment are used to help teachers improve pupils’ learning whether pupils respond by correcting/improving their work the level of challenge provided, for and evident progress of, different groups (e.g. by ability, gender, SEND, EAL, PP) pupils’ effort and success in completing their work and the progress they make over a period of time implementation of whole-school priorities, for example on improving students’ literacy, numeracy, handwriting and presentation the quality of planning to cover key elements of the subject curriculum. Try to use some sample work scrutiny materials as stimuli.
Observing teaching In evaluating the quality of teaching, inspectors:
focus on the impact that teaching has on the learning and engagement of all groups of pupils always link cause and effect when writing their observations, linking outcomes for pupils with what the teacher does to make them happen check that pupils’ responses demonstrate sufficient gains in their knowledge, skills and understanding, including of literacy and mathematics check that teachers monitor pupils’ progress in lessons and use the information well to adapt their teaching evaluate teachers’ use of questioning and discussion to assess the effectiveness of their teaching and promote pupils’ learning check that assessment is regular and accurate and used to set relevant work or activities from the Early Years Foundation Stage onwards check that pupils understand well how to improve their work explore the impact of teaching on wider development of the pupil, e.g. SMSC, values, keeping safe, being healthy
Evaluative statements and evidence forms
Activity: In pairs, amend the following statements so that they become more evaluative. (5 mins) The teaching assistant listened to a group of pupils read… Pupils’ writing books are marked… More-able pupils completed complex mathematical problems… Teachers expect pupils to behave well… Governors discuss pupil premium expenditure… Senior leaders regularly conduct learning walks… Focus on ‘what difference does it make?...’ Discussion: Share responses (5 mins)
Recording evidence Where teaching is evaluated, make a connection to the impact it has on pupils’ progress and behaviour. E.g. When possible make specific reference to different groups of learners. Ensure that any grades are consistent with the text (N.B Ofsted does not grade teaching in an individual lesson). Record evidence relating to SMSC. Input (What did the teacher do / say / ask / give pupils?) …therefore…. …as a result….. …consequently… ..this led to….. …this meant that… ..this helped… …this prevented… Outcome / impact (What happened as a result?) Outcome/Impact
Observing teaching Activity:
Watch the lesson extract and write an evaluative evidence form, linking cause and effect (10 minutes). At the end of the observation compare your evidence form with the person sitting next to you. Is it sufficiently evaluative in terms of the impact the teaching is having on pupils’ learning and progress? (5 minutes).
Objectives revisited Has the session achieved its objectives?
To bust some myths about Ofsted’s views on what makes good teaching To consider a range of sources of evidence of teaching quality, and their usefulness To enable NQTs to understand Ofsted methodology in evaluating teaching To enable NQTs to reflect further on ways of evaluating and improving their own teaching.
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