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Typeface Basics 1. Glossary 1 Ascenders: Ascenders: Strokes of letters that rise above the mean line of type (b, d, f, h, k, l, t). Descenders: Descenders:

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Presentation on theme: "Typeface Basics 1. Glossary 1 Ascenders: Ascenders: Strokes of letters that rise above the mean line of type (b, d, f, h, k, l, t). Descenders: Descenders:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Typeface Basics 1

2 Glossary 1 Ascenders: Ascenders: Strokes of letters that rise above the mean line of type (b, d, f, h, k, l, t). Descenders: Descenders: Strokes of letters that fall below the baseline (g, j, p, q, y) x-height: x-height: The height of the main body of the lowercase letters. Most sans serifs have large x-heights. 2

3 Glossary 2 Type families (sometimes referred to as font): Type families (sometimes referred to as font): Versatile faces such as Garamond, Franklin Gothic, Futura, etc. offer several variations of weight and posture in the same typeface. Display type: Display type: Point sizes 14 point and above. Width rule: Width rule: When copy gets too wide, readability drops off. The rule is that copy should be no wider than an alphabet and a half or 39 characters. 3

4 Measuring Type 1. Type is measured in points. 2. 72 points = 1 inch, ascender descender 3. 72-pt. type is 1 inch tall, measured from the top of the ascender to the bottom of the descender. 4. ½-inch = 36-pt. 5. ¼-inch = 18-pt. 6. No letter has both an ascender and a descender; however in any given typeface and size, the length of the ascender and descender are the same. 4

5 Type Anatomy 1. Ascender 2. Baseline 3. Cap Line 4. Counter 5. Descender 6. Mean Line 7. Serif 8. x-height 5

6 Tip # 1. Pair personality to purpose. Keep in mind the message you are trying to communicate with your type. Sports, even women's sports, do not lend themselves to feminine script, for example. Getting down, dirty girls rugby gaining popularity Or Getting down, dirty girls rugby gaining popularity 6

7 Tip # 2. When working with type, more type families are not better. Limit Limiting type to no more than three font family for the entire book is a growing trend. two’s company When combining type for headlines, remember two’s company, three’s a crowd. Limit spread designs to one distinct type supported by something simple. styles A family of fonts is composed of different styles. 7

8 Font # 1: Reading pull-down information Format of font 1. TrueType 2. Postscript 3. Open Type (best) Format of font 1. TrueType 2. Postscript 3. Open Type (best) Styles of font in family 1. Light 2. Condensed 3. Bold Styles of font in family 1. Light 2. Condensed 3. Bold Font Family Myriad Pro Font Family Myriad Pro 8

9 Font # 2: Classifications of font families 6 basic font classes 1. Serif A. Old Style B. Transitional C. Modern D. Slab Serif 2. Sans Serif (sans = without) 3. Script A. Blackletter 4. Display / Decorative 5. Monospaced 6. Dingbat 9

10 Serifs Font # 3: Serifs Serifseasier to read Serifs are easier to read than sans serifs. serif font body copy Use a serif font for body copy (text), as a general rule. Serifs Serifs are in red Baskerville Bernhard Modern Courier Standard Garamond Georgia Minion Pro Palatino Times New Roman Examples Of Serif Fonts: 10

11 Sans serifs Font # 4: Sans serifs These are less legible than serifs. These are less legible than serifs. Use sans serif fonts for primary headlines or captions as a general rule. Use sans serif fonts for primary headlines or captions as a general rule. Examples of Sans Serif Font Families Arial Arial Rounded MT Comic Sans MS Futura Helvetica Letter Gothic Std Lucia San Myriad Pro News Gothic MT Stone Sans ITC TT Verdana 11

12 Script Font # 5: Script Script Script fonts are harder harder to read. large used as large text only. special cases for special cases only. Bickham Script Pro Brush Script Std. Caflisch Script Pro Dickens Script SSK Edwardian Script ITC Handwriting — Dakota Lucida Blackletter Lucida Handwriting Medici Script Old English Text Learning Curve Snell Roundhand Examples Of Script Font Families: 12

13 Display / Decorative Fonts Font # 6: Display / Decorative Fonts harder harder to read large used as large text only special cases for special cases only Examples Of Display Families: Display Display fonts are: 13 1942 Report Abecedarian Zo Attic Bauhaus 93 Big Apple BonezDisplayCap Copacabana Cracked Deco Card Ecentric StdG Fashion Victim Flower Child Caps Flower Child SSK Giddyup Std Hobo Std

14 Display / Decorative Fonts Font # 6: Display / Decorative Fonts Examples Of Display Families: 14 Kidz Only Too SSK Jellyka Castle’s Queen My Stuff Caps Toy Train Quetzalcoatl Racpmteir NF Rain Dance SSK Raindrop SSK — Bold Salsa Sand Stencil Std SNOWFLAKEk Vintage Typewriter SSK Voco Script SSK Zapato SSK Zapito SSK Zorba

15 Monospace Fonts Font # 7: Monospace Fonts Monospace Monospace fonts Are also called "fixed pitch" fonts Have characters that all have the same character width Originally were designed for typewriters Used with computer source code Andale Mono Courier New Letter Gothic Std Lucinda Console Lucinda Sans Typewriter Monaco ORC A Prestige Elite Std Examples Of Monospace Families: 15

16 Dingbat Fonts Font # 8: Dingbat Fonts Dingbat Dingbat fonts are: Also known as a "printer's ornament" or "printer's character.” Describe fonts with symbols and shapes in the positions designated for alphabetical or numeric characters. 16

17 Dingbat Fonts Font # 9: Dingbat Fonts Glyphs Glyphs are: An ornament, a character or spacer used in typesetting. 17

18 Dingbat Fonts Font # 10: Dingbat Fonts MT Extra  de  g MS Reference Specialty  Webdings  Wingdings  Wingdings3  Zapf Dingbats abcdefg Typical Examples Of Display Families: 18

19 Dingbat Fonts Font # 11: Dingbat Fonts AmphibiPrint abcdefg Carta abcdefg Face it! Abcdefg Face Off! Abcdefg Mickey Mousebats ABCDEFGH RoadSign abcdefg RoadWarningSign abcdefg WWFlakes abcdefghijklm Fun Examples Of Display Families: 19

20 Remember Font # 12: Remember The more unusual the type, the lower the readability. Pick your fonts carefully. 20

21 Tip # 3. Avoid using all capitals. That doesn’t mean you can never use all caps. Just realize all capital letters reduces readability. Use all caps only when you have a specific design purpose in mind. Especially avoid using all capitals in a script face. Your readability drops to about zero. 21

22 Tip # 4. Pay attention to relationships when combining type. If elements are not the same, they should be very different. very similar fairly opposite Remember, like the perfect marriage, types need to either be very similar or fairly opposite. Contrast type in size, weight, form and structure. The combinations you form should communicate, not confuse the reader. Examples: Verdana bold for heads Georgia for text = good contrast Verdana bold for heads Trebuchet for text = not enough contrast 22

23 Tip # 5. Some types just don’t mix. Don't use two scripts or a script and an italic together. they conflict They usually have the same form and so they conflict with each other rather than contrast. Never use two types from the same category (for example: Script, Decorative) together. 23 Don't Do

24 Tip # 6. Don’t abuse type through manipulation Purpose is to communicate type helps do that. manipulate Don’t manipulate type to fit your design by adjusting leading and width. Instead, edit the copy or find a word that fits the headline space. Once established within a section, type size, leading and width should remain consistent. 24

25 Tip # 7. Complement your knowledge of fonts with your knowledge of design. Use of effectively planned white space and color can enhance your use of type. Place type on the page to create entry points for your reader. 25

26 Tip # 8. Learn more from the experts. Magazines like Before & After and Dynamic Graphics have information and advice. Check out books like The Non- Designers Design Book by design experts like Robin Williams. Many of these tips come from her. For more technical information, check out her Non-Designers Type Book. Browse the bookstores and stock up on magazines that use type effectively so you can build a library of ideas. 26

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