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PESI Pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure European GBIF nodes Meeting — Paris, 4 April 2011 Walter Berendsohn (based on presentation by Yde.

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Presentation on theme: "PESI Pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure European GBIF nodes Meeting — Paris, 4 April 2011 Walter Berendsohn (based on presentation by Yde."— Presentation transcript:

1 PESI Pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure European GBIF nodes Meeting — Paris, 4 April 2011 Walter Berendsohn (based on presentation by Yde de Jong)

2 PESI project Aim: Creating a Pan-European taxonomic backbone (an All-Species Checklist of Europe) Based on the existing 3 large European databases: + European Fungi (Index Fungorum) & Algae (Algaebase) 2.64 million Euro, 40 partners, May 2008 - April 2011 Fauna Europaea European animal species Terrestrial & freshwater European Register of Marine Species European marine species Euro+Med PlantBase European plant species Terrestrial & freshwater

3 PESI in the context of other EU projects (FP 4) (FP 5) (FP 6)(FP 7) Digitisation & Infrastructures Integration & e-Science Networks of Excellence

4 Sustaining Pan-European checklists - issues Sustaining the expert networks Sustaining the database systems Sustaining the maintenance (updating) tools & functions Sustaining the interoperability (e.g. Global Name Architecture) Sustaining the data dissemination (webportal) Sustaining the data verification (quality control / validation) Sustaining the implementation of European taxonomic standards SMEBD Host Institutions EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy Focal Networks VLIZ / Hosts (LifeWatch?) *4Life projects (LifeWatch?)

5 Management & Coordination Infrastructural Networks Community Networks Zoological Community Botanical Community Marine Community Mycological Community Expert- networks Focal point networks Authority files & Standards Data e-Infra- structure e-Services Phycological Community PESI WP2 — Expert Networks

6 Expert Networks Society for the Management of Electronic Biodiversity Data (SMEBD)

7 Management & Coordination Infrastructural Networks Community Networks Zoological Community Botanical Community Marine Community Mycological Community Expert- networks Focal point networks Authority files & Standards Data e-Infra- structure e-Services Phycological Community PESI Focal Points Networks

8 PESI Focal Point Networks

9 Cross-validation pan-European lists with local species lists –TaxonMatch Tool Provide meta-data on local expertise (experts, resources, etc.) –Focal Points Expertise database Major tasks of PESI National Focal Points

10 PESI Validation Tools: Taxon Match Tool - 1 TAXAMATCH fuzzy matching algorithm by Tony Rees, PHP/MySql port of TAXAMATCH by Michael Giddens, Scientific Names Parser by Dmitry Mozzherin

11 1.Exact match test 2.Phonetic match test 3.Custom Modified Damerau-Levenshtein Distance (MDLD) 4.Modified n-gram comparison of author names and dates, including known abbreviations PESI validation tools: Taxon Match Tool - 2 Mapping between two taxon names lists (exact and fussy)

12 PESI validation tools: Taxon Match Tool - 3 Excel file export

13 Management & Coordination Infrastructural Networks Community Networks Zoological Community Botanical Community Marine Community Mycological Community Expert- networks Focal point networks Authority files & Standards Data e-Infra- structure e-Services Phycological Community Taxonomic standards & authority files

14 What are the properties of a Taxonomic Backbone –connecting different uses of the same name for multiple classifications –persistent name-name relationships of species names Optimise data sharing / interoperability –Linked Data mark-up –persistent identifiers: globally unique IDs (GUIDs, LSIDs) –DarwinCore Archive format for transport Standardised ontologies / vocabularies –consensus classification –consensus distribution and occurence scheme Conceptual integration

15 PESI consensus distribution and occurrence scheme Gazetteer:

16 Management & Coordination Infrastructural Networks Community Networks Zoological Community Botanical Community Marine Community Mycological Community Expert- networks Focal point networks Authority files & Standards Data e-Infra- structure e-Services Phycological Community Taxonomic information e-infrastructure

17 EDIT Platform dataflow in PESI domain © Walter Berendsohn PESI Phyco-Myco databases

18 Quality control mechanisms Inconsistency checks used in the merging process

19 PESI Data Warehouse Model > 440.000 taxon names ~ 210.000 valid species names > 440.000 taxon names ~ 210.000 valid species names

20 PESI Data Warehouse - statistics

21 Management & Coordination Infrastructural Networks Community Networks Zoological Community Botanical Community Marine Community Mycological Community Expert- networks Focal point networks Authority files & Standards Data e-Infra- structure e-Services Phycological Community e-Services for users & dissemination

22 PESI project website

23 PESI dataportal

24 Linking to Global Names Architecture

25 Acknowledgement (PESI SC & management) Nihat Aktaç Ward Appeltans Walter Berendsohn Phillip Boegh Louis Boumans Thierry Bourgoin Mark Costello Charles Hussey Roger Hyam Yde de Jong Julia Kouwenberg David Ouvrad Henrik Pedersen

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