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Baylor University Effective PowerPoint Baylor University Love it? Hate it? Work in groups of two or three Jot down what you like and dislike about using.

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Presentation on theme: "Baylor University Effective PowerPoint Baylor University Love it? Hate it? Work in groups of two or three Jot down what you like and dislike about using."— Presentation transcript:


2 Baylor University Effective PowerPoint

3 Baylor University Love it? Hate it? Work in groups of two or three Jot down what you like and dislike about using PPt.

4 Baylor University Be On the LOOKOUT for Examples of BAD slides Mistakes of any kind

5 Baylor University General Rules Write key ideas only Plan their use Check spellling Use a San Serif font

6 Baylor University Reasons to Hire a Consultant Competent, impartial, independent advice –In-depth knowledge of specialized fields –No loyalties to existing policies –Freedom from personal loyalties and friendships –Willingness to take unpopular positions Freedom from long-term entanglements –Less paperwork for Personnel –No benefits (i.e. pensions, health insurance) –Can be easily terminated at end of project –Can be easily terminated if relationship doesn’t work out Independently oriented –Intense--enjoys in-depth project involvement –Task oriented--requires less supervision

7 Baylor University Too Much Information Audience retention suffers Boredom increases when slides last too long Legibility suffers with small type

8 Baylor University Reasons to Hire a Consultant Competent, impartial, independent advice No long-term relationship required Independent worker

9 Baylor University Other Do’s and Don’ts DON’T USE ALL CAPS Don’t use Script or Serif fonts Keep construction parallel –Grammar –Capitalization –Punctuation

10 Baylor University Text Problems Insufficient contrast Text in small type too many typefaces and sizes OVERLY EMPHASIZED TEXT OVERLY EMPHASIZED TEXT

11 Baylor University Add contrast Use fewer words set in larger typeface Use contrasting serif an sans serif faces Enhance the title with Fills, Frames, and Shadows Use Color

12 Baylor University 4 Contrast Techniques Fewer words, larger type Contrasting typefaces Graphic accents Color, bold, centering

13 Baylor University Graphics problems Visual clutter Inappropriate charts Undersized graphics

14 Baylor University Do’s and Don’ts Do add graphics to text Picture = 1000 words Keep charts simple; limit details Use explanatory titles

15 Baylor University Tuition per Semester Hour 1991-92 Through 1999-00

16 Baylor University Lack of a dominant visual Sales New and Improved

17 Baylor University Reorganized Sales Force Hard Selle-Vice President of Sales Eastern Region, Bill Jackson/New York City Central Region, Tom Raft/Chicago West Coast Region, Layde Bakke, Los Angeles

18 Baylor University Reorganized Sales Force Hard Selle Vice President, Sales Bill Jackson Eastern Region Tom Craft Central Region Layde Bakke West Coast Region

19 Baylor University Reorganized Sales Force Bill Jackson Tom Craft Layde Bakke Hard Selle, VP Sales

20 Baylor University Do’s and Don’ts Use color consistently, wisely Watch out: some are color blind Use caution with RED Lack of color contrast between text and background Too much color

21 Baylor University Use but don’t abuse! Use of sound & video Builds & animations Transitions

22 Baylor University The Power of PowerPoint Use of sound & video Builds & animations Transitions Ending

23 Baylor University Displaying the slides Projection system Light control Where to stand How to advance How fast to change

24 Baylor University Questions?

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