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GridPP Tuesday, 23 September 2003 Tim Phillips. 2 Bristol e-Science Vision National scene Bristol e-Science Centre Issues & Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "GridPP Tuesday, 23 September 2003 Tim Phillips. 2 Bristol e-Science Vision National scene Bristol e-Science Centre Issues & Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 GridPP Tuesday, 23 September 2003 Tim Phillips

2 2 Bristol e-Science Vision National scene Bristol e-Science Centre Issues & Challenges

3 3 The Vision “The E-Science vision is of a globally connected scholarly community made up of virtual co-laboratories aimed at promoting the highest quality scientific research. Underpinning this vision is the development of an IT infrastructure that will support research collaborations through the shared use of very large computing resources, enormous data collections, remote access to specialised facilities and visualisation technologies”.

4 4 £80m Collaborative projects E-Science Steering Committee DG Research Councils Director Director’s Management Role Director’s Awareness and Co-ordination Role Generic Challenges EPSRC (£15m), DTI (£15m) Industrial Collaboration (£40m) Academic Application Support Programme Research Councils (£74m), DTI (£5m) PPARC (£26m) BBSRC (£8m) MRC (£8m) NERC (£7m) ESRC (£3m) EPSRC (£17m) CLRC (£5m) Grid TAG SR2000 e-Science Allocation

5 5 Core Programme – phase 2 (CP2) Six key activities proposed: –UK e-Science centres and e-Science institute –Grid Support Centre –Core middleware engineering –National data curation centre –e-Science exemplars/new opportunities –Outreach and international involvement

6 6 South West Regional e-Science Centre of Excellence, University of Bristol (BReSc) “Digital media & interactivity” Themes: Particle physics: GridPP Digital media Earth sciences: Earth system model, GENIE Bioinformatics, genomics Engineering: BLADE - Bristol Laboratory for Advanced Dynamic Engineering

7 7 BReSc - Issues & Challenges Need for IT infrastructure & support –Network ~ 1Gb to the desktop? –Computing resources –Data storage –Access Grid Node –Middleware tools; authentication, access & security –Skilled support staff Organisation & management Space - accommodation

8 8 SWERN - South West England Regional Network

9 9 Computing resources/data storage

10 10 Access Grid Node (Manchester)

11 11 e-Science - Real Issues & Challenges IT –Middleware tools; –authentication, access & security –Skilled support staff; n x PDRAs? Organisation & management Developing “services” “Grid-enabled” Universities

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