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$100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500.

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3 $100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500



6 Protein

7 Mutation

8 Hodge Podge

9 DNARNAProtein Mutation $100 $300 $200 $400 $500

10 CATEGORY 1 - $100 These are the subunits that make up DNA. DNA

11 CATEGORY 1 - $200 The synthesis of a copy of the DNA is described as this. DNA

12 CATEGORY 1 - $300 Watson and Crick described DNA as having this kind of shape (like a ladder). DNA

13 CATEGORY 1 - $400 These are the two enzymes that are involved in DNA replication. DNA

14 CATEGORY 1 - $500 A long segment of DNA that codes for an amino acid sequence is known as this. DNA

15 CATEGORY 2 - $100 This is the process of making a RNA from the DNA template. RNA

16 CATEGORY 2 - $200 These are the three kinds of RNA molecules. RNA

17 CATEGORY 2 - $300 This is the enzyme used to make RNA. RNA

18 CATEGORY 2 - $400 This is the sequence of RNA made from the following DNA sequence: GAG–TTC–ACG–AAG RNA

19 CATEGORY 2 - $500 These are the 4 differences between DNA and RNA. RNA

20 CATEGORY 3 - $100 This is the process of making a protein. Protein

21 CATEGORY 3 - $200 Protein These are the subunits that make up a protein.

22 CATEGORY 3 - $300 This is how the RNA is “read” to make a protein. Protein

23 CATEGORY 3 - $400 This is where proteins are made. Protein

24 CATEGORY 3 - $500 This explains why DNA can code for all the different kinds of proteins needed to make an organism. Protein

25 CATEGORY 4 - $100 The following sequence has this type of mutation: Original sequence: GAG–TTC–ACG–AAG mutated sequence: GAG–TTT–ACG–AAG Mutation

26 CATEGORY 4 - $200 The following sequence has this type of mutation: Original sequence: GAG–TTC–ACG–AAG mutated sequence: GAG–TTA–CGA–AG Mutation

27 CATEGORY 4 - $300 Mutation The following sequence has this type of mutation: Original sequence: GAG–TTC–ACG–AAG mutated sequence: GAG–TTT–CAC–GAAG

28 CATEGORY 4 - $400 Mutation This is the change in amino acid sequence for the following mRNA: Original sequence: GAG–UUC–ACG–AAG mutated sequence: GAG–UUU–ACG–AAG

29 CATEGORY 4 - $500 These are two causes of mutations. Mutation

30 CATEGORY 5 - $100 This is the sequence of the transcript for the following sequence: CAGGAATACAGT Hodge Podge

31 CATEGORY 5 - $200 This is the translated sequence for the following sequence: CAGGAAUACAGU Hodge Podge

32 CATEGORY 5 - $300 These three components make up a nucleotide of DNA. Hodge Podge

33 CATEGORY 5 - $400 This is how the nitrogen bases are “zipped” together in a DNA molecule. Hodge Podge This is the type of bond.

34 CATEGORY 5 - $500 This is another name for insertion and deletion point mutations. Hodge Podge

35 CATEGORY 1 - $100 What are nucleotides? DNA

36 CATEGORY 1 - $200 What is semi-conservative replication? DNA 100 What makes up the backbone of the DNA strand? Alternating deoxyribose sugar and phosphate.

37 CATEGORY 1 - $300 What is a double helix? DNA The bases are “hydrogen bonded” to connect the two strands like the rungs on a ladder.

38 CATEGORY 1 - $400 What DNA Helicase and DNA Polymerase? DNA 100 What do each of these enzymes do? Helicase separates the two strands and DNA polymerase joins the nucleotides together

39 CATEGORY 1 - $500 DNA What is a gene?

40 CATEGORY 2 - $100 What is transcription? RNA 100 Where does transcription take place? In the nucleus.

41 CATEGORY 2 - $200 RNA What are mRNA, rRNA and tRNA? 100 Which one of these RNAs has an amino acid attached to it ? tRNA

42 CATEGORY 2 - $300 What is RNA polymerase? RNA 100 What is a “promoter”? The point on the DNA strand where RNA starts to make a strand of RNA.


44 CATEGORY 2 - $500 What are: 1.different sugar (ribose) 2.different base (uracil) 3.single stranded 4.can leave the nucleus? RNA

45 CATEGORY 3 - $100 What is translation? Protein 100 Which type of RNA is translated? mRNA

46 CATEGORY 3 - $200 Protein What are amino acids? 100 How many different amino acids are there? 20

47 CATEGORY 3 - $300 What is 3 bases at a time? Protein 100 What is a set of 3 bases called? A codon

48 CATEGORY 3 - $400 What is in the cytoplasm? Protein 100 What organelle is needed to make the protein? Ribosome

49 CATEGORY 3 - $500 Protein What is “redundancy” in the genetic code (more than one codon for each amino acid)?

50 CATEGORY 4 - $100 What is a substitution? Mutation 100 How many amino acids are usually affected by a substitution mutation? one

51 CATEGORY 4 - $200 What is a deletion mutation? Mutation

52 CATEGORY 4 - $300 What is an insertion mutation? Mutation

53 CATEGORY 4 - $400 Mutation What is there is NO change in amino acid sequence? Original sequence: GAG–UUC–ACG–AAG Glu – Phe – Thr – Lys mutated sequence: GAG–UUU–ACG–AAG Glu – Phe – Thr – Lys 100 What type of mutation is this? silent mutation

54 CATEGORY 4 - $500 What is a mistake made by DNA polymerase or environmental factors? Mutation 100 What are two environmental factors that can lead to a mutation? radiation & chemicals

55 CATEGORY 5 - $100 What is GUCCUUAUGUCA C A G G A A T A C A G T Hodge Podge

56 CATEGORY 5 - $200 What is Gln – Glu – Try - Ser? CAG GAA UAC AGU Hodge Podge

57 CATEGORY 5 - $300 Hodge Podge What are deoxyribose sugar, phosphate and nitrogen base?

58 CATEGORY 5 - $400 What is hydrogen bonds? Hodge Podge

59 CATEGORY 5 - $500 What are frame shift mutations? Hodge Podge


61 Central Dogma

62 FINAL CATEGORY Explain how DNA and an organisms phenotype are connected using the following terms: genotype,protein,transcription,translation,mutation


64 END OF GAME Daily Doubles and usage notes follow...





69 JEOPARDY Slide Show Notes To change the categories: –1. Go to slide 3, 4, 5, 6, 7“Edit” and “Replace…” –2. In the Find box, type your category name (Example: THE HOME FRONT (all caps) –3. In the Replace box, type the category in all caps (for example, PRESIDENTS) –4. Click Replace All... To set up Final Jeopardy. 1.Select slide 60. Replace the words “Final Category” with your own category heading. 2. Select slide 61. Type in your final jeopardy question. 3.Finally select slide 62. Type in you final jeopardy answer in the form of a question. [When you are actually playing the game, final jeopardy category question and answer is accessed by clicking on the icon in the lower right hand corner of the main game slide.

70 1.Set the location of the Daily Double: Go to slide 8 and choose which slide dollar value under one of the categories (either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500) to designate as your “Daily Double” slide.(Example: Category 3 valued at 300-slide 21) 2.Hyperlinking the value number to the daily double slide: Put your cursor in the “Category 3/Value 300 box”. Right mouse click on the icon in the lower right corner. Select hyperlink it to one of the two daily doubles ( 64 or 65) Example # 64. 3.Hyperlining the Daily Double slide to the statement/question slide:Select the daily double slide (Example: 64) Right mouse click on the arrow located on the bottom right corner. Select “hyperlink/edit hyperlink” Link it to 21. 4.Hyperlinked the statement/question to the answer/question format: go to slide 21. Right mouse click on the “?” icon.. Select edit hyperlink. Under the “Hyperlink to: arrow down to find the slide. For slide 21, the answer slide #46. To use the Daily Double (slides 64 and 65) A table is located on slide # 71. This will help you find the slide number of each value number in the jeopardy grid. These instructions will be assigning the grid box “category 3, value 300 which equals slide 21 Instructions

71 Instructions Running the JEOPARDY Slide Show Click through the first few slides until you find the slide with the category names listed on top, Have the students pick the desired dollar value. ICONS defined: –? icon =Go to the answer screen. –House icon= means Go back to the game board. –Right Arrow (on Daily Doubles) = Go to the question screen. –Turned-up Arrow= Reload question screen after incorrect guess

72 Category Value Slide Assignments Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5 100= slide 9 Answer= slide 34 100= slide 14 Answer= slide 39 100= slide 19 Answer= slide 44 100= slide 24 Answer= slide 49 100= slide 29 Answer= slide 54 200= slide 10 Answer= slide 35 200= slide 15 Answer= slide 40 200= slide 20 Answer= slide 45 200= slide 25 Answer= slide 50 200= slide 30 Answer= slide 55 300= slide 11 Answer= slide 36 300= slide 16 Answer= slide 41 300= slide 21 Answer= slide 46 300= slide 26 Answer= slide 51 300= slide 31 Answer= slide 56 400= slide 12 Answer= slide 37 400= slide 17 Answer= slide 42 400= slide 22 Answer= slide 47 400= slide 27 Answer= slide 52 400= slide 32 Answer= slide 57 500= slide 13 Answer= slide 38 500= slide 18 Answer= slide 43 500= slide 23 Answer= slide 48 500= slide 28 Answer= slide 53 500= slide 33 Answer= slide 58 Instructions

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