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Hydrodynamic theory of coating

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1 Hydrodynamic theory of coating
Jens Eggers Hydrodynamic theory of coating …with Bruno Andreotti, Marc Fermigier, Jacco Snoeijer, Johanna Ziegler

2 Dynamical wetting transition
continuous transition discontinuous transition Deraguin+Levi 1964 de Gennes 1986 apparent contact angle at the transition?

3 U Small scale physics stationary Huh and Scriven’s paradox:
moving contact line stationary U h

4 Lubrication equations
y nm h(x) g liquid bath note additional parameter x gravity viscous s.t.

5 Matching: Pull! matching impossible! U>Uc liquid bath g no overlap!
compare curvature : microscopic length l U>Uc liquid bath g no overlap! match! U<Uc liquid bath g matching impossible! outer meniscus

6 Critical speed matching condition “Cox-Voinov” curvature

7 Wetting transition Delon et al., JFM 2007 Derjaguin+Levi 1964:
at transition Derjaguin+Levi 1964: transient experiment:

8 Beyond the transition h x after before h apparent contact line x sim
theory contact line

9 Another transition plate angle Ziegler et al., EPJ `09

10 Wetting transition new film solution! Delon et al., JFM 2007

11 The Landau Levich Derjaguin film
II LL-equation I: bath

12 The dimple! II III balance includes gravity! I: bath

13 A range of new solutions

14 Phase diagram new thick film solutions! Experiment: complete wetting
partial wetting

15 The film profile the dimple! new thick film theory LLD film theory
bath Snoeijer et al., PRL `08

16 The big picture 1/2 Derjaguin 1/2 2/3 so far! 1

17 A fun movie made in Bristol
Bristol Evening Post …work with Philippe Brunet, Robert Deegan

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