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Proteins and DNA Chapter 3.

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1 Proteins and DNA Chapter 3

2 Proteins Proteins are polymers constructed from 20 amino acids
Amino acids are linked by dehydration Covalent bonds between amino acids are called peptide bonds

3 Amino acid structure Each amino acid contains A central carbon
An amino group A carboxylic acid group A lone Hydrogen An R group which varies and makes each AA different




7 Levels of protein organization
Primary structure- DNA directions determine the sequence of 20 amino acids in a long chain. Each protein has a different sequence 2. Secondary structure – Hydrogen bonds form two folding patterns Alpha helix- coil Beta pleated sheet- accordion Or no pattern Random coil- no shape

8 Levels of protein structure
3. Tertiary structure- R groups of different Amino acids bond and create distorted shapes. Protein is called a globular protein. Most proteins are now ready to work 4. Quaternary structure- some proteins require several globular units to do their job collagen is made of three strands hemoglobin is made of four globs


10 Denaturing Proteins When proteins are exposed to high temperatures or extreme pH the secondary, tertiary and quaternary bonds unravel Protein loses its shape and cannot do its function


12 Nucleic Acids DNA- deoxyribonucleic acid RNA- ribonucleic acid
Made of nucleotides (monomers) Nucleotides are made of A phosphate One of two different five carbon sugars One of five different nitrogen bases

13 DNA Nucleotide structure Phosphate Deoxyribose – sugar
Possible Nitrogenous bases Adenine (A) Thymine (T) Guanine (G) Cytosine (C)

14 RNA Nucleotide structure Phosphate Ribose – sugar Nitrogen bases
Adenine Uracil Guanine Cytosine






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