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GA June 2012, AHL Meeting FVE General Assembly Amsterdam (NL), Friday 8 June 2012 Agenda point 9b: Animal Health Law a brief update Jan Vaarten Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "GA June 2012, AHL Meeting FVE General Assembly Amsterdam (NL), Friday 8 June 2012 Agenda point 9b: Animal Health Law a brief update Jan Vaarten Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 GA June 2012, AHL Meeting FVE General Assembly Amsterdam (NL), Friday 8 June 2012 Agenda point 9b: Animal Health Law a brief update Jan Vaarten Executive director

2 2 Community Animal Health Law TIMELINE:  2007: adoption Animal Health Strategy ‘prevention is better than cure’ (‘07-’13)  pillar 2: EU animal health law  Adoption in package with official controls 882, Plant health, Seeds & propagating material  March 3th Q 2012: planned adoption proposal “before the end of the year”

3 DG SANCO information of last week No further consultations Busy to put it on paper Input “legal services” Translation 3

4 Several draft versions circulated Internal discussions in the EU Commission On technical and juridical matters Lisbon treaty  delegated acts 4

5 FVE’s remarks Work in progress Several new, different versions Not always consistent Focus on main lines

6 FVE’s remarks No clear vision nor provisions concerning structure and organisation of veterinary services or a reference to other standards Nothing to “identify” the licensed veterinarian FVE welcomes farm visitation Need for herd health planning Connection with official controls legislation??

7 Delegated Acts Allow EU Cie to amend, supplement and delete non-essential elements of basic legislation for example ……….In order to take account of technical progress,the Commission may adopt, by means of delegated acts in accordance with Article 19b and subject to the conditions of Articles 19c and 19d, amendments to the technical requirements for the identification as laid down in Annex Ia. 7

8 8 Delegated Act of the Commission (no formal adoption of a committee needed) The legislative act must lay down 1. objectives, content, scope and duration of the delegation 2. Conditions to which the delegation is subject European Parliament (absolute majority) Council (qualified majority) Comission assisted by an expert Group The delegated act may enter into force only if no objection (on any ground) has been expressed by the European Parliament or the Council within a period set by the legislative act Council or Parliament can revoke the power of delegation

9 9 Thank you!

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