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Politics of Tourism: Effects on Citizen Oppression

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1 Politics of Tourism: Effects on Citizen Oppression
Progress Presentation 2: Nov. 17, 2010

2 Outline Research Question A compressed literature review!
Preliminary results/working thesis Case study Revised research design Challenges Questions

3 Question: rephrased, rewritten, restated…
Does a state’s protection of the tourism industry lead to oppression of its citizens? If so, what are the circumstances under which oppression is more likely? vs. Does a state’s protection of the tourism industry impact the behaviour and actions of government towards its citizens? If so, under what conditions are actions/behaviours detrimental or beneficial to citizens? Why the change? Allows me to deviate from oppression, especially when it is such a contested and vague definition Leaves room for negation of my initial hypothesis….

4 Preliminary results/working thesis
The protection of tourism will be least oppressive in developed countries with more homogenous societies, a high level of economic diversity, central and regulated tourism planning, no history of civil unrest, and long involvement in tourism and responsible corporate ties. Wait that’s right, we only have 50 pages! Protection of the tourism industry will impact government action and behaviour based on the type of tourism that is prevalent in the region. *note: I have no idea which will be more beneficial or detrimental at this point..though I have a couple suspicions….

5 Research and Readings: a compressed literature review

6 Tourism theory C. M. Hall Wilks & Leggat Patricia Goldstone
Tourism and Politics: Policy, Power and Place Wilks & Leggat Tourism in Tubulent Times (2006) Patricia Goldstone Making the World Safe for Tourism (2001) Hall & Jenkins Tourism and Public Policy (1995) S.N. Chib Tourism and the Third World (1980) Eric Neumeyer The Impact of Political Violence on Tourism (2004)

7 Oppression/detrimental effects
Christian Davenport Multi-Dimensional Threat Perception and State Repression (1995) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Patricia Goldstone Making the World Safe for Tourism (2001) hard and soft force: military, police, segregation vs. image protection through media, under-reporting of crime, Prilleltensky & Gonick Politics Change, Oppression Remains: on the psychology and politics of oppression (1996) “restricted life-chances, actual or potential use of force against oppressed, systematic domination, internal colonisation, agregated institutional discrimination, restricted opportunity to challenge authority, fragmentation of the oppressed community” (Prilleltensky &Gonick, 1996; 130)

8 Additional (useless?) texts
Hall & Page Geography of Tourism and Recreation: environment, place and space (1999) Anthropology literature D.A. Wasson The Modern Type of Oppression (1874)

9 Case Study Have I finally made up my mind?!

10 Why Mexico as a case study?
Easy to access information I feel comfortable since I have visited the country (not that it makes me an expert by any means) More useful to compare by region and type of tourism Won’t necessarily have to account for large differences in culture, gov’t structure, history, etc. that I would have for a cross-country comparison

11 Revised Research Design
Buhalis and Costa Tourism Management Dynamics: trends, management and tools (2006) David Fennel Tourism Ethics (2006) Wilks, Pendergast and Leggat Tourism in Turbulent Times (2006) Church and Cole Tourism, Power and Space (2007)

12 Mexico specifics Niblo and Niblo Markowitz Document: Clancy
Acapulco in Dreams and Reality (2008) Markowitz Cultural Tourism: Exploration or Exploitation of American Indians? (2001) Document: Mexico-United States: Agreement on the Development and Facilitation of Tourism (1990) Clancy Mexican Tourism: Export Growth and Structural Change since 1970 (2001) Government of Mexico tourism offices

13 Challenges I’m still a little shakey on how I am going to find the same amount of information for each “type of tourism” and how many I want to actually look at… How do I account for regions with more than one kind of tourism?

14 Questions, comments, interrogation!!!
THE END! Questions, comments, interrogation!!!

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